Thread Number: 37626
Avanti Portable Dryer
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Post# 559591   11/27/2011 at 01:43 (4,674 days old) by frapdoodle ()        

Hey! For Christmas, I have decided I want a portable dryer. I'm pretty sure I am getting one made by Avanti. Can anyone please share thoughts, experiences, or possible problems I might face? Anything will be very helpful! Happy Holidays!

Post# 559743 , Reply# 1   11/27/2011 at 15:29 (4,674 days old) by macboy91si (Frankfort, KY)        

macboy91si's profile picture
All of these dryers are of the same design. They are OK little units, I have a Haier HPL140E which is essentially the same thing but with auto-dry. I don't understand why the Avanti/Summit versions are so expensive though, they have only timed dry but the Haier is the best value for money and features. That said I like the look of the Avanti and the stainless drum and windowed door are a nice touch. These dryers use a PTC for heating and coupled with less than perfect air circulation make for a slow drying experience generally. Expect 90+ minutes for a "normal" load washed in a matching washer (or Haier, Avanti, or similar portable).

Parts are also hard to come by, but the machines are fairly simple and the Haier that my mother uses has held up well. It is also impossible to keep the lint out of them as they leak lint like crazy from everywhere. There is a filter over the PTC grate that requires routine cleaning and there is a mesh screen and black felt-like disc underneath the lint filter in the back of the drum. The cloth disc keeps fine matter from ending up in the blower and needs to remain in place. When it is linty, it can be tossed in the washer as normal clothes.

I would seek out a used KM/WP unit but for a new dryer these are neat and like I said the Avanti is one of the nicer looking models. I think the new WP/KM are pricey unfortunately.

What are you going to be using for a washer?


Post# 559783 , Reply# 2   11/27/2011 at 19:05 (4,674 days old) by coldspot ()        

I have the Avanti the first ones with out auto dry the new ones now have auto dry. The drum is ss and the unit works great. Is there anything I do not like about it. Not that I can think of off hand. It can be wall mounted set on floor or what every.

They are built sort of like the old maytag the filter is in the back of the drum. Avanti sells the parts and there cheap. The only thing I had to replace after 2 yaers of using it is the cloth filter behind the plastic one. It cost a total of $5.98 free shipping.

Need any photos let me know this thing is built solid. The whole unit is metal only plastic is the door and the plat for the timer. The thing is fast also.

Post# 559821 , Reply# 3   11/27/2011 at 23:54 (4,674 days old) by frapdoodle ()        

It would be great if you could sent my a few photographs of the machine!


Post# 559824 , Reply# 4   11/28/2011 at 00:05 (4,674 days old) by macboy91si (Frankfort, KY)        
Chinese Dryers

macboy91si's profile picture
Why is it so hard to keep updated photos and specs on the sites that are selling these? It drives me crazy as most places that sell these list photos of the time-dry models still or older models. I remember when I bought the Haier, many sites listed pics of the original model with the timer knob and window door. All you could actually buy was the electronic version with no window.

When you say "fast" what do you consider fast and what are you using as a washer Coldspot? Just curious, the one I have is around 90 minutes from the Haier machine to the dryer. Also does your machine have lint issues?


Post# 559832 , Reply# 5   11/28/2011 at 01:22 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

Here is what I find with it. I had a front loader GE now a top loader Haier. I do find it takes about 10 min more to dry over the front loader. Shirts I can dry them in about 20 to 30min this is about 10 shirts. Socks and underwear are fast about 15 to 20 min. Jeans about 40min. Sheets are super fast I have king size so 2 sheets and the other bedding minus blanket about 18 min. Towels wash rags are the time killer about 60 min.

I was scared of lint problems. I had before this a whirlpool portable dryer. That thing was a lint fire trap no way to clean it so was not happy with it at all. I can say this unit is about lint free inside. I am waiting on the replacement cloth filter should be here this week.

Big tip if you have it by a window get a widow slid vent. It works like a window fan. Just shut window ontop of it then remove when done drying.

