Thread Number: 84603  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
Dryer Exaust Venting.
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Post# 1090216   9/21/2020 at 23:24 (1,453 days old) by Ultramatic (New York City)        

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I am planning to outside vent a Kenmore compact dryer. I was wondering what is the maximum vent length and how many 90 degree angles it can take before you would need fan assist. Thanks in advance.

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Post# 1090220 , Reply# 1   9/21/2020 at 23:46 (1,453 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

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Anything longer than a 20’ duct run will need a dryer booster fan and each 90 degree bend subtracts 8’ from the allowable 20’ duct run.

Post# 1090238 , Reply# 2   9/22/2020 at 07:49 (1,452 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Vent System For a Compact 24" WP Dryer

combo52's profile picture

Hi Louis, How do you intend to vent this dryer in your home ?


Are you using a permanent system installed in the walls ?


Are you using a flexible vent hose running to a window plate that will remain easily assessable ?


On a 120 volt dryer like this you could run 30-50 feet of flexible hose if it could be cleaned out easily, if in walls use WPs guide lines for a current 24" 120 volt Thin Twin.


John L.

Post# 1090703 , Reply# 3   9/25/2020 at 17:48 (1,449 days old) by Washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        

washerlover's profile picture
Or you could always use one of those indoor vent systems that’s basically a container of water that the dryer vent hose blows into. They’re not totally effective, but an easy fix if you don’t mind a little bit of lint floating around...

Post# 1090705 , Reply# 4   9/25/2020 at 18:07 (1,449 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Those Indoor Vent Systems

launderess's profile picture
Are not a very good solution IMHO.

Tried it once when moved into first apartment with no easy way to vent compact dryer. After about a few months moved dryer closer to window and jigged up a vent. Never again and rubbished the contraption.

Water at bottom of container doesn't remotely catch all lint. Thus one had better get used to dusting, as a fine layer of lint will cover everything in area.

Then of course there is the moisture being exhausted indoors, that and "fumes" if you will coming off whatever is being dried. If you used fabric softener, highly scented laundry products and or dryer sheets.....

Some have attempted to solve the lint issue by making a filter out of a pair of nylons stretched over container. For the square shaped things suppose one could try making filters cut out from HEPA or other filter medium.

Post# 1090706 , Reply# 5   9/25/2020 at 18:16 (1,449 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture

I had one of the Whirlpool compact dryers like this in from  ‘73 to ‘81.  When I lived in apartments I kept the dryer in the kitchen near the window and just connected a flex vent tube to the back and left it behind the dryer when not in use.  When I was drying clothes I just opened the window a crack and placed the vent tube in the crack and closed the window a little to hold the vent tube in place.  This worked just fine.  I don’t know what your set up is like but if you can keep the dryer near a window this should work for you too.  BTW, that little dryer did a very good job for only being connected to 120V current.



Post# 1090709 , Reply# 6   9/25/2020 at 18:27 (1,449 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Did same early on, but unless vent hose was dropped really low out of window the back draft blew in lint.

Finally got around to building a window vent thingy and that was that. You can find them ready made on Amazon and elsewhere, but often are expensive for what they are....

When you consider how many of these compact/portable Whirlpool/Kenmore dryers were sold, the original window vent kit is rarely found. Part number is listed on a sticker on my dryer, and have searched for years but nothing ever comes up.

Post# 1090710 , Reply# 7   9/25/2020 at 18:51 (1,449 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture

I had a screen on my kitchen window and it filtered the lint.



Post# 1090714 , Reply# 8   9/25/2020 at 19:32 (1,449 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

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I have vented my Maytag 410 thru the window beside it for 25 years. I have a board that fits around the dryer hose with the vent. So in the middle of the winter all you see is vapor outside. A permanent vent here for a dryer lets all the cold air in it. Last direct vent I used froze the load in the dryer because it was forgotten to be turned on. Yes, its a pain to use a vent like that but I proved to myself at least, it keeps the cold out by shutting the window after the cycle is over.

