Thread Number: 37728
Who ever watched the movie "Home alone"?
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Post# 561194   12/4/2011 at 18:09 (4,747 days old) by kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

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Well, I've watched this movie at least 20000 times and I always wondered what's the washer shown in this movie.... can anyone recognize the washer at 11.30 of the video?
It has a softener pan and a left siding lid....maybe a Kenmore?

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Post# 561195 , Reply# 1   12/4/2011 at 18:13 (4,747 days old) by supremewhirlpol ()        

Frigidaire Horizon 2000->nothing special

Post# 561196 , Reply# 2   12/4/2011 at 18:19 (4,747 days old) by kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

kenmoreguy89's profile picture
Thank you!

Post# 561206 , Reply# 3   12/4/2011 at 19:27 (4,747 days old) by StrongEnough78 (California)        

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I was thinking a Montgomery Wards Signature 2000. Which was probably built by Frigidaire. My Grandma had one for about 2 days after the 71 Lady Kenmore retired. The transmission had a slight knock and she wasn't happy with the half stroke quarter stroke tub index agitation. She went to Sears and got a new direct drive Lady Kenmore.

Post# 561209 , Reply# 4   12/4/2011 at 19:52 (4,747 days old) by appliguy (Oakton Va.)        
No Vern

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Melvin is right. they are Frigidaire Horizon 2000's. If they were Monkey Wards they would have a White Westinghouse style control panel...PAT COFFEY

Post# 561210 , Reply# 5   12/4/2011 at 19:55 (4,747 days old) by brastemp (Brazil)        

Anyone have pictures, information and catalogs of this washer?

Post# 561233 , Reply# 6   12/5/2011 at 00:20 (4,747 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
a few technical details

here are some technical details of a franklin type early '90s era frigidaire
-thick plastic inner and outer tubs
-indexing tub
-undertub self cleaning lint filter
-rotary"face"type tub seal(a good feature of these)
-around 520 rpm spin
-sintered iron"plain"tub bearing
-all iron/steel transmission internals and lower case
-direct drive turbine pump above motor
-capacitor-start GE motor
-lid locks during spin
-1990 one i had used an agitator with five straight,rigid vanes
cheaply made but tough washers,wash action comprimised some by the tub indexing
though indexing gives a scrubbing action against the inner tub surface
-six ribs molded into tub to help the"scrubbing action"
I actually kinda like the smaller capacity,earlier design,but very closely related
'89 monkey wards version in my fleet-but i do recognize some of the faults LOL.

Post# 561250 , Reply# 7   12/5/2011 at 06:23 (4,747 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

You would think a grand house like that would have better laundry equipment than that POS pair. I thought it weird that the kid had to buy laundry detergent at the store. A family that large should have a stock of the stuff. I'll bet the real owners of that house did not have enough lighting fixtures to light up all of those rooms at night the way it appeared in the night shots.

Post# 561273 , Reply# 8   12/5/2011 at 09:39 (4,747 days old) by StrongEnough78 (California)        

strongenough78's profile picture
Thank you for the clarification Pat.

Post# 561275 , Reply# 9   12/5/2011 at 09:59 (4,747 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Home alone!

peteski50's profile picture
I remember watching the movie and being so disappointed that they used this garbage in a grand house like this. Looking at these machines always made me sick. Especially these models still had a bit of the GM style. Really disappointing!

Post# 561362 , Reply# 10   12/5/2011 at 20:14 (4,746 days old) by qualin (Canada)        

You know, that's what truly sets you guys apart... :-)

Here's a bit of a question..

Can any of you think of a movie or TV show with GE Filter Flo's in them?

Post# 561423 , Reply# 11   12/5/2011 at 22:21 (4,746 days old) by supremewhirlpol ()        

Dennis the Menance: 1993 - 1994 Black console GE FF set

Post# 561432 , Reply# 12   12/5/2011 at 22:30 (4,746 days old) by zipdang (Portland, OR)        
movie or TV show with GE Filter Flo's in them

zipdang's profile picture
M'Lynn Eatenton (Sally Field) in Steel Magnolias has a Filter Flo set.

Post# 561554 , Reply# 13   12/6/2011 at 17:32 (4,745 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Home Alone W&D

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
Here's what should have been in that grand old house.

Post# 561570 , Reply# 14   12/6/2011 at 19:25 (4,745 days old) by angus (Fairfield, CT.)        

In the movie "Home For the Holidays" (1995 - Anne Bancroft, Holly Hunter, Charles Durning and Robert Downey Jr) they had a harvest gold GE FF washer in the service porch/furnace room, but it was paired with a harvest gold Maytag dryer.

Post# 561577 , Reply# 15   12/6/2011 at 19:58 (4,745 days old) by DirectDriveDave ()        
Whirlykenmore's post

Oh for sure they should have had those! :D

Post# 561580 , Reply# 16   12/6/2011 at 20:08 (4,745 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

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When I was a kid, the first VHS my parents ever rented was Freaky Friday. Now that movie showed some nice Frigidaires!


Post# 561581 , Reply# 17   12/6/2011 at 20:11 (4,745 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
And for those who didn't watch it all, here's what happens at 11:20...


Post# 563562 , Reply# 18   12/16/2011 at 13:37 (4,735 days old) by Jsneaker ()        
Post# 561554, Reply# 13 12/6/2011 at 17:32 by whirlykenmor

Nick, your Kenmore pair is beautiful! I am wondering, do I see a opening panel below the dryer door? I did not know the top-mount lint screen 29" Whirlpool-made dryers had that???

Post# 563597 , Reply# 19   12/16/2011 at 17:14 (4,735 days old) by DirectDriveDave ()        
Opening Panel

Jsneaker, our 1990 29" Whirlpool dryer has that lower panel too, though I am not sure why some did and some didn't, I am just guessing that maybe it depends on how high your model is.

Post# 563617 , Reply# 20   12/16/2011 at 20:04 (4,735 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

It eventually depended on whether it was a gas model (for burner access) or electric, but when I rebuilt electrics for my own use, I opted for a front with the access panel because it makes changing the belt much easier.

Post# 570362 , Reply# 21   1/21/2012 at 21:31 (4,699 days old) by vacman1961 (North Babylon, New York)        

If you pay attention to the kitchen scenes, everything is Frigidaire.

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