Thread Number: 37554
neputne parts question
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Post# 558357   11/21/2011 at 16:14 (4,831 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
hey all have a neptune washer MAH4000AWW in the house for my daily driver its been a good machine for me. i got the machine 4 years ago for 50 bucks did brgs in the back and she has been fine. what im lookin for is a good used control board for the machine. any leads or anyone have any they would like to sell? please let me know thanks lots chris

Post# 558372 , Reply# 1   11/21/2011 at 17:45 (4,831 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
Can I ask why you need a control board?


Post# 558390 , Reply# 2   11/21/2011 at 19:41 (4,831 days old) by tnmike (Knoxville, Tennessee)        

tnmike's profile picture
Hi Chris,

I think I have the board you want...NIB...never been opened. I looked that model up on repair clinic and it came up as one of the first generation machines. We had one that the board went out...Maytag shipped TWO boards to us. We called them and told them. They said they didn't send two so would not send a call tag to pick it up. SO...I kept it.

It can be yours, IF the price is right! :)

Actually I am thinking maybe you cover postage and a Thank You? How does that sound?

part number 12001725

Post# 558405 , Reply# 3   11/21/2011 at 20:42 (4,830 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
wax motor

control board may have been damaged by "wax motor" heat pellet flashover-that
damaged the control board in the '98 MAH3000 i bought in non-operating condition
and fixed-had to replace a burnt out triac and resistor on the control board.
Shorted wax motor blowing out the control board is a common early neptune problem
-usually involving the door latch wax motor,(two more of the same wax motors are
on the dispenser-at least on 3000)the cause is the disc-shaped heat pellet that
warms the wax chamber of the"wax motor"is not insulated around the edge,with the
conductive faces only about 1/16" apart-this gets a little damp and "flashes over"
blowing up the triac(on control board)that drives it.On my neptune i carefully
took apart,repaired and insulated the original wax motor,but a new one can be
installed too LOL.The original flashover prone wax motor is reddish-brown in color,
i think the improved replacement wax motor is white in color.If you have a blown
triac on your control board,best to replace the wax motor too.

Post# 558420 , Reply# 4   11/21/2011 at 21:57 (4,830 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
The replacement wax motor body is still reddish in color BUT the tip of the plunger/actuator is black. If the actuator is reddish like the main body of the wax motor, it is the older style and needs to go away as fast as possible! Some of my customers have made the mistake of replacing the board without replacing the wax motor and found out that it only took seconds! for the motor to short the new board out. Ouch!


Post# 558568 , Reply# 5   11/22/2011 at 15:30 (4,830 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
hey mike just shot you an email sounds good to me.. this is the second neptune i have had the first one was a 3000 and i got that before they were ever on the market years ago when they first came out then around 5 years ago i sold that one off i thought at the time it had seen its best years so i went and got a frigidaire front load from sears nasty machine so i sent it back and found this 400 on craigs list for 50 bucks. i put a brg into the machine and did the wax motor retro fit along with the circut redo along with the motor and board re do and a belt and all was fine. the only reason i did all this work is that i really liked the first one and for what it goes through on a regular basis and for the ease of use for my mom who is now 80 i wanted to get another one. but as of late it has started to do what the orig macine was doing it at times has a mind of its own it is starting to do what ever it wants when ever it wants and with the first one the main board was the problem so im gonna go for it. i cant see spending 1200 for a cool new speed queen front load so im gonna fix up the neputne

Post# 558583 , Reply# 6   11/22/2011 at 16:37 (4,830 days old) by neptunehelp ()        
Neptune issues

Hi Chris,

What is the Neptune not doing right exactly? Does the door locked light come on when it should be spinning, but it is not ramping up? Does it shut down randomly? Jeff

Post# 558586 , Reply# 7   11/22/2011 at 16:57 (4,830 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
oh no no all the lights work properly the door locks and unlocks the timer moves as it should it hits high spin but what it will do as the first neptune did are things like it will fill with what ever water temp it likes at times and it will put the rinse agent in on the first rinse at times or it will run a full spin out after the wash then go back and finish up the rest of the cycle it will run an extra rinse when its not selected just stuff like that. and all those functions are controled by the main board. ha ha its like it has a ghost in there. but i really hate to trash the machine and put an oldy in the house for every day i have a feeling mom would kill what ever machine i put in the house. the neptune is pretty strong

Post# 558688 , Reply# 8   11/23/2011 at 04:11 (4,829 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        

I hope you can get your neptune fixed? I had one and it wouldn't go into a full spin after the wash cycle,but not every time,go figure, and I was told it was part of the "mechanics" of the machine I wasn't used to it because it was my first FL'r. So after a year of that misery I gave up and got rid of it.I had the exact same neptune prior to that before I lost it in a flood and it work great even with non HE detergent, so I'm hoping better luck than I had will continue with yours and you'll have for some time to come.For my experience it was a great machine when it worked :)

Post# 560259 , Reply# 9   11/29/2011 at 19:25 (4,823 days old) by fordtech ()        

I love my Neptunes, and have enough parts to keep them going another 15 years. By then I wont care what I have as Ill probably be too old to care.

Post# 560285 , Reply# 10   11/29/2011 at 20:59 (4,822 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

i love mine too-quickly became my no.1 daily driver,awesome washers!
Mine still has a minor inlet valve problem i need to fix-have found a puddle of
water in the tub on a few occaisions-must seep a little at times.Also,next time
it's apart,i'll add a timer module to the tub light circuit so i can leave the
door open with out the light on or having to unplug the washer.

Post# 562179 , Reply# 11   12/9/2011 at 16:12 (4,813 days old) by fordtech ()        

They deleted the tub light on the last couple years prouduction models for that reason. I never leave mine open anymore since figuring out that the mildew problems of the past were just poor usage habits. No odors now for the past 7 years.

Post# 562225 , Reply# 12   12/9/2011 at 20:21 (4,812 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I have 7 total Neptunes(5500 series) far

what is there not to love about these machines?

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