Thread Number: 47130
Tide is now being sold at Coles in Australia
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Post# 685022   6/22/2013 at 06:14 (4,185 days old) by frontloader812 ()        

I was in my local Coles Supermarket in the detergent isle and low and behold I noticed orange bottles on the shelf. Liquid Tide HE and Tide plus Downy HE are available to buy, I thought I was seeing things. It's imported by P&G the price is a little steep @ $20.99 for a 32 load bottle but hopefully if they do launch the product here they will be aggressive with catalogue specials like they are with Fairy dishwashing products. Has any one else in Oz seen them in supermarkets near them?

Post# 685169 , Reply# 1   6/23/2013 at 05:33 (4,185 days old) by Intuitive (Inner West, Sydney Australia. )        
Tide in Au

I have been buying Tide from Costco Auburn for a while now,the one with Downey is great. The bleach alternate is brilliant, it can cope with white home socks.

I will buy it from Coles.

I have also seen Woolies are getting Purex Crystals fabric softener, good scent and didn't build up scrud in the machine.

Post# 685179 , Reply# 2   6/23/2013 at 06:29 (4,184 days old) by jamiel (Detroit, Michigan & Palm Springs, CA)        

jamiel's profile picture
I recall researching...apparently P&G doesn't do laundry in Australia (ha ha that sounds funny)...anyway they have not ever entered the market in a big way (reversing the Colgate-Palmolive situation which doesn't do laundry any more in the US). Anyway, with the strength of the $AUD, importing Tide (Ariel, ...) makes some sense...even with the expense of shipping H20.

Post# 1215768 , Reply# 3   9/27/2024 at 17:35 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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