Thread Number: 93846  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
New Bosch 800 series has adjutable zones
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Post# 1184992   7/15/2023 at 21:28 (509 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

New 800 series lets you designate lower rack zones.


Bosch is claiming its new 800 and Benchmark Series dishwashers could finally lay to rest the debate over the right way to load the dishwasher.

The new thing is a PowerControl spray arm that can find the dirtiest dishes wherever you put them (as long as that place is on the bottom rack):

    The PowerControl™ spray arm provides a targeted intensive wash from anywhere in the bottom rack – no matter where the dishes are loaded.


As with most modern units it's app controlled.


Post# 1184994 , Reply# 1   7/16/2023 at 00:37 (509 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Oh my goodness!!!

Post# 1184995 , Reply# 2   7/16/2023 at 01:21 (509 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
It makes sense for Bosch to bring out some new tech with the German trade show IFA coming up in September. So far, I've only seen this motorized spray arm in their Gaggenau dishwashers.

Miele will also be updating their dishwashers slightly, although there's no mentioning of when these will be released in the US.


Post# 1184996 , Reply# 3   7/16/2023 at 01:42 (509 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
My model wasn't changed even though it's the 800 Series Plus. I like the MyWay rack better.

Post# 1185000 , Reply# 4   7/16/2023 at 02:02 (509 days old) by richnz (New Zealand)        
Have I not seen that before?

It's like a flashback to the AEG satellite spray arm or the Smeg orbital wash system.

Post# 1185002 , Reply# 5   7/16/2023 at 04:54 (508 days old) by beehiveboy (Northamptonshire, England )        

beehiveboy's profile picture
Hmmmmm…….I often select the intense lower basket option on my Miele if I’ve loaded casseroles etc…….I’ve never worried that the plates in the same load would rather be washed at a lower pressure…..anything delicate is always going to be in the middle rack isn’t it?

Post# 1185004 , Reply# 6   7/16/2023 at 06:09 (508 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
- KitchenAid had Dynamic Wash
- Kenmore Elite had the 360° spray arms
- Midea has or had InnoWash and Orbit Spray Wash
- Beko has Corner Intense
- GE had their auxiliary spray arm

So many brands have played with their spray arm design...

And then there's LG with this tilting arm or Samsung's WaterWall.

Post# 1185006 , Reply# 7   7/16/2023 at 06:41 (508 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Another case of a feature that nobody is asking for

combo52's profile picture
Very few consumers are complaining that things don’t get clean in the dishwasher.

We see consumers complaining about broken dishwashers. Dishwashers are failing at a much higher rate today.

Many dishwashers are lasting well less than 10 years judging by what I see on the junk piles. There are a Kitchenaid‘s Whirlpool‘s Frigidaires GE’s Bosch Mieles galore it looks like a new appliance show room. You don’t see anything on the junk pile anymore that isn’t stainless steel on the outside even.

Manufacturers really need to improve durability make them simpler and make them more easily repaired.


Post# 1185020 , Reply# 8   7/16/2023 at 10:44 (508 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
What customers want...

"Manufacturers really need to improve durability make them simpler and make them more easily repaired." but this is neither what customers want nor what makes dishwashers sold

Post# 1185022 , Reply# 9   7/16/2023 at 12:00 (508 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Dishwasher is the most often replaced major appliance

combo52's profile picture
And shortest lived, and now that they’re nearly $1000 average to replace what we hear from customers as they do want greater reliability.

The only Appliance that replaced as often are more often are over the range microwaves.

Post# 1185026 , Reply# 10   7/16/2023 at 13:07 (508 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I love my Bosch. It's' tackled the worst messes withoout skipping a heart beat. Not sure I'll have another one.

Post# 1185028 , Reply# 11   7/16/2023 at 13:12 (508 days old) by littlegreeny (Milwaukee, WI)        
Why did they mess with a good thing???

littlegreeny's profile picture
Bosch is known for their superb reliability and fantastic wash action. I don't understand why to they would go tinkering around with a good thing and change it. I hope you can still get models that have the old-fashioned wash arms.

These remind me of those orbit arms they have in Frigidaires...

Post# 1185049 , Reply# 12   7/16/2023 at 19:24 (508 days old) by stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        

stopmeister72's profile picture

Anyone know if it just adjusts the water pressure differently in the zones, or does it slow or stop the arm in the various zones.   Tried searching patents and more info but no luck.   Think it is kinda cool though.  If is just adjusts pressure as it goes around the quadranta, seems like it might wear something electronic out faster.  Also seems like even without the adjustments, that style arm might have better coverage.


