Thread Number: 93761  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Which Control Board?
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Post# 1184116   7/3/2023 at 23:32 (492 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

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I have a 17yr old Frigidaire Fl washer. Recently it has stopped spinning after the wash drain. It just sits there, then fills again for the first rinse a few minutes later. It rinses/drains/spins properly after that. It does it on the normal & heavy setting.
Is this the beginning of the end for this board? I see there are two control boards listed on They both are listed with a warning that it is commonly misdiagnosed. Which would it most likely be? I wouldn't pay $300 for a new board but may find a used one on ebay.

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Post# 1184128 , Reply# 1   7/4/2023 at 07:00 (491 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Frigidaire front load washer skipping the first spin

The machine may just be getting old and does not feel like spinning, lol.

This could be caused by any number of things from a bad door lock to one of the boards, broken wires in the harness even a bad motor.

I would just select an extra rinse and keep using it. If it’s really a problem, it will become obvious very quickly For all, we know, this is a very common situation with this machine as most people would never notice it really won’t hurt anything if it skips the first spin.


Post# 1184214 , Reply# 2   7/5/2023 at 08:15 (490 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

If you could post a model number that would be of great help!

What you are describing could be a control issue, but I kind if doubt it.
If it was, it would more likely be the main control board.
The motor control would not fault in that way in all likelihood.

I am leaning more towards a pressure switch issue.

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