Thread Number: 65737  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Marathon(??) Washer/Dryer Combo...
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Post# 883082   5/31/2016 at 20:46 (3,027 days old) by chaskelljr2 (Washington, D. C.)        

So..... who cares to run a "Marathon" (LOL)??

A new and innovative Washer/Dryer combo unlike any other. Marathon is trying to become to laundry machinery is what Tesla is already becoming to automobiles.


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Post# 883094 , Reply# 1   5/31/2016 at 21:45 (3,027 days old) by washman (o)        

where made and by whom?

Post# 883106 , Reply# 2   5/31/2016 at 22:55 (3,027 days old) by chaskelljr2 (Washington, D. C.)        

Looks like the body (and probably the mechanics too) are made/sourced by GE.

Otherwise, the operating system and software is made/sourced by Glenn Reid (who used to work for Apple Computer).

So I guess now, not only we iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhoto (in your iPhone or iPod Touch), Apple Watch, Apple TV and so forth, it looks we may have iLaundry or iWashnDry as well.

And the dryer is VENTED, not ventless like a traditional Washer/Dryer Combo tends to be.

Interesting Indeed...


Post# 883107 , Reply# 3   5/31/2016 at 22:58 (3,027 days old) by chaskelljr2 (Washington, D. C.)        

Company is located in St. Carlos, California, assumingly not far from Apple Computer and Silicon Valley.


Post# 883120 , Reply# 4   6/1/2016 at 04:45 (3,026 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

We had a discussion about that when CES was. Quite vividly, actually.

Nice concept, would be cool to have.
But we saw problems in term of reliability (GE sourced, lots of HighTech) and usefullness (3.7 ft³, meaning 2 ft³ usable space as a combo; and if its 120V it will take long to dry, and not everybody has 240V).

Post# 883161 , Reply# 5   6/1/2016 at 11:58 (3,026 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
New? Combo

combo52's profile picture
These were disscussed here recenty

Yes it was announced that they would be vented and 240 volts.

Vented dryers are the norm in the US and every home in the US has 240 volt power available.

Personally I don't think this product will ever make it to market

Post# 883162 , Reply# 6   6/1/2016 at 12:48 (3,026 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Hmmm... I think that especially small flats or apartments may not have 240V service, especially in citys. But who knows. Or previous gas dryer situations may not have 240V avaible at the setup location, which would add to the cost.

I just feel that the focus of their web and media representation is just on the UI experience and not at all about the actual thing (washing and drying).

Post# 883166 , Reply# 7   6/1/2016 at 13:08 (3,026 days old) by RevvinKevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        
every home in the US has 240 volt power available.

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Every single family home has "the ability" to have 240V, but not every single family home has been wired for it.  This would require adding the proper breakers / wiring / outlets etc for it.   Those in apartments / condos / town homes don't usually have 240V unless it's an "all electric" building.



Post# 883188 , Reply# 8   6/1/2016 at 15:33 (3,026 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

First foreign 240 volt 30 amp combo I can remember.

Post# 883190 , Reply# 9   6/1/2016 at 16:11 (3,026 days old) by murando531 (Augusta, Georgia - US)        

murando531's profile picture
That seems to be the trend nowadays, Henrik. Just the same way most people could care less about the drivetrain, suspension, quality of parts, etc. in a car they're buying. They are only concerned with whether or not it has Bluetooth and "apps". While those things are nice, and I certainly enjoy having a nice UI in my car, my priority is in the engine and the qualities that matter in a vehicle.

While this Marathon idea seems to be a nice "spin" (excuse my pun :P) on an old idea, I don't think it will catch on any more quickly now than it did the last several times combination units have tried to gain traction. Like Henrik said, their marketing has no regard whatsoever to how the machine performs or what makes it work differently than any other frontloading washer/dryer, and on top of that, I can't believe such a futuristic and forward thinking group of people like this would even -remotely- consider vented drying as opposed to condensing. It's like they sat around the table and said "people want their washing machine to have a big touchscreen with giant pictures and as few words as possible, but who cares if it uses the same wasteful heating elements and throws all the hot air outside".

Another point is one that has been brought up before about a single combo unit: you can only have one load going at any one time, where with an individual washer/dryer, you have much more flexibility if you plan appropriately when sorting loads. I also found the comparison to a "dish washer and dish dryer" a bit odd; dishware doesn't absorb or hold water the way fabric does. You don't need any outside process to quickly dry dishes, they simply sit and nature does the work.

