Thread Number: 50300
Question for John combo52
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Post# 725277   1/5/2014 at 15:08 (3,984 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
Hi John!

We have a question in another thread about a GE JK29 double P*7 wall oven - the TOL model where both ovens are P*7, not just the top one.

The owner, Christina (hippiedoll), is unable to get the self-cleaning latch to operate on the lower oven. She says she's able to operate the one on the top oven, but not the bottom one.

Some of us have tried to offer suggestions, but Christina's still having trouble. My own experience with these ovens is limited to baking in them from time to time over the years (and they are excellent bakers!); I don't have day-to-day experience with using the P*7 feature.

Given that these units have one set of timer controls, is there some way of "toggling" between the upper and lower ovens when operating P*7 features? Or does Christina have a bigger problem?

A link to the original discussion is below. We were hoping you'd see it, but it has gotten shoved way down in the thread listings. Thanks for any light you could shed!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO danemodsandy's LINK

Post# 725328 , Reply# 1   1/5/2014 at 17:41 (3,984 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Let's give this one a bump back to the top. John mentioned he was traveling to Minnesota, so he may not be checking in as often.

John's gift for visiting our fine state: The coldest temps in 15 years, with wind chill factors from -30 to -50 in the southern part of the state (that's me) to wind chill factors from -60 to -70 in the north. All K-12 public schools are closed tomorrow by governor's orders. Yikes!

Post# 725331 , Reply# 2   1/5/2014 at 17:46 (3,984 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Yikes, Indeed.

danemodsandy's profile picture
If John's in the Cities, which I assume he is, I'm only a couple hundred miles away from him.

It is COLD. I hope he'll be okay.

Post# 725365 , Reply# 3   1/5/2014 at 19:30 (3,984 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        


Check Sandy's link. I suggested a something for you to consider.
I thought I posted on this thread and found out it was the other. I goofed!

Anyhow, best of luck with your ovens. Hopefully your latch problem is something minor and will be an easy fix for you.


Post# 725403 , Reply# 4   1/5/2014 at 23:00 (3,984 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
1970s GE Double SC Wall Oven

combo52's profile picture
Yes I am hiding here in Minnesota where it is currently -20F, but am staying very warm.

It sounds like you know how to set the SC function on this oven, but keep in mind that only ONE oven can be SCed at a time, if you have the top oven set for SCing it will block you from cleaning the bottom oven at the same time. Other than this it is broken so unless you have a really repair person around and you don't mind a potentially expensive repair you may want to get out the oven cleaner considering the age of this oven.

If you do get someone to look at it and need a part let me know, many of the parts for this oven are NLA, but we have lots of good used parts for these ovens.

John L.

Post# 725405 , Reply# 5   1/5/2014 at 23:12 (3,984 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

We had one of these ovens. It seems the door latches are the key. You set the self cleaning time to start and the duration and then latch the door on the oven you want cleaned. If you latch both, it defaults to the top oven. We found that two hours would clean all but the nastiest stains out of the oven. If your oven is only moderately dirty, two hours will do.

John is absolutely correct. You can only clean one oven at a time.

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