Thread Number: 37815
Pushed into Medium Spin Speed....
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Post# 562304   12/10/2011 at 00:39 (4,692 days old) by aaronfitzy (Pennsylvania)        

aaronfitzy's profile picture
After all the horror stories I've read about bearing failures on the Whirlpool Duet's, I've felt obligated into putting my 2 year old front loading Duet 9150WW on a Medium spin speed. I believe this is 1,000 RPM's. High spin is 1,200 RPM's, if I'm correct. Am I wrong for doing this? Am I defeating the purpose of having a front loader? This is tearing me apart.....


Post# 562310 , Reply# 1   12/10/2011 at 00:52 (4,692 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

i don't think the reduced spin speed will make a difference-the bearing problems
with these are likely caused by worn/faulty seal letting water get to the bearings
First time i get a look at a duet with failed bearings i'll be looking it over to
see what is going on with these...

Post# 562331 , Reply# 2   12/10/2011 at 03:38 (4,692 days old) by qualin (Canada)        

I personally found that spin speeds around 1000 RPM extract most of the water from most clothing. The only time I could see a benefit to using a higher spin speed would be with clothing which could retain water, like towels for example.

cfz is right, my thoughts behind high spin speeds causing premature bearing wear could be somewhat mistaken. I don't think it could help, but that's just IMHO.

Higher spin speeds have diminishing returns anyway. I believe that most anything above 1400 RPM is kind of pointless.

Someone else said it best on the forums though.. I'll paraphrase, "You have a dryer, that's what it's for, use it."

To put this into perspective, my old top loader spun the clothes at about 650 RPM. We found that did the job for most of the time, the clothes very very rarely came out dripping wet... and those were mostly towels.

My new washer spins at 1000 RPM and I find that there isn't much of a difference, unless I am washing towels. Then it's very noticeable.

Post# 563029 , Reply# 3   12/13/2011 at 14:43 (4,688 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

As it was said it's not the high spin speed that damages the bearing but faulty seals that make water leak inside.

On the other hand here are indicative residual moisture percentages for a few different spin speeds:

600 rpm - 85%
800 rpm - 71%
1000 rpm - 62%
1200 rpm - 53%
1600 rpm - 43%

This means that laundry spun at 600 rpm will have 850 ml of water per kg of dry laundry and so on...
This values aren't absolute but relate to standard 60cm wide European machines.
The difference is all but negligible if you use a dryer!

Post# 563045 , Reply# 4   12/13/2011 at 17:08 (4,688 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Life is short. I say let 'er rip and enjoy the uber-high spin speed! I love watching my Frigidaire crank up to 1300 rpm.

Post# 563057 , Reply# 5   12/13/2011 at 17:48 (4,688 days old) by supermaticjames (Donegal, Ireland)        
I like to take it high speed...

I always use my Hotpoint and Hoover spinners to extract as much water from laundry. They spin at 3100RPM and 2300RPM respectively. Takes only an hour to dry then in my washer/dryer!

Post# 563070 , Reply# 6   12/13/2011 at 18:38 (4,688 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
Don't scare me like this

pierreandreply4's profile picture
Don't scare me like this because if this happens to my 8 year old whirlpool duet set this means for me spending 2100$ for a new washer dryer set because for this kind of problem in my case i would not bother to have it repaired and for me my duet set is already nearing the end of its lifetime use as its already having minor problems like i can not wash heavy loads like my bed sheets as it cause the washer to do at 4 minutes wash time another rinse so not normal when at 4 minutes it SHOULD BE IN THE FINAL SPIN sorry for the shout and also since on the normal cycle the spin is set to high by default when it go into the spin portion before the first rinse its like the medium spin for the gentle cycle so not normal and the same go for the final spin part and for the dryer the auto cycle is no longer doing its job propler so i have to rely on the time dry cycle. so the next set i might be buying might be the maytag maxima washer dryer set in white naturaly because in the near future i went to stack the dryer on top of the washer unless my mom and me decide to buy a refurbish washer dryer set for the next couple of years but for this we will see when the time comes.

Post# 563132 , Reply# 7   12/14/2011 at 01:40 (4,688 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Pierre: puntuaction isn't optional
Plus we already know that you hate your Duets!

Post# 563149 , Reply# 8   12/14/2011 at 07:03 (4,687 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
That maytag set is BEAUTIFUL!


Post# 563227 , Reply# 9   12/14/2011 at 12:12 (4,687 days old) by Jsneaker ()        
Live in the "Fast Lane"!

Pierre, my Samsung ramps-up to the max 1300RPM during intermediate spins, then "bloops" and comes to a normal speed tumble. The final spin continues until the machine just starts slowing-down without that "bloop". Sometimes my machine ends the final spin two minutes early, that pisses me off(AND I always have the "extended spin" button pressed). I love the light feel of the laundry as it exits the machine, though mostly all tangled except my white washes. You deserve to live in the "Fast Lane", so go for it!

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