Post# 883222 , Reply# 10   6/1/2016 at 22:08 (3,026 days old) by rapunzel (Sydney)        

And it is all fantastic until there is a glitch and then it goes from laundry miracle to being a bitch.

Post# 883223 , Reply# 11   6/1/2016 at 23:15 (3,026 days old) by warmsecondrinse (Fort Lee, NJ)        

I've skimmed the brochure and the features/specs pdf's.....


Is it me, or is there a staggeringly small amount of actual information given all the verbiage? 


My inner English teacher teamed up with my inner washer geek-in-training and the 2 of them found problems with almost every sentence. Have I missed something?


It seems like the whole thing was written by a person who never actually did any laundry......


My head hurts...



Post# 883233 , Reply# 12   6/2/2016 at 00:42 (3,026 days old) by washer111 ()        

Electronic controls don't really bug me, but this sort of nonsense does. Since when did you need the latest consumer electronics to wash some *censored* clothes?

As others have said - I care more about the ability to do the required job than all the "bling" thats supposed to do it for you, or something like that. One of the reasons why I elected to keep a 23 y/o car as my daily-driver, rather than "upgrade" to modern crap, with zero character and too much electronics.

On that note; I wonder what's involved in getting that crap removed from new cars? If the "Exclusive Brethren" can do it, then so can I(!)

*Gets Off Soapbox*
*Switches Off Rand-Mode*
*Allows Thread to Continue It's Course of Discussion*

Post# 883252 , Reply# 13   6/2/2016 at 10:21 (3,025 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Vented drying CAN be much faster than condenser drying.

Post# 883427 , Reply# 14   6/3/2016 at 18:42 (3,024 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Washer/Dryer Combo!!

peteski50's profile picture
I feel all these new FL washers should have a drying option even if it is a 110 volt!
we have had this technology from so many years ago and I think the companies dont want to address it because they would loose money on the dryers. I have been selling appliances for 5 years now and still have many requests for one unit availability! But when I explain how slow the drying process is most will shy away! Going back to my 1st point their are many people that dont remove their clothes from the washer as soon as it is done and some dont even unload the same day, the clothes can be dry even if only using 110volt! whirlpool has a option to keep tumbling the clothes up to 12 hours - so why cant they just dry them in 2 or less! I asked the sales reps a few times about this and I get the same BS that it is not feasible to make these units and I still think it is about the corporations loosing money on dryers. I think these units should have the option to purchase as 220 volt as well as 110 volt for people that dont have the power. I bet if they didnt stop making these units years ago and continued they would have become more of the Norm today!! Also their are people that are in the market for a ventless full size dryer, so I cant understand why that technology hasent been expanded??

Post# 909513 , Reply# 15   12/3/2016 at 20:25 (2,841 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Marathon Washer/Dryer Combo!!

peteski50's profile picture
Has anyone heard anything else about this since the last updates earlier this year. Is it possible they abandoned the idea and are not going to produce these units??

Post# 909516 , Reply# 16   12/3/2016 at 20:58 (2,841 days old) by rapunzel (Sydney)        

Maybe there was a glitch.

Post# 909565 , Reply# 17   12/4/2016 at 08:49 (2,840 days old) by Washerman250 (BLACKPOOL united kingdom)        

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Post# 1153617 , Reply# 18   7/7/2022 at 19:42 (799 days old) by Joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        
Now for sale!

joe_in_philly's profile picture
Looks like they changed the body from a GE to Speed Queen. $3,450

Are they buying speed queen washers and then modifying them?

I seen no mention of a water heater, and it looks like the drying can only be set by time.


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Post# 1153938 , Reply# 19   7/10/2022 at 19:03 (796 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I wish we could see a video of it.

Post# 1153945 , Reply# 20   7/10/2022 at 20:42 (796 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Good luck on that product going wide into mainstream consumer sales at that price.

Post# 1154037 , Reply# 21   7/11/2022 at 18:19 (795 days old) by Chetlaham (United States)        
Sales Price

chetlaham's profile picture
They need to make a simpler version of this machine with an EM control to bring the price down. Its the only way to get combos to catch on IMO.

Post# 1154142 , Reply# 22   7/12/2022 at 18:59 (794 days old) by Jben (AL)        
Dryer vent top center = add 4 or 5 inches to real depth

That bump out in the back seems to be some add-on and perhaps not well designed.

