Thread Number: 37129
1992 Kitchenaid Superba KUDS220T3 - overheating motor/pump problem
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Post# 552273   10/27/2011 at 14:30 (4,788 days old) by davesdesign ()        

I'm yet another lost soul looking for help to fix our 'ol 1992 Kitchenaid Superba dishwasher which recently came down with an overheating motor/pump. (you could smell the burning insulation on the winding wires).

My friend Teri Moran, a local repairman, says the 19 year old motor is definitely shot but they've stopped making this part so what to do??? A search of the internet has turned up a used motor on ebay for 50 bucks, but it'll cost 25 bucks to ship it here and 25 bucks to ship it back to get my refund if it stops working in 7 days (plus Teri's install cost of 100 dollars) and making this decision is putting a strain on the this 53 year old brain.

I guess the big question is; is it worth trying to fix this old machine with a used motor which might last a month, year or five if I'm lucky. And if it holds up, what other part is waiting in the wings to go bad? Oye, I'm downright purrrplexxed. I'd hate to throw 200 dollars down the drain when that money could go towards a new dishwasher :-P

Anyhoo, I'm not sure exactly what to do, thought I might post here to get a few much needed suggestions.

Thanks, and best regards ~ ~ ~ Dave

Kitchenaid Superba -- KUDS220T3

Part Number of Motor -- 4171577

Post# 552277 , Reply# 1   10/27/2011 at 14:40 (4,788 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture
An alternative to replacing off Fleabay is having the original motor rewound. These services are typically available in any metro. Then you have a professional service and a warranty. I do not know the cost for these services.

Post# 552301 , Reply# 2   10/27/2011 at 16:13 (4,788 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

You have my dream machine and it's definitely worth fixing.  Check Craigslist for an entire parts machine locally, which could be cheaper than using eBay and paying shipping for just the motor.  I have the In-Sink-Erator "Classic Supreme" version of your machine, so be on the lookout for that brand as well.


Others here can advise on whether motors from earlier or later model series, like perhaps a KUDS21 or 23 would work.

Post# 552321 , Reply# 3   10/27/2011 at 19:19 (4,788 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Only a motor from a 21 or 22 will work on your machine. Rebuilding one of these motors while possible is not usually worth it. 90% of these DW motors fail because water gets into them, it would be best to get a whole used assembly and install a new shaft seal and be sure to also get the start relay with the replacement motor.

Post# 555350 , Reply# 4   11/9/2011 at 10:02 (4,775 days old) by STEVET (West Melbourne, FL)        

Is your machine's pump still overheating? Have you checked that the relay is not sticking and keeping the start windings in the circuit and thus overheating the motor?

If you plan on repairing the motor, I may have a complete pump assembly for the dishwasher. It is actually not too difficult to install as the whole assembly comes out from inside the tank. In many cases, the machine does not need to be pulled out of the cabinet(if you know what you are doing!)

Let me know and I will check further for you and perhaps we can work out a deal on it.

Post# 556756 , Reply# 5   11/15/2011 at 10:09 (4,769 days old) by davesdesign ()        
KUDS220T3 Update

Steve, thanks for your response and for others who posted helpful tips. It's appreciated.

I planned on posting an update after installing the newly purchased used Kitchenaid but since it's still sitting in the garage, I'll update this posting and then post again with news of how the new(old) unit is working ... or... not working.

A bit of history ...

I took the advice of RP2813 and searched the Chicago area Craigs List. No motor turned up, but I found a listing for a used Kitchenaid dishwasher which looked very much like ours. Since his photo was so dark, I couldn't really tell so I asked for the model number he said it was ... kudi220t0

A Google image search turned up very little on kudi220t0 (except parts drawings) so I decided to drive down to Glenview and see it for myself. The unit was definitely a couple of years older then ours, (not sure how much older) with an odd "timer dial" on the left side which was eliminated on our kuds220t3 model. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't an exact match but after a thorough check of the excellent interior and fairly nice exterior, I couldn't resist the 40 dollar price tag and brought the new puppy home. My cousin helped me unload it and promised to come by to help install it, but he's one busy man and so I wait, and wait and wait.

While I wait, a couple of questions ...

Since I prefer the sleek look of our kuds220t3 model, do you folks think it would be possible to swap motors? Or perhaps a simpler fix is to swap out the Relay Switch as Steve suggests? Any other ideas are welcome and appreciated.


Post# 556809 , Reply# 6   11/15/2011 at 14:21 (4,769 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

What your $40 got you was the "Imperial" model, which is middle-of-the-line for KA.  Your "Superba" model with the bad motor is top-of-the-line.  You should be able to swap out a lot of the parts, and it would be worth using the Imperial as a donor machine for the Superba, and keeping it around for future needs if you have the room. 


I think you should be able to swap out either the motors or the relay switches between the two machines.  Steve can confirm.

Post# 557033 , Reply# 7   11/16/2011 at 12:45 (4,768 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
Take the Plunge!

Just leave your Superba in its place. Go to the donor machine, throw some water in the tank, connect a line cord to it and make sure that the pump works and does not leak. If all is well, then drain it and then remove the whole pump from it and swap it with your Superba's pump. The motor relay is on the right side of the front crossmember held in with one screw with a pink, blue and black (IIRC) set of wires attached to it.
Put these parts in the Superba and you should be on your way.

Since the donor machine is in the garage, you can lay it on its back and see how it is all put together and how the motor comes out. Lay the machine back to the upright position and then you will need to unlatch the 3 clips that hold the motor in the tank. Disconnect the wires to the motor including the grounding wire,remove the plastic hose that supplies the water to the top arm and pull the pump up thru the inside of the tank. If it is stuck, put a 2x4 under the motor and then you should be able to lean on the machine and rock the motor out of the tank by pushing down on the front of the machine or rocking the tank from front to back.

Do the same to the Superba's motor and then drop the donor motor in its place.
Lubricate the rubber ring on the motor plate with Dawn or Palmolive dish soap and it will slide right into place. Snap the clips and conenct the hose and wires and you should be good to go.

If you need more info, let me or the others here know and we will walk you thru it.

btw, if you want to just try the relay, take it off the donor and put it in place on the Superba. It MUST be installed with the word TOP pointing to the top! If you dont. it willo cook the motor fast!

Post# 982040 , Reply# 8   2/9/2018 at 14:37 (2,491 days old) by ruka74 (Minneapolis)        
Looking for parts

I have a KUDS220T3 kitchen aid Superba.. it came with the house and it has worked great until now.. however the racks are getting very rusty and I am having a hard time finding the pieces. I need the upper and the lower dish racks in case someone has them and wants to part with them.. please, please let me know... I don't want to replace the whole think just because of the racks.. Thanks!!

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