Thread Number: 37064
Automatic/Automatic Plus programme - Miele
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Post# 551353   10/23/2011 at 03:18 (4,760 days old) by rudin1969 (Italy)        

I'm a bit puzzled by the Miele Automatic (now called Automatic Plus - anybody aware of differences with the previous version?) programme. I washed a set of fitted sheets the other day (100% cotton) and surprise surprise the machine selected the 'minimum iron' tumble rhythm, cool down and spin profile. Is it so sensitive that the little bit of elastic is detected and triggers the 'mininum iron' setting? Also, washing towels/bathrobes also seems to trigger 'minimum iron'...
Any feedback?

Post# 551382 , Reply# 1   10/23/2011 at 09:09 (4,760 days old) by mrboilwash (Munich,Germany)        

mrboilwash's profile picture
The only difference to a permanent press cycle I have ever noticed was an additional longer high speed intermediate spin after the first rinse and a different final spin pattern when I used the 40 Automatic program as a prewash for an absorbant load. The long intermediate spin occured after a short burst of spin like it does in permanent press. Found this pretty unusual.
But haven`t used Automatic very often, all those special programes are pretty useless for me. Wish I had a bigger temperature choice in cotton programes instead of having Mini 40 and Automatic 40.

Post# 551437 , Reply# 2   10/23/2011 at 17:34 (4,760 days old) by mielerod69 (Australia)        

mielerod69's profile picture
Hi rudin1969,
the main difference between the 2 programme is the following: Automatic was designed for a 3.5 kg load. Now with the larger drum the capacity for this programme is 5 kg. I use the programme quite often and find if I do load of towels or cottons it does do more of a Cottons profile wash. I have the W 3985 WPS and a W 5949 WPS liquidwash

Post# 551526 , Reply# 3   10/24/2011 at 09:07 (4,759 days old) by rudin1969 (Italy)        

Many thanks!
I'll have another go with towels.

Post# 551787 , Reply# 4   10/25/2011 at 12:06 (4,758 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        

paulc's profile picture
I have used the Automatic programme a few times but have found you need quite a lot of laundry to trigger the cottons rhythm. I would have thought that as the programme is designed to wash mixed fabric loads that it would still do a cool down phase on the cottons rhythm to reduce creasing on any synthetics that were in the load but on my machine (W1613) this does not seem to be the case, it only does a cool down if the synthetic rhythm is picked by the machine. To me the cottons wash performs better, reducing the tumbles when a smaller load is washed and reducing the time however I find it does set creases in clothing as it has no cool down at all. I tend to use Min Iron for most of our clothing.

Post# 552267 , Reply# 5   10/27/2011 at 14:08 (4,756 days old) by mrwash ()        

I don't like that cycle. I can't select water plus on automatic plus cycle. So I often use other cycles, the Supertronic has enough...

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