Here are the photos. This is the timer take note the new one has auto dry on off unlike like mine it has low or high heat on off. Notice crak in face plate my fault I got mine on the floor and hit it cleaning. lol

Post# 559833 , Reply# 6   11/28/2011 at 01:23 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

This is the unit front view

Post# 559834 , Reply# 7   11/28/2011 at 01:25 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

Inside of plastic door window is also plastic. But it has been great so far. You might ask to replace it is $12.00 from the company so far I have not had to at all. I just check pricing of parts.

Post# 559835 , Reply# 8   11/28/2011 at 01:26 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

Back of drum filter like a older maytag easy to clean if you ask me.

Post# 559836 , Reply# 9   11/28/2011 at 01:27 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

Drum is SS but the paddles are plastic so far there like new. Price to replace them is $1.55 a paddle. there are 3 of them in the drum

Post# 559837 , Reply# 10   11/28/2011 at 01:30 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

intake filter for heat air not sure. This filter never needs to be cleaned as much as the main one about twice a year. Company told me it could be replaced for under $0.50 I think you could make one it looks like a cheap paper filter maybe filet, Did not take a photo of it out of the holder it snaps in to the case of the unit.

Post# 559838 , Reply# 11   11/28/2011 at 01:31 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

Next main filter is 3 parts I took them in order of how they go toget her. First up the main holder

Post# 559839 , Reply# 12   11/28/2011 at 01:32 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

part 2 screen easy to clean just wipe it

Post# 559840 , Reply# 13   11/28/2011 at 01:33 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

part 3 I use a lint brush on this one. This is the old one 2 years old by the way. I use the dryer 2 or 3 times a week.

Post# 559841 , Reply# 14   11/28/2011 at 01:33 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

Back of drum with filter out of it

Post# 559842 , Reply# 15   11/28/2011 at 01:34 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

info tag on back of dryer

Post# 559843 , Reply# 16   11/28/2011 at 01:36 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

this is the vent it is a 3 inch I think. I used the wall mount vent part so I could aim it the way I needed it. With out it it is just a plastic pipe you can hook the hose to. Also note I use plastic vent pipe since I vent out a window I think it holds up better.

Post# 559844 , Reply# 17   11/28/2011 at 01:37 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

This iw the wall mount kit I have never open it but it is two hooks and screwes to hange it. Also 2 plastic spacers like legs go on back side of dryer at bottom to make it flush with all.

Post# 559845 , Reply# 18   11/28/2011 at 01:39 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

I got mine on the floor yes it is low down but ok by me it has 4 feet on it to get it level. unit is not very heavy so it could be set on a table or what ever to raise it up.

Post# 559846 , Reply# 19   11/28/2011 at 01:48 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

Also I will add this is a lot like Maytag unit. It has 2 belts one for drum other for blower. This is the parts guide for the unit with photos of it to show the parts. I think the new unit is the same built just has auto dry and no high low heat button on it.


Post# 559877 , Reply# 20   11/28/2011 at 07:52 (4,673 days old) by macboy91si (Frankfort, KY)        
Avanti D110

macboy91si's profile picture

Thanks for the pictures coldspot, who do you go through for parts and the like?


Spotless compared to the Haier I had, but it is the same machine according to the parts diagram. The Haier has a galvanized drum and another screen in front of the blower which I detest. The reason I ask about the parts is that nobody carries parts for the Haier and many of these interchange.



Post# 559924 , Reply# 21   11/28/2011 at 12:48 (4,673 days old) by coldspot ()        

I just called Avanti there in Florida. Hold time was not bad at all gave them the part # I needed and they took cc over the phone. I also ask price of parts that could need to be replaced down the road.

Belt for drum $7.99 built for blower $2.98
Motor not bad $78.00
Timer was 14.98

I see also the summit dryer is also the same just a different shape window. It does not have autodry so it is just like the first Avanti.

So when shopping if auto dry is not something you need then I say look at the price for the unit. This link is for the summit dryer

I got mine from but at the time they were the only ones that sold it so shop around.


Post# 561647 , Reply# 22   12/7/2011 at 02:02 (4,664 days old) by frapdoodle ()        

So you this.k you could possibly post a few pictures with a typical load in it
I would like to get a good idea about how large the load outta be.
Thanks (:

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