Thread Number: 37774
Laundry Room Progress
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Post# 561807   12/7/2011 at 22:00 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Hey guys,

It's been almost 2 years in the making, but I'm pretty much 95% done with this project I've been working on in my spare time.

To recap, I started out with a plain Jane dungeon of a basement and turned it into something I can live with. Keep in mind I have another 25 years to pay on this mortgage so I wanted to make it suited for what I wanted.

I will start out with a couple of before pictures of the basement, and then current ones. I'm still not finished with the baseboard trim, but that's pretty much about all I have left to do. I've got some storage shelving to put in and need to order a table for folding laundry but that's about it.

I am a handy guy, and did everything myself. Minor electrical, plumbing, framing to enclose unsightly overhead and rear basement wall plumbing, drywall (NEVER AGAIN), texture, paint, lighting, tile, carpet, water softener, utility sink, custom lighted detergent cubbie, built a custom pedestal for the Mieles that you could park 4 semi's on - it weighs about 180lbs alone... and last but not least the Miele W3033 and T8003 vented dryer.

Grand total tops just over $10,000, a whole pot full of cuss words, sweat and about 40,000 trips to the hardware stores. :)

Here are a couple of before pictures for starters. Started to paint and was like no, this is not going to cut it.


Post# 561808 , Reply# 1   12/7/2011 at 22:02 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

This is what is hidden behind the utility sink wall (with access panels of course).

Post# 561809 , Reply# 2   12/7/2011 at 22:03 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Stick down tile... out it went. This is directly behind the Persil artwork and Miele washer/dryer now.

Post# 561812 , Reply# 3   12/7/2011 at 22:09 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Coming down stairs to basement - none of the ceiling was insulated or finished, steps were just wood and we had put down stick down tile to try and pretty up the concrete floor. Lighting was all run through conduit fixed to the bottom of the floor joists from the homebuilder. Pretty fancy - this is what I referred to as the dump basement. LOL

Left side is where the sump pump is at, now where the custom detergent cubbie is built around to hide the sump pump (with an access panel of course).

Post# 561813 , Reply# 4   12/7/2011 at 22:12 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Now for the transformation. Lots of work... never again. Note I have the pedestal pulled out as I cleaned the dryer vent last week and haven't bothered to push the near 500lbs of equipment / pedestal back...

Bottom left is the access door for inside to get at and inspect / clean out the sump pump regularly.

Post# 561814 , Reply# 5   12/7/2011 at 22:14 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Wall on right is a visual barrier to the awesome plumbing and such as depicted in first photos.

Post# 561816 , Reply# 6   12/7/2011 at 22:16 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Self installed carpet, trim, and tile.

Post# 561818 , Reply# 7   12/7/2011 at 22:19 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Whirlpool (Ecodyne) 30,000 grain water softener, and also a whole house sediment filter behind wall to left. (Prior dishwasher disaster warranted the need for both), but I decided to implement them into this project while I had the motivation. Easy to install - getting the softener home required unboxing in Lowe's parking lot and laying it in the back seat of the Accord - water sotener in an Accord, who'd of thought? :)

Post# 561820 , Reply# 8   12/7/2011 at 22:20 (4,747 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

Wow,impressive transformation of that basement laundry!!

Post# 561821 , Reply# 9   12/7/2011 at 22:20 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Above the sump pump holds all of my laundry goodies. Lighted for fun! :)

Post# 561822 , Reply# 10   12/7/2011 at 22:20 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Post# 561823 , Reply# 11   12/7/2011 at 22:21 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Post# 561824 , Reply# 12   12/7/2011 at 22:23 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Makeshift seating area for some R&R in front of the King & Queen. A little to do list of laundry needs to be done as well.

Post# 561826 , Reply# 13   12/7/2011 at 22:27 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Self built custom pedestal - chrome drawer pull handles I found from Restoration Hardware (about the only thing I can afford from that place!) - thought they would tie the pedestal to the chrome trim of the W3033 nicely.

Post# 561827 , Reply# 14   12/7/2011 at 22:30 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Post# 561828 , Reply# 15   12/7/2011 at 22:31 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Coming down from stairs.