Post# 1090718 , Reply# 9   9/25/2020 at 19:58 (1,449 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Rather like that cool/cold air blowing in via vent hose

launderess's profile picture
Makes for a nice deep "cool down" care of things being dried. *LOL*

That being said, yes it is sort of amazing how much cold air will blow down those dryer hoses if vented to outside. But then again it is nothing more than a draft same a chimney.

When first jigged up my window vent just had hose open ended. Slapped a dryer hose vent cover on a few years ago which cuts down on draft coming in once dryer shuts off.

Post# 1090722 , Reply# 10   9/25/2020 at 20:13 (1,449 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Another thing

launderess's profile picture
That cool air coming in from dryer vent is the opposite side of argument many have made against vented dryers; that supposedly heated (or cooled) air from indoors is sucked out of a building...

Well I say to that there are entire portions of year that have neither heat nor air conditioner on, just windows open or closed with maybe a fang going. Thus using a vented dryer isn't causing any huge shift in energy use other than what is required to run machine itself.

If or when we finally get cooler weather will start using the Lavatherm condenser dryer. Not out of any particular affection but more because the thing is sitting there haunting me...

There is of course fact that during colder times of year a vented dryer reveals its existence. That stream of white steam wafting out a window or whatever is a dead giveaway. For those living where such appliances are restricted this can pose an issue... *LOL*

All this being said have turned a few onto these compact Whirlpool vented dryers. A few had condenser or even new heat pump units and were blown away at how much faster the WP (or Sears) got loads dry. This especially if spun out at or above 1200 rpms.

Post# 1090725 , Reply# 11   9/25/2020 at 21:10 (1,449 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

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I will keep venting my dryer outside and shut the window when I am done when not using my clothesline in warmer weather. Because I dont want excessive moisture fogging up all the windows and in the middle of the winter its TOO cold to leave a window open or vent inside until the buzzer goes off. Dont ever vent a gas dryer inside or a CO2 detector, if you have one, will go off hopefully saving you.

Post# 1090730 , Reply# 12   9/25/2020 at 23:54 (1,449 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Good point about gas dryers

launderess's profile picture
Even though this thread was stared about and spoke mostly of electric dyers, it is important to keep it out there that gas dryers NEVER should be vented indoors.

Post# 1090742 , Reply# 13   9/26/2020 at 03:21 (1,448 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

My gas dryer is not vented, never an issue with CO2 or lint.  I actually have 2 CO2 detectors within 6' of the dryer and neither has registered anything.  One has a digital readout and it does not show any change.  Actually if I have 2 or 3 burners on my gas cooktop running it would generate more CO2 than the dryer.

Post# 1090761 , Reply# 14   9/26/2020 at 07:54 (1,448 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Outside Air Backing Up Into Dryer Vents

combo52's profile picture

Dryer vents have dampers and if properly installed and maintained almost no air comes back in to the house.


In my house I have 9 dryer and kitchen and bathroom vents ducted to the outside and in spite of the house often being in a negative air pressure condition I have no noticeable air backing into the house at any of these 9 locations.


The house in W Va. has 5 dryer and bathroom and kitchen vents ducted outdoors and again even with the fireplace roaring along there is no noticeable back draft at all in any location.


I like the magnetic dryer vents because they close tightly and do not even flap in windy conditions, most of the range vents have spring loaded dampers and again they work great.


The worst thing about not venting a dryer outdoors is the very fine lint that gets in the air and into your lungs, Cotton dust is carcinogen so I make every effort to get it out of the house.  The amount of CO2 from a gas dryer is negligible, it is about 1/10 of what a range produces and how many people use a gas range or cook-top with turning on a exhaust fan or even have a kitchen vented outdoors.


I still like venting all dryers, but the limited exposure to CO2 does not do any percent harm to humans like the fine dust from dryers and vacuum cleaners does to your lungs.