Many existing dryer vents are low in the wall. This machine is ~36" deep and having to route a dryer hose to the wall vent is probably going to add another 5 inches to the back side resulting in a more realistic depth of ~43". I'm starting to see a problem in many laundry room set ups.

Post# 1154279 , Reply# 23   7/14/2022 at 09:40 (792 days old) by Chetlaham (United States)        
Its already not looking good for Marathon

chetlaham's profile picture
As suspected, check this out:

The thing that gets me is this reply back from the CEO:

" We will refund your money, and we will be happy to not have you as a customer anymore. We will not be incurring any additional expense to remove the machine from your home.
Glenn Reid"

Sorry but not sorry. The lack of information on the website, no videos, no service manual, no real customer support, ect ect tells me this machine was not ready to launch. The comments say this is typical for Marathon's customer service.

Post# 1154291 , Reply# 24   7/14/2022 at 13:14 (792 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Read the comments to the story at Elliott Advocacy.  One of them, under the posting name of Marathon, is this link to a hidden, fractured page on Marathon's website.

Marathon Laundry Machines - Spring Sale!

Post# 1185997 , Reply# 25   7/27/2023 at 21:44 (414 days old) by classicguywi (outside of Sheboygan WI)        

classicguywi's profile picture
Looks like Marathon Laundry went under.

Although after reading through this thread…I guess I’m less surprised by this. Anyone want a really cheap SQ front loader?? Haha!

I really want to know the mechanicals of how he was doing it. Here’s the auction link for anyone who is interested. 😎

CLICK HERE TO GO TO classicguywi's LINK

Post# 1186016 , Reply# 26   7/28/2023 at 03:39 (413 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
Sorry but what

A) No serious engineer works on a Mac - you just don't get any really good CAD software for Macs. They only list Macs.
B) Why do they need a 6 axis robotic arm? For a first, small volume production?
C) Why on earth do they have a grill in their offices that is listed for sale?

So much screams "doomed to fail" suddenly.

Post# 1186022 , Reply# 27   7/28/2023 at 05:37 (413 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I have a feeling this is a big fail all around, including cleaning and drying performance.

Post# 1186031 , Reply# 28   7/28/2023 at 08:50 (413 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

Another victim of reinventing the wheel instead of sticking to basic customer needs holding a realistic price point.



I hope a few members here get the finished Marathons and test them out.



Post# 1186032 , Reply# 29   7/28/2023 at 08:53 (413 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
"Another victim of reinventing the wheel instead of sticking to basic customer needs holding a realistic price point."

Too funny! At first I was thinking you were talking about yourself. lol

Post# 1186034 , Reply# 30   7/28/2023 at 09:02 (413 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

You must have me mixed up with someone else.



I've long advocated for combos with very simple EM controls and passive internal components. Nothing fancy. Features like wifi only drive up the price keeping combos out of the average user's home.

Post# 1186039 , Reply# 31   7/28/2023 at 10:10 (413 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Marathon, washer, dryer combinations

combo52's profile picture
This does not surprise me that they failed, from the beginning there were so many mistakes they made. I did get in touch with them, but we played phone tag, and they never pursued getting back in touch with me, and I didn’t pursue them very much either.

Not that I could’ve save the company and it’s not even worth going over all the mistakes they made, they thought they had invented combos and they were the first ones to ever make a vented combo that uses 240 V, lol

If I were nearby, I might buy a few machines at auction I think they’re probably gonna go for about nothing I’m not sure whether the new Speed Queen and say bought or completed usable units or they were machines that were made by Speed Queen for them and they may be missing key components so they may be unusable as even a washing machine

If somebody’s in the Milwaukee area they could go to the sale. They probably could get the machines cheap . Unfortunately, the biggest buyer might be the scrap dealer sad to see new Speed Queen front loaders scrapped, but they have a little value other than for parts.


Post# 1186119 , Reply# 32   7/28/2023 at 22:43 (413 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
big flop

It was evident that this was a big flop. What if the heater got shorted out?

