Thread Number: 37706
Indesit Antifoam
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Post# 560936   12/3/2011 at 10:01 (4,691 days old) by aeg03 (London, UK)        


I saw in the Indesit Asia brochure the specs for the machines how that all have what they call 'Antifoam'. Does anyone know what the machine will do if there is excess foam? I wouldn't imagine it being sophisticated to add an extra rinse but perhaps it may stop the drum rhythm to prevent the suds spewing out the drawer. Who knows.

Post# 560941 , Reply# 1   12/3/2011 at 11:28 (4,691 days old) by henrypeter21 ()        

I am not sure about that, I have a hotpoint machine, and when mine does that, it drains and does an interim spin. if it is too foamy i will select extra rinse to rinse out all of the foam. I personally pour some water down the machine when it gets to bad, at the same time as the pump is energizing. This helps to flush the foam down to the pump and dilutes it with water.

Post# 561019 , Reply# 2   12/3/2011 at 17:23 (4,691 days old) by washboy2005 (UK)        

In the event of excessive foam my Indesit built Hotpoint used to drain, tumble slowly, then perform a slow spin. It also added two low level emergency rinses to the cycle in order to rid the foam!

Post# 563928 , Reply# 3   12/18/2011 at 16:16 (4,676 days old) by marthalover4eve ()        

what my indesit IWB5113 does

it attemps to spin 3 or 4 times depending on the suds :

Thick foam: just stops adds a rinse drains adds another rinse spins adds another rinse and so on

not so thick: attepmt 5 or 6 times go into distribution turns pump off turns it back on speeds up slowly if fails add rinse and carrys on as normal

Post# 563940 , Reply# 4   12/18/2011 at 17:27 (4,676 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
@ washboy2005

haxisfan's profile picture
Funny your Hotpoint does that... my Hoover does exactly the opposite: it does high water lever rinses to dilute the high concentration of detergent rather than low water level ones as you suggested. Once the foam is gone (at least from the sump), it will resume doing low water level rinses.

I think it's only fair to use more water to rinse out more detergent, the low water level might deceive you into thinking that the foam is gone but I would feel that it just died out within the fibres of the clothes. I might be wrong :-P

For this purpose I carried out an experiment once and I almost tripled the dosage of detergent (Ariel Excel Gel). I filmed it and posted it on YT... feel free to watch it... link below.

Bye :-)


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