Post# 1090795 , Reply# 15   9/26/2020 at 13:59 (1,448 days old) by Ultramatic (New York City)        
Thanks John!

ultramatic's profile picture



And thanks everyone for the advise.

The dryer will be vented directly outside via a never used window. Total length of vent will be about 9 feet, with five 90 degree bends. I think using rigid vent piping would be better than the corrugated pipe as it would catch less lint and dust. At the end there will be a vent flap of course. I can seal all the seams with duct tape. As for cleaning, I guess one of those 4 inch brushes could be used. Since the piping will be exposed it can also be easily dissembled for cleaning.  Currently the dryer is using this:



Which is a nuisance.


Again, thanks for the suggestions. I'll be posting images of the completed install.

Post# 1090807 , Reply# 16   9/26/2020 at 15:29 (1,448 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
That's a lotta 90° turns.  Each turn has the effect of 5' additional length.

Post# 1090809 , Reply# 17   9/26/2020 at 15:33 (1,448 days old) by sprog (Boston)        
Don't vent a gas dryer into your house: critical points.

sprog's profile picture
The most dangerous byproduct of natural gas (methane) combustion is carbon monoxide (CO) rather than carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2, a byproduct of mammalian respiration (breathing) is exhaled and heavier than air, in beer and soda. Carbon monoxide, on the other hand, displaces oxygen in hemoglobin and is toxic. Many people have died from this. This is a critical point. With natural gas appliances one should always have a carbon monoxide (CO) detector.

Also, cotton dust does not cause cancer. Non-biodegradable particulates such as silica (silicosis) and asbestos (asbestosis) are linked to malignancy formation such as mesothelioma. Cotton dust can be an irritant, yes, but your body can deal with cotton dust. .

I deeply respect the knowlege offered by this website, but sometimes misinformation can be misleading and downright dangerous. Bottom line, don't vent a gas drier into your house.

Post# 1090812 , Reply# 18   9/26/2020 at 15:50 (1,448 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        
Cold air in

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In my old apartment I made a hole in the wall and installed a vent with a basic alluminum hood equipped with flapper that costed $8.
I can't say I ever had any problems of cold air coming in...

Post# 1090869 , Reply# 19   9/27/2020 at 07:55 (1,447 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Venting A Dryer, Reply #17

combo52's profile picture

Hi Chris, I do agree that Carbon monoxide is deadly in dangerous concentrations [ I was incorrect when I called it CO2 ] and anytime you burn natural gas you get some CM.


I also agree that anyone that has gas in their home, has a fireplace, uses a gas or charcoal grill or portable generator or any other thing that burns fuel or a garage attached to your house needs a CM alarm and monitoring device.


However the amount of CM created by running an unvented gas dryer is minuscule, I have never even been able to get a reading on our CM monitor running an unvented gas dryer in my small home shop space. In the same space preheating a gas oven to 350F will quickly get you a reading of 35PPM of CM.


CM in small quanties is harmless and does not stay in the body.


Cotton Dust is regulated by OSHA and is considered to be harmful to the health of your lungs and should [ like about every other very small particles ] be avoided on a regular basis.


It can cause cancer, Small quantities of CM are not know to cause any lasting harm.


John L.

Post# 1090879 , Reply# 20   9/27/2020 at 09:04 (1,447 days old) by akronman (Akron/Cleveland Ohio)        
My house

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When I moved in here 22 years ago, before my washer and dryer collecting era, this house had a gas GE dryer that vented into one of those water bucket devices. And it had a gas stove in the kitchen with no vent fan. I immediately installed a Carbon monoxide detector which never once alarmed me, and I ran the dryer and stove about 4 years before upgrading and running the vent thru the wall.
As far as I can tell, from 1916 when it was built to 1990 or so when I vented outdoors, there's no evidence any previous owner ever vented thru a basement window or out the wall, and there was gas only, never a 220Volt outlet for an electric dryer. So with only one gas dryer running, no one ever dropped dead here in ages.
Now I have 4 outdoor vents, too damn many dryers!