Post# 561829 , Reply# 16   12/7/2011 at 22:35 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Washer (from Germany of course) :)

"You spent how much on a washer and dryer and from where?" x40000000 times already. I'm nuts, yea, I know.

Post# 561831 , Reply# 17   12/7/2011 at 22:37 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Dryer that I finally got put in a few months ago. She sat in the family room for months while I finished the basement.

Post# 561832 , Reply# 18   12/7/2011 at 22:39 (4,747 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

That's pretty much it! Lots of work and I'd promised an update for a few people and finally got around to posting progress. I'm very happy with how things turned out after all the hard work and money spent on the project is over.


Post# 561848 , Reply# 19   12/8/2011 at 00:34 (4,747 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
That is truly incredible - you really do nice work. Doesn't look like there is room for a sunny yellow Maytag though, you may have to squeeze one in :-)

Post# 561850 , Reply# 20   12/8/2011 at 00:40 (4,747 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

Looks great!  I'm sure you will enjoy it for many years.  Like the lighted cubby, and the base is very attractive.  Well done!

Post# 561873 , Reply# 21   12/8/2011 at 06:10 (4,746 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
Hope the rest of your house doesn't look shabby compared to the basement renovation. Because that's how it starts. One project leads to the next!


Post# 561916 , Reply# 22   12/8/2011 at 10:06 (4,746 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

No more projects for a long time. The house is only 5 years old but the basement was just unfinished builder grade / fire code. I had to make the basement match the rest of the house and trim.

Post# 561919 , Reply# 23   12/8/2011 at 11:03 (4,746 days old) by RevvinKevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        

revvinkevin's profile picture


I know it's a LOT of work, but well worth it and knowing that you did it gives great satisfaction I'm sure!


Post# 561925 , Reply# 24   12/8/2011 at 11:56 (4,746 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

That turned out very nice, I must say. Like the lighted niche for the laundry products.

Post# 562001 , Reply# 25   12/8/2011 at 19:11 (4,746 days old) by mayguy (Minnesota)        

Why did you add insulation in the ceiling?

Post# 562016 , Reply# 26   12/8/2011 at 20:18 (4,746 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Insulation was added for sound barrier between the basement and the living room above. I don't think there will be any room for any vintage washers either, Greg. :) I'll just come over and play with yours. I want to come over and see that new Speed Queen front loader you got!!!

Post# 562180 , Reply# 27   12/9/2011 at 16:15 (4,745 days old) by Hunter (Colorado)        
that looks great!

C'mon over to Denver I need to have my kitchen redone :)

Post# 562516 , Reply# 28   12/10/2011 at 22:53 (4,744 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

LOL I'm done with remodeling projects for the next oh, 70 or so years. :)

Post# 562526 , Reply# 29   12/11/2011 at 00:22 (4,744 days old) by A440 ()        

Amazing Job Andrew!
You do amazing work!
Your basement looks so inviting! Cozy!
Great Job!

Post# 562628 , Reply# 30   12/11/2011 at 12:48 (4,743 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Very nice and a classy design too. It looks really great! Congratulations!

Post# 563561 , Reply# 31   12/16/2011 at 13:14 (4,738 days old) by Jsneaker ()        
Stunning Job, Andrew!

You sure have a flair for design, that laundry room is TO DIE FOR! I sure like that you were aware that installing a whole-house water softener was a great idea! I also like that you have the same Persil Universal Gel green detergent that I do! I also have the blue Color Gel and love both immensely! I only fill my cap to the 40ml line for any load, and the stuff works and smells fantastic! I dump every one of my detergents into the center of the washload before starting my Samsung. The gel detergent is so thick it doesn't all come out from the dispenser! I get about 35-40 loads from a 1.5L bottle. I have naturally soft water, but if I ever had to get a softener, it would be a sodium-free system. it's totally worth it for me. Best of luck using your new laundry lounge!

Post# 563683 , Reply# 32   12/17/2011 at 09:24 (4,737 days old) by Toggleswitch (New York City, NY)        

toggleswitch's profile picture
Svimvear- VERY NICE!

Post# 564577 , Reply# 33   12/22/2011 at 00:06 (4,733 days old) by garyl ()        
Great Job

I like what you have done. The recessed lighing adds a lot.

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