Post# 1185084 , Reply# 13   7/17/2023 at 06:33 (507 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

I don't think that sprayarm will come to all DWs by BSH.

Over here, so far, only Gaggenau has any models on the market.
It's a pretty simple thing. My biggest concern would be water tightness over time - sealing over time is always a question with moving parts and water.

But they als introduced the lighted back wall together with that spray arm, and it's the highest end brand, so they probably made sure any sealing issues have been worked out.

The spray arm has position and speed control built into the drive module.
It basically has one reference position and can count steps from there to drive the spray arm to specific positions in either direction with specific speeds.

Given the wash pump has variable speed aswell I guess it is both wash pressure and spray arm movement.

Changing spray pressure isn't a real wear point.
The pump is inverter driven, so it's just a program call in software. Apparently the actual pump speed can even be varied depending on spray level active to compensate different water flow rate requirements.

Post# 1185170 , Reply# 14   7/18/2023 at 07:29 (506 days old) by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)        

Isn't that the purpose of Extra Scrub? Seemingly it adds 15 minutes of wash time and potentially higher temperature and spray pressure to the bottom rack. However, given the new spray arm, certainly it will do the same, but does it stop at the given 'zone' with higher soil level for extended cleaning time? Seems fairly flawed considering now water largely comes out of the one side of the spray arm. Wouldn't the machine need additional wash time for the entire bottom rack? The only 'advanced' spray arm design that makes complete sense is the Beko CornerIntense. The only thing I would like to see Bosch do is have an app controlled 'custom' Auto cycle. Have variable wash temp, rinse temp, wash time, spray pressure, # of prewashes and prerinses, dry time, etc.

Post# 1185190 , Reply# 15   7/18/2023 at 13:29 (506 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

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I would suppose the arm stops under the heavily soiled "zones" - otherwise I see no use in having the arm motorized. That and they are saving one jet that would otherwise be needed to propel the arm forward.

The higher-end models have an adjustable Automatic cycle to make the cycle more sensitive (three settings). Some models feature an "Intelligent" cycle. It's basically an economical cycle that, once done, prompts the user to rate cleaning, drying and duration via the app to then adjust the cycle further.

Post# 1185240 , Reply# 16   7/19/2023 at 09:12 (505 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

You want an Auto cycle - so a sensor guided cycle supposed to decide based on soiling - that does not decide anything, but that the user has to decide everything for?
Thats... yeah, should be obvious why that sounds not all to logical.

You have almost all possibilities of any logical cycle on the upper end Bosch models.
Intensive and hot, hot and quick, cool and long, cool and gentle, cool and very quick.

The service cycle manual for the models with spray arm states 2 different rotation speeds (12rpm and 4rpm) for the testing of the spray arm drive system.
You don't actually want the arm to stop completely as that would not cover all the surfaces of the dishes. You want the arm to slowly move across the area to get even coverage.

Compared to the currently available lower basket intensive option this option would for example allow you to use the wine glass basket in the lower rack AND to wash pans in that same basket.

The main service documentation isn't up in our internal systems yet, that might shed some more light once it becomes available.

Post# 1185299 , Reply# 17   7/19/2023 at 21:38 (505 days old) by stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        
satelite arm

stopmeister72's profile picture

Any idea of the rpm of the satellite spray arm?  Is it free wheeling, geared, or motorized as well?



Post# 1185331 , Reply# 18   7/20/2023 at 09:05 (504 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Haven't seen them in reality.
So only can guess fron the parts diagram and the pictures.

Given the satellite arm looks like it does not have an angled hole, thus no "propulsion", my guess is the satellite arm is also geared.

Post# 1185349 , Reply# 19   7/20/2023 at 17:27 (504 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

More stuff to go wrong.

Post# 1186543 , Reply# 20   8/1/2023 at 19:26 (492 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        
Bosch updated their website for dishwashers

I’ve noticed they simplified the control panel. There doesn’t seem to be as many options- but I see that most of those have been integrated with their new power control wash. It reminds me of my first Bosch from 2011. Only had like 4 buttons- at first I thought nothing would get clean, but a normal wash would clean anything!

I’ve noticed there are no “my way” top rack- just a silverware basket. Not sure if they are going to introduce newer models or not.

Looking forward to test results!

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