Thread Number: 37284
Longest running range names...
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Post# 554442   11/6/2011 at 03:10 (4,821 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
So I got to thinking as I'm looking at the current Hotpoint range with a view to buy and I thought I wonder how much longer they will run these range names?

Aquarius has been around 20years! Ultima a couple of years behind...what would they call them next?

Then I thought about other range names which had been around for a few years, I immediately thought of Hoover with there "electron" range and AEG "Lavamat".

Any more for any more?


Post# 554444 , Reply# 1   11/6/2011 at 03:57 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture

Can't think of many more, I will add to this thread if I think of any more!


Post# 554449 , Reply# 2   11/6/2011 at 05:59 (4,821 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Not quite as long but.....

Whirlpool's 6th Sence must've been around nearly 10 years now.

Oh and Darren, i'm shocked you didn't remember Jetsystem. Think you should buy a new one instead of a Hotpoint as a way of making up for it ;-)


Post# 554451 , Reply# 3   11/6/2011 at 06:03 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
... you should be a police officer, assuming you already aren't...

Oh Lordie, I am in trouble!


Post# 554453 , Reply# 4   11/6/2011 at 06:42 (4,821 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Bosch logixx etc have been here for a while now.

Post# 554455 , Reply# 5   11/6/2011 at 06:54 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
Ate you getting the WT960?

I just thought of one that i'm suprised Chris hasn't thought of...

The Aquamatic!

Post# 554459 , Reply# 6   11/6/2011 at 07:09 (4,821 days old) by FL1012 ()        

...what makes you say i should be a Policeman? It's not the first time i've been told that!


Post# 554460 , Reply# 7   11/6/2011 at 07:13 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
The Zanussi method of punishment!

hotpointfan's profile picture
"Oh and Darren, i'm shocked you didn't remember Jetsystem. Think you should buy a new one instead of a Hotpoint as a way of making up for it ;-) "

Oh and your a character... not from a film, just your funny :D


Post# 554465 , Reply# 8   11/6/2011 at 07:28 (4,821 days old) by FL1012 ()        

Darren won't listen to me, even though he knows deep down that i'm right ;-)

And thanks, i have my moments - i'm often very grumpy though!

Although not a continuous range, the Servis Quartz ran on & off for a long time - i remember seeing some 90s or possibly 2000s models with 'Quartz' on them.


Post# 554470 , Reply# 9   11/6/2011 at 08:12 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
Liam, they kind of had square doors but they were rounded didn't they?

I remember them too!


Post# 554471 , Reply# 10   11/6/2011 at 08:19 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
Its in this advert for Comet, appears at 0:03!

Also a photo of the machine I remember, the same as you Liam?



Post# 554479 , Reply# 11   11/6/2011 at 09:11 (4,821 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
Doesn't miss a trick :-p though I should be ashamed claiming to be a huge zanussi fan. to be fair I have been up since 7 and i'm knackered lol.

I unfortunately wouldn't buy a new Zanussi after the drastic quality cut they've made of late.

I am a great fan of recent IndesitCompany offerings and I have been very happy with the 3 I've had lately. Having started my new job I've decided it's time to treat myself and I'm not quite financially sorted enough to go buy another LG. Currently weighing up the Ultima 1600 or the Aqualtis 1600. Can't decide!!


Post# 554501 , Reply# 12   11/6/2011 at 10:03 (4,821 days old) by FL1012 ()        

Yep, that's the one, Jacob! Not quite the icon that the older Quartz are, but maybe one day!

Darren! Some of us havn't even been to bed for Saturday night yet - you're clearly not as hardcore as i thought ;-)

The Indesit/Hotpoint stuff does seem to have improved with the Prime/WML ranges etc, compared to the WIL/WF ranges, i agree. It'd seem most Aqualtis models of any age are decent, but i guess they're quite expensive so ought to be better than the core ranges.

