Thread Number: 83767  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Spin Tub vs Agi Tub Speed Queen
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Post# 1081271   7/16/2020 at 14:31 (1,600 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
IF Speed Queen was to add a re-circulation pump and flume would cleaning performance improve, be the same or be worse? I'm thinking this is a better alternative. I don't have a washer to test this on atm however.

Post# 1081284 , Reply# 1   7/16/2020 at 16:20 (1,600 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

thomasortega's profile picture
for lab testing it maybe would improve 0.1 or 0.2 points.

For real life that would mean NOTHING.

Post# 1081295 , Reply# 2   7/16/2020 at 18:16 (1,600 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Have you tested this ideas out by chance? (just wondering as I'm curious).

To me the biggest down fall in the idea would be the suspension system of the washer. Most people do not really load their machine really well balanced. Its the water and agitation that distributes and evens the load out. A spin tub design would have to do a lot of load redistribution/balancing I think.

Post# 1081305 , Reply# 3   7/16/2020 at 20:26 (1,600 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Mr Wattmisser

combo52's profile picture

A recirculation pump would do nothing, the clothing is already under water, there is plenty of water circulation.


These washers actually do a good of distributing the load, they just can not wash large dirty loads.


Mr WM I suggest you get one of these washers and experiment with it, many of us including myself have used this machine, maybe if you can solve this problem you can sell your idea to SQ, from what I hear they have tried about everything short of actually fixing the problem, and yes they have experimented with machines with an agitator that moves separately from the tub but they do not want to spend the money to build it correctly.



Post# 1081316 , Reply# 4   7/16/2020 at 21:54 (1,600 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
I'm talking about not having the clothes under water- rather spun while they are showered with a mix of water and detergent. This is the only thing I can think of that may clean clothes without a mod shifter. Would also save water in practice.

Think back to Catalyst and Resource saver...

Post# 1081781 , Reply# 5   7/21/2020 at 00:14 (1,596 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
tsunami wash action with recirculation

They need to ramp up the wash action while using less water with a powerful bed of water being recirculated throughout the entire wash/rinse cycles while spinning the tub back/forth aggressively to create a violent turbulent tsunami that will carry the dirt away. There should also be a blanket of freshwater for faster saturation/filling/rinsing. The agitator should smooth holes that act like jets of water and should have a bulletproof glass lid so we could see what's going on. There should be 3 bulk dispensers: one for laundry detergent, another for chlorine bleach and the final one for fabric softener.

Post# 1081784 , Reply# 6   7/21/2020 at 00:57 (1,596 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

If the machine needs a bulletproof glass top-sounds kinda dangerous and rough on clothes!Whats going on in there?

Post# 1082080 , Reply# 7   7/23/2020 at 07:56 (1,594 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
@GELaundry4ever: this is what I have in mind. I like your idea!

Post# 1082146 , Reply# 8   7/23/2020 at 23:19 (1,593 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
speed queen HE top load washer

Chetlaham, I'm glad you like the idea. Another thing I would add, during the spin cycles both intermediate and final, a blanket of freshwater should be soaking and carrying away the detergent and the suds they leave behind to kill them so there's no chance of sudslock. When you hit the power button, they should have a heavy-duty dial with a ring of lights that turn on. when you turn the dial, it would automatically go to heavy-duty with fabric softener on by default. From there, I'd set the machine to cold, if I'm doing dark colors, and leave it on the preset warm temperature if I'm doing light colors. If you turn the dial to the left 1 click, it would go to whites. It too would have the fabric softener option on by default. The machine would be set to hot with bleach. Speed queen should have a super sized tub complete in stainless steel with a tsunami washplate. that's like an agitator but without the pole. A massive wave of water will cause the load to bloom while water circulation takes place. During the final rinse, the softener will also be recirculated insuring everything's well mixed. During final spin, the tub will spin at full speed with the freshwater activated,spraying an inescapable blanket of water on top, below, and completely through the clothes. This will insure the no residue is left behind whatsoever. The only thing that's left behind is the smell.

Post# 1082412 , Reply# 9   7/25/2020 at 22:15 (1,591 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
I like your idea!

Although I want it all done with a mech timer!

Post# 1185030 , Reply# 10   7/16/2023 at 13:57 (505 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
Speed Queen Recirculation

If Speed Queen added a water recirculation to their perfect wash series, things would improve. After the freshwater turns off,, the final spin cycle will finish after 10 minutes.

Post# 1185429 , Reply# 11   7/21/2023 at 17:49 (500 days old) by lotsosudz (Sacramento, CA)        
Indexing Tubs

lotsosudz's profile picture
Indexing tubs are the bane of their existence. They have no business having the tubs index while washing or rinsing. It totally kills the roll over action, thus killing any cleaning completely! Enough with indexing tubs!

Post# 1185436 , Reply# 12   7/21/2023 at 18:47 (500 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The TR design doesn't index the spin basket, the basket is directly driven as part of the wash action with the agitator affixed to it and oscillates fully back-and-forth at the same rate and stroke-distance as the agitator.  Frigidaire's SkinnyMini has action like the TR although the agitator and basket is a unitary molded assembly, not separate parts bolted together. That's a different situation than a "traditional" indexing basket which has the agitator oscillating normally and the basket turning separately from it and typically in only one direction converse of the agitator's stroke in the opposite direction.

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