Thread Number: 37721
My 2004 vintage GE Profile TOL Toploader
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Post# 561073   12/4/2011 at 00:59 (4,672 days old) by qualin (Canada)        

Before I Kijiji this thing, I'd like to share a few pictures of this machine with the rest of the group here. TOL GE's were hard to find, I had to custom order this one from an Appliance shop here in Calgary.

This machine was purchased about six months after we bought our house when our old Single-Speed Whirlpool ate a set of pillows and popped its cold water solenoid.

We'll start with the whole washer shot first. I apologize for the quality of the pictures, I took them with my phone.

The sticker on the front says it all.

Post# 561076 , Reply# 1   12/4/2011 at 01:13 (4,672 days old) by qualin (Canada)        
Control Panel shot!

Plenty of cycles. It has 28 cycles, 14 of them in French. (Just kidding.)

Cottons - Super (15 min wash), Extra (12 Min Wash), Med. (9 Min Wash), Light (6 Min Wash)
Quick Rinse
Spin Only
Easy Care Perm Press - Extra (12 min wash), Medium (9 Min wash)
Handwash - Very slow agitation, very unique to this model.
Casuals - Extra (12 Min wash), Medium (9 Min wash)

But wait, that's only 11 cycles! I've been ripped off! I suspect the 2nd Rinse option allows for use on all cycles, which makes it 22, the extended spin option may only work on six cycles, making 28.

This washer also can soak on all cycles except for the quick rinse & spin only selections.

The wash temperatures are limited, hot/warm/cold wash but cold rinses only. (Bleh)

Speeds are Normal, Delicate, Casuals and Handwash making this a 4 speed machine. I have no idea what happens if I select the Super Cottons cycle then use the Handwash speed. Never tried it.

Infinite water level. The machine fills with 90 liters of water on "Super". The tub fills about 1/4 full on the Small setting.

The Spot Spray button is another unique feature of this machine. It simply gets the machine to start filling with warm water for about 15 seconds. The idea is that you can put an item of clothing under the spray and get it wet before treating it with a stain remover. The pump doesn't run when this button is pushed, so in theory, you could fill the tub if you sat there pushing this button every 15 seconds or so. Never tried that though.

For those who don't have a GE washer of this vintage, you'll also notice that the selections on the panel are colour keyed. These are recommendations for every setting on the machine to be used with that cycle.

Post# 561077 , Reply# 2   12/4/2011 at 01:20 (4,672 days old) by qualin (Canada)        
Tub Shot!

Finally, the tub shot. I'm going to apologize in advance for the soap crud on the inside of the washer. I will eventually get around to cleaning it before I sell it.

The stainless steel tub was a big selling feature for me, the lower models at the time all used Porcelain, but I'm not sure if they were making plastic tubbed ones yet. (Ugh)

The agitator does a decent job so long as the machine isn't too heavily loaded. The hoses probably should be thrown out, I just put them there for a convenient place to put them. (Yes, I did notice the penny BTW.)

The bleach dispenser is simple, it just goes into the tub.

We've never used the fabric softener dispenser on the top of the agitator.

Post# 561078 , Reply# 3   12/4/2011 at 01:22 (4,672 days old) by qualin (Canada)        

For those of you who are curious, I paid $830 CDN for this washer new. I'll probably Kijiji it for $200 and take best offer.

(Considering that a brand new plastic tubbed machine is about $300, I think that's a reasonable price.)

Post# 561079 , Reply# 4   12/4/2011 at 01:23 (4,672 days old) by qualin (Canada)        

For those of you who want close ups of the control panel, let me know. Just in case you want to brush up on your washing machine related french. :-)

Post# 561128 , Reply# 5   12/4/2011 at 10:51 (4,672 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
plastic tub

i have a lower-end model GE hydrowave from 2009,it has a fluted plastic tub that
reminds me of the fluted tubs of the earliest GE automatic washers.The agitator is
the same as the upper model hydrowaves with SS tubs.IIRC the '96 up"transmission"
GE washers have a smooth inside plastic tub.
I bought my hydrowave brand new,damaged,for $50 and fixed it up:)it's in my
"rotation"lineup-gets rotated into use from time to time.

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