I suppose it's just a personal preference - having not owned a Jetsystem, the new ZWH7142J (and similar) do still appeal more than Hotpoint/Indesit, but i know you're abit of a size queen & since Zanussi only go to 8kg, it's probably not big enough to satisfy you. *Ahem*

Liam :P

Post# 554504 , Reply# 13   11/6/2011 at 10:12 (4,821 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
LOL well I am knocking on in now Liam, these late nights catch up with me :-p

I can certainly certify the comparison. My WT960 was awful in comparison to my Indesit IWE7145 & Aqualtis.

I think the jetsystem's still maintain a little decency the basic model zanussi's are hideous especially that Thai made hash..I mean model.

*Chokes on Coffee!* Yes I do like a big...drum.

D x

Post# 554539 , Reply# 14   11/6/2011 at 13:57 (4,821 days old) by nrones ()        

...again me writing about Candy. Bored myself already :P But as much as I tried not to make a post about Candy, it was the only one non-written here, that I know this stuff about xD

Since 1985 Candy names it's whole washer-dryer combo range ALISE, and it remains like that till now (and it will). The only one exception was UK where they were called TURBOMATIC in 80s, however they call them everywhere ALISE now.. So, that's 26 years of living range.

Since early 90s, there is a range HOLIDAY, for extra slim depth washing machines (33cm deep), and this one is still alive aswell. So, let's make it 20 years old now ;)


Here is just a picture of oldest and youngest from both ranges - However I can't say I am 100% sure that that Holiday one is the oldest. Maybe someone can find older? I'd appreciate it :)

Post# 554549 , Reply# 15   11/6/2011 at 14:40 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
... Turbomatic ad on my link :) I think these are very nice!



Post# 554550 , Reply# 16   11/6/2011 at 14:42 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Hang on...

hotpointfan's profile picture
... Ariston! The Margherita!

A nice pizza, a nice washer?!

Post# 554553 , Reply# 17   11/6/2011 at 14:45 (4,821 days old) by supermaticjames (Donegal, Ireland)        
I bet you's would have forgotten all about this one...


First appeared on English Electric washing machines from 1966 (I think) then when GEC took over and eventually merged it with Hotpoint. Hotpoint took on the Liberator name and in 1979 the Reversomatic name was revived on the tumble dryers as well as being the term for bi-directional tumbling over the years.

Hoover Keymatic, Hotpoint Supermatic, Hoover Spinarinse, Hoovermatic are also long standing names.


Post# 554555 , Reply# 18   11/6/2011 at 14:47 (4,821 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Oh spam...

hotpointfan's profile picture
... I did forget those!

My washer knowledge stops at about 1980 though...

Post# 554590 , Reply# 19   11/6/2011 at 17:05 (4,821 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
AEG Lavamat is indeed a long running name. I think the name Lavamat was used in the late 50's for the first time, so it's over 50 years old now.

V-Zug is using the type name Unimatic for it's commercial machines for a very long time too. They introduced the name in 1950 and they are still using it. So the name Unimatic has been used for 61 years now by V-Zug.

Post# 554596 , Reply# 20   11/6/2011 at 17:27 (4,821 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Unimatic has been used for 61 years

ronhic's profile picture thinks that they may just win this one Cool

Post# 554726 , Reply# 21   11/7/2011 at 04:44 (4,820 days old) by ariston4life ((Dublin) Ireland)        

ariston4life's profile picture
As Jacob mentioned and i would have if id seen this sooner id have said:

Ariston Margherita
Ariston Quadrifoglio
neither of them still in use but as ive heard the new Hotpoints are dubbed Margherita 2.0

Post# 554743 , Reply# 22   11/7/2011 at 07:57 (4,820 days old) by MatthewZA (Cape Town, South Africa)        

here in SA the Defy 'auto maid' has been around for about 20 years. the Defy brand has been around for 100 years I think

Post# 555047 , Reply# 23   11/8/2011 at 10:44 (4,819 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Zanussi Aquacycle?

Post# 555059 , Reply# 24   11/8/2011 at 11:36 (4,819 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
I'd say 15 years?

Post# 555117 , Reply# 25   11/8/2011 at 15:49 (4,819 days old) by paulinroyton (B)        

Hi guys.

What about Zanussi Washcraft.


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