Post# 1186125 , Reply# 33   7/28/2023 at 22:55 (413 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Reply 23

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
Wow is that how the CEO replied to you? Honestly I think you should try and blast them, just go with the absolute nuclear Fusion option

Post# 1186154 , Reply# 34   7/29/2023 at 10:17 (412 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture

Reply #23 is not referencing a contact between Marathon and Chetlaham.  It's refencing Marathon's reply to someone else, who had a problem with a Marathon machine and shared the details of it in a discussion at the website (Elliott Report, a consumer-help site run by Christopher Elliott).  The link in Reply #23 originally opened to that discussion on a page there /problem-solved/marathon-laundry-machine-didnt-last-year/ but the page apparently no longer exists and the link now opens to a page /answers/how-to-fix-your-own-consumer-problem/.

Post# 1186211 , Reply# 35   7/29/2023 at 21:17 (412 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
Reply 33

chetlaham's profile picture

The reply is not to me, but from a customer complaint posted on DADoES explains it best.



I used it as an example of why the company wasn't thriving and eventually fell in.  Marathon clearly was not valuing their buyers or listening to their concerns.

Post# 1186232 , Reply# 36   7/30/2023 at 04:53 (411 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Oh my bad,

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
But if that’s how they respond to the public wow that’s even worse, I’m kind of shocked actually

Post# 1186254 , Reply# 37   7/30/2023 at 10:50 (411 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

You're ok :)


Yes, his reply is bad. Arrogance blinds. 



Marathon had a good concept going IMO, hopefully someone else will run with the idea.

Post# 1186269 , Reply# 38   7/30/2023 at 12:50 (411 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Posted link to auction in Shopper's Square as it came up on my auction feed.

Good news it may be a chance to nab some SQ (or if wished Marathon) laundry equipment at good prices.

Bad news is this is straight cash transaction; CASH, CERTIFIED CHECKS OR CASHIER’S CHECK.

Given how things usually go, including what one saw with that appliance parts and service store auction in same area last year, auction likely will draw plenty of local interest. Probably same sorts such as dealers and others looking to snap up bargains for resale. This and of course those seeking deals for personal or professional use. Someone who owns rental properties, fitting out newly constructed homes, etc...

Post# 1186274 , Reply# 39   7/30/2023 at 13:27 (411 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Mr. Glenn Reid seems like another well intention (can there be such a thing?) tech bro who set out to "reinvent the wheel" so so speak. With no background in laundry appliances or manufacturing whole venture was bound to end in tears.

Post# 1186304 , Reply# 40   7/30/2023 at 17:04 (411 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
Again, I am not sure if any of those machines in the warehouse are usable, it’s unclear to me, whether Speed Queen shipped them complete machines that can actually be used as they are.

I suspect all this inventory will go for cents on the dollar at best.

It’s too bad but full-size combination. Washer dryers are coming back. GE has already introduced a good one, and there will be others.


Post# 1186359 , Reply# 41   7/30/2023 at 23:35 (411 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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"Again, I am not sure if any of those machines in the warehouse are usable, it’s unclear to me, whether Speed Queen shipped them complete machines that can actually be used as they are."

Actual SQ washers are all advertised as either "NIB" or "New display model". Even auctions must follow certain standards (legit ones anyway) thus believe all SQ machines are "new" far as that goes. At least one SQ washer is "new" but has stains on top lid from roof water leak. In any event there is an open preview several days before auction so people can examine goods. Here's hoping things aren't mauled about...

There is a GE front loader that has been been got at, apparently in aid of knowing how things work.

There also is a WP "Duet" marked "used once", again likely in aid of gaining knowledge.

It looks as if there are only a handful of completed "Marathon" combo units up for the bid. Rest are incomplete and or in bits marked for "scrap". There are also SQ washers left sat sitting where they were in process of being converted also being offered up as scrap.

Thus far only two or three have placed early bids. Highly unlikely those SQ washers will go for One USD ($1), but considering terms this obviously is not place for naïfs.

Post# 1186361 , Reply# 42   7/30/2023 at 23:55 (411 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
"If somebody’s in the Milwaukee area they could go to the sale. They probably could get the machines cheap . Unfortunately, the biggest buyer might be the scrap dealer sad to see new Speed Queen front loaders scrapped, but they have a little value other than for parts."

Do not wholly agree.

Parts of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Iowa are close enough to make trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Since this is an online auction only winning bidders need only arrange transport to fetch whatever they've won. It's only about bit over an hour drive from Chicago to Milwaukee for instance. Grand Rapids or Cedar Rapids clock in at over three hours. All are doable depending upon one's motivation.

