Thread Number: 37972
Indesit problem!!! |
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Post# 564882 , Reply# 2   12/23/2011 at 17:54 (4,774 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)   |   | |
A Special Flashing Sequence... depending on how many times and which LED is doing the sequential flashing, it will indicate an error code.
I used to have a list of error codes... I might still have it somewhere... but it didn't take me long until Indesit themselves helped me realise that the easiest solution to such complex issue was to replace the PCB. In fact, in my case, the particular flashing phenomenon I was experiencing indicated a faulty pump... but there’s the rub! A burned circuit would make the lights flash in such a way as to indicate a faulty drain pump... well… a fault within a fault… in reality, it was the PCB all the time. My lucky Indesit did have a new PCB after all... only because it's a washer-dryer hence more expensive to replace. It might be worth to cast your eyes over the PCB and see if you notice any burn marks... then you wouldn't need to investigate any further... you'd definitely need to replace the PCB! |