Thread Number: 37173
Maytag dryer repair
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Post# 552841   10/30/2011 at 18:12 (4,732 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)        

I bought this set new in 2001, LAT 2500 washer and MGD 2300 dryer. In 2008 the tub seal and bearing failed, and I had it repaired. I had heard that this seal was a problem with these machines. Probably a lot of people would get rid of them with that problem. A few days ago the dryer stopped heating. I had taken the front off and cleaned it out about a year ago so I knew what it looked like inside.

Post# 552843 , Reply# 1   10/30/2011 at 18:14 (4,732 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)        
Front off

Picture of the front off. Again, at this point most people would get rid of the dryer. I remembered that the ignitor looked a lot like the ignitor in my furnace. I happened to have a spare, so I put it in. I know that it would not be unsafe because if the gas does not ignite, the system would turn off.

Post# 552844 , Reply# 2   10/30/2011 at 18:17 (4,732 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)        
Ignitor comparo

The ignitor on the top is failed one, I cut off the plug and spliced it on the furnace ignitor which is pictured below.

Post# 552845 , Reply# 3   10/30/2011 at 18:23 (4,732 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)        
New ignitor

Picture of new ignitor in the machine. I did order a new ignitor and when I recieved it I installed it. I think it is better to have the proper one in there.

So, who else would figure out what's wrong, and would have a spare part that would work, at least until the new one was obtained? Only someone in this group.

One reason I installed the temporary one is that the parts store was closed (it was late Saturday) and I would have to wait until Monday. I ended up ordering it on line at


Post# 553204 , Reply# 4   10/31/2011 at 20:25 (4,731 days old) by eronie (Flushing Michigan)        

its the same part the plug maby be different though !!!

Post# 553214 , Reply# 5   10/31/2011 at 20:44 (4,731 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
we will presume the old igniter didn't GLOW anymore....and the temporary one does?

problem solved!

if it doesn't glow.......we would have to look further

let us know how you made out


Post# 553365 , Reply# 6   11/1/2011 at 13:17 (4,730 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)        
Temporary part

I checked out the old ignitor with a continuity meter and it did fail. The new one did work. I didn't want to operate the dryer with the front off because the air flow pulls the heated air through the dryer. With the door off the system will not draw the air through. So I never did see it actually glow. The temporary ignitor did work though so I continued to use the dryer until the new part arrived.

These ignitors are called hot surface ignitors and yes, they glow red hot when energized.


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