Thread Number: 37286
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Post# 554464   11/6/2011 at 07:27 (4,725 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

i really want one of these machine does anybody own one of these?

Post# 554488 , Reply# 1   11/6/2011 at 09:46 (4,725 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
Its just a beefed up looking Whirlpool. Though I do like the look of them.


Post# 554491 , Reply# 2   11/6/2011 at 09:50 (4,725 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

The Italian whirlpool line-up has that aesthetic line since early 2010 I think, could be a little earlier than that but I really don't pay attention to Whirlpool machines.

Post# 554494 , Reply# 3   11/6/2011 at 09:53 (4,725 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
You wanna be looking at the "maytasko" as they've been dubbed! Lovely machines!

Mr King will vouch for that!


Post# 554545 , Reply# 4   11/6/2011 at 14:14 (4,725 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

i wonder if the drum is screwed or sealed, this model is suppose to have a auto dosing detergent draw where u can set how much detergent and softner to use at a time.

Post# 554728 , Reply# 5   11/7/2011 at 04:57 (4,725 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Bauknecht in Maytag disguise. Expect lower quality than other machines in it's price range. Bauknecht has a bad reputation in Germany and the Netherlands. You would think that over the years that they would get their act together, but no such things. The newer Bauknechts still have problems. And be prepared for a noisy machine, Bauknechts have always been much noisier than the other German brands.

There also seems a problem with the side panels of the newer machines. A lot of customers are complaining about rattling during the spin. Whirlpool has installed extra panels on some machines to deal with this. Apparently they know of the problem and have a remedy for it. If only they would install them on the production line...

Post# 554735 , Reply# 6   11/7/2011 at 07:06 (4,724 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Louis, vibrating side panels were a problem with the earliest Duets like the one I had.

Now a question: Who made the Maytag FLs that were sold in in the UK several years ago? Thanks.

Post# 554737 , Reply# 7   11/7/2011 at 07:32 (4,724 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
The Maytag frontloaders sold in the UK years ago (like Mike has) were made by Asko. Different machines from different manufacturers from different countries. The only thing they had in common was the Maytag label.

Post# 554758 , Reply# 8   11/7/2011 at 09:36 (4,724 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Thanks, Louis. I knew it was a re-badge job, just not who was making them.

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