Thread Number: 93851  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Help with GE Washers/Randomly Stopping throughout Cycle (in Haiti!)
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Post# 1185033   7/16/2023 at 15:50 (576 days old) by labboy (SD, CA)        

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Hello Everyone:

As some of you know, I do a great deal of humanitarian work in Haiti supporting several hospitals and clinics. The vast majority of my work is in the laboratories (that is what I do professionally) but I also get pulled into other projects / situations periodically.

In the laundry at one of the hospitals, we have eight GE washers (identical, model GTW335ASN2WW). (These were selected without my involvement...they would not have been my choice.) Six of them are having issues randomly stopping in different parts of the cycles.

I am thinking this is a power related issue as the power in Haiti is just horrific. I am going to check the power and (for troubleshooting) have them try a line conditioner on one of the affected units to see if that makes a difference. I may also try putting one of the affected units on the same wall power source as the unaffected units to see if that makes a difference.

Another (power related) possibility might be that a power surge has affected the control boards. This is a lower possibility on my list as it seems odd that it would affect six of eight machines.

I wanted to get the thoughts of the group about ideas I can try. As this is Haiti, it is not possible to get service. Money is also extremely tight so I can't just say get new machines.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Post# 1185053 , Reply# 1   7/16/2023 at 20:44 (575 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Hi Bob, I will get my part for Jason who works directly with GE service problems to see what he thinks of the problem you’re having with these washers. I’ll report back.

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