Post# 1090880 , Reply# 21   9/27/2020 at 09:12 (1,447 days old) by sprog (Boston)        
Sorry John

sprog's profile picture
This is a bit of a drift, but I need to call balls and strikes when it enters my realm. Human health and disease is my training/life, and I have been published in numerous medical/scientific journals. To which, I rely on peer review. Cotton is an irritant, not a carcinogen. There is no evidence that cotton dust causes cancer.

Moreover, I would not accept nor advocate the liability of suggesting that carbon monoxide levels from a gas fired antique/vintage drier are acceptable. Sure, you may be lucky. But would you risk it? Also, you assume culpability by making these statements. John, believe it or not, this website is reasonably well read... you in particular.

With all respect...


Post# 1090958 , Reply# 22   9/27/2020 at 23:43 (1,447 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

I concur with John...


I mistyped in my post and said CO2 rather than CO, but I too have a digital read out Carbon Monoxide alarm a mere 2' from my dryer's vent, next to the gas water heater and gas furnace and the digital read out does not budge when running the dryer.  I have another Smart Fire/Monoxide alarm a bit further away and these things are sensitive - not  a beep from it either.


Optimally I'd vent outdoors but while doable a good deal of work with out much benefit, plus in the winter I like the extra humidity, summer not so much.  If the burner is operating properly I think the risk is small, misadjusted is where the danger comes in.

Post# 1090991 , Reply# 23   9/28/2020 at 07:07 (1,446 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Venting A Dryer,

combo52's profile picture

Hi Chris, I may be overstating the harm that cotton dust can cause to the human lungs, but even an irritant is worse that a minuscule amount of CO on the human body.


  For the record I think all dryers should be vented outdoors.


  Gas dryers just don't produce much CO because of the way the flame burns in free air, this is true whether you are talking about new or vintage dryers, the air shutter adjustment has been eliminated on newer gas dryers over the past 20 years or so the chance of having a burner miss adjusted is small.  


Chris, what are your thoughts on using gas ranges in homes since they produce up to ten times as much CO and it is nearly impossible to capture all the combustion products in kitchens with current venting systems ?



Post# 1090992 , Reply# 24   9/28/2020 at 07:08 (1,446 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 1091009 , Reply# 25   9/28/2020 at 09:26 (1,446 days old) by sprog (Boston)        
to John

sprog's profile picture
Hey John,
You are absolutley right, gas fired ranges produce quite a bit of CO. I can't tell you how many times students (Boston area) report to the E.R. with CO poisoning because they misuse gas ranges to heat apartments (cheap but foolish).

Regarding CO and gas appliances, I employ two CO detectors (one for the basement, and another for the kitchen). I've had a few CO alarms in my basement (gas-fired boiler backdraft on windy days). I've since switched to a condensing boiler with a sealed external intake.

As for me, I always vent (including kitchen).
I see it like seat belts and air bags... one hopes to never need them, but when you do...

But that is my preference.

Let's talk about combos...

Post# 1091189 , Reply# 26   9/29/2020 at 14:24 (1,445 days old) by kb0nes (Burnsville, MN)        

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One point to remember with Carbon Monoxide is the effects are CUMULATIVE. Yes low percentage short term exposure is harmless, but constant exposure could be a problem.

CO will latch into the receptors in the hemoglobin that carry oxygen and this effectively renders it worthless until the kidneys filter it from the blood. More hemoglobin will have to be created to replace it. This is why people that suffer significant exposure to CO get blood transfusions so that the blood becomes effective again before they die from lack of oxygen.

It really isn't wise to vent a gas dryer indoors, but then again by the same token it isn't wise to cook with a gas stove for the same reason ;)

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