Private individuals only need a flatbed truck or some other similar vehicle large enough to cope with a SQ washer (preferably upright).

Those in business as say resellers (appliance dealers) or landlords of properties can expense out costs of acquiring, transporting and so forth on their taxes. What isn't for inventory purposes but use in a business (such as a laundry, cleaning service, etc..) or for some sort of rental property can take related costs as depreciation on their taxes.

That appliance store auction was also in Milwaukee IIRC and it was well attended. Main issue there was much of the merchandise was for vintage or obsolete appliances thus perhaps good amount of inventory had limited market value.

This auction is entirely different. If people can nab SQ washers at not just below MSRP but wholesale as well, that's a pretty good deal.

My question would be will Alliance honor any sort of manufacturers warranty for these units.

Post# 1186401 , Reply# 43   7/31/2023 at 12:15 (410 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Those who follow tech, are involved with finance and or some other areas likely can figure out what happened with Marathon Laundry Appliances.

In tech it's all about seed and subsequent rounds of funding. Ever since Microsoft, AOL, Facebook, Amazon, Paypal and tons of others everyone wants to get in on bottom floor of next big thing. You put up money, get stock and other options, if company takes off and sold those options make someone often quite a lot of money.

Of course not every start-up becomes a Facebook or Amazon, but there are plenty not willing to miss an opportunity, so they will make initial investments in a start-up and see where things go.

Mr. Glenn Reid has a pretty decent C.V. far as tech goes, which helps enormously when going around looking for seed money. People knew his name and or could find out about him and so forth. Having the "Apple" cachet likely didn't hurt either.

Marathon Laundry had been around since about 2016, so that's about seven years to establish a track record of sales and get market feedback as to how product likely will sell.

Mr. Ried's whole premise of Marathon laundry machines was sort of based upon Telsa and some others. Take something someone else had already built, modify it, then sell as a new product. Thus instead of doing R&D and all the other work that comes with bringing a new washing machine or dryer to market Marathon took another approach; modify Speed Queen (or maybe GE, LG or whoever else they could latch onto) washing machine to create a washer/dryer combo. This was likely bound to end in tears as you're taking a product not designed to do something and shoving totally foreign equipment inside and trying to make it go.

My hunch is Marathon Laundry ran out of cash (or was running very low) and was not able to raise further needed funding. This could have been for a host of reasons ranging from poor sales/market acceptance to fact Marathon simply lacked ability to produce and deliver reliable product.

Post# 1186416 , Reply# 44   7/31/2023 at 13:57 (410 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 1186419 , Reply# 45   7/31/2023 at 14:40 (410 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

It’s too bad but full-size combination. Washer dryers are coming back. GE has already introduced a good one, and there will be others.
And I am anxiously awaiting to see who else follows.  What will the feature sets will be.  Bring out something like the 1 & done with 155+ onboard heater capabilities and I'll be getting one. 
I still obtain far superior whiting and stain removal via long wash phase time and water temperatures gradually heating 155 to 162 degrees F.  

Post# 1186436 , Reply# 46   7/31/2023 at 18:15 (410 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
Foreign Equipment Inside

chetlaham's profile picture

I noticed that, the drum has the same holes as a regular Speed Queen FL. I can't imagine that being conducive to airflow. 



Reply# 32- Jerome, you are the genius this site and the appliance industry needs. I to wonder if the machine post modification meets UL, ETL or at least some standard. I wonder if legs of the heater have a thermal fuse each and one high limit each. Is the vent properly protected against over heating? Where does the lint go?   


Had Marathon not gone under there could have been lawsuits over fires.


As much as I LOVE resistance dryers, heat pump coils simply don't get as hot.



Post# 1187667 , Reply# 47   8/15/2023 at 17:49 (395 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Auction closed today!

launderess's profile picture
White SQ washers went for a low of $400 going up to or over $475. Black fascia SQ washers went for low of $600 to over $700. In both cases several bidders nabbed multiple machines.

In strange twist those "Marathon" units all went for $700 and above including near or over $800 it seems. Who knew?

Am sure local dealers or others with professional interests scooped up lots of what was at this auction including laundry appliances.

Fact one had to pay cash likely kept bidding down by restricting potential interest. Still nabbing a new SQ washer at $400 isn't a bad deal. Not exactly pennies on dollar, but still...

This post was last edited 08/15/2023 at 20:15

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