Thread Number: 93974  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Mid-1980's Maytag Washer - Manual w/ Drum Capacity Needed
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Post# 1186432   7/31/2023 at 17:31 (537 days old) by technicole1 (San Diego)        

Hi there,
I have what I believe to be a mid-1980's Maytag washer that was in my condo when I bought it last year (see 2 photos in the URL link). The condo was built in 1987 so I believe the washer/dryer are original to when the building was built, or installed shortly thereafter.

I have scrubbed the internet and the database attached to this forum for a manual that states the washing capacity of the drum, ie. 3.0 cubic feet, etc... but cannot find it anywhere. I am being asked for the washer capacity from my home warranty company and they will only accept what is in writing from Maytag in a manual or service guide. The capacity is the most important thing needed, so anything w/out that information printed in it won't help. I've called Maytag but they do not have records that go back to the mid-80s.

I cannot find anything on the model number which is an A883 - perhaps this is one of the models that was made specifically for a big box store or a contractor's model? It is a series 11 w/ serial number 106374 (then BF to the right of that). Any help you can provide would be awesome - thank you in advance!

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Post# 1186434 , Reply# 1   7/31/2023 at 18:07 (537 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
That washer was built March 1990. As for the capacity I would guess 2.5 cubic foot. I’m sure someone here can give you the exact number but that should be close.

Post# 1186438 , Reply# 2   7/31/2023 at 18:18 (537 days old) by NickL (Mid-Atlantic)        

I believe that the 'BF' makes it a build-date of March '90.

I coincidentally just posted a question about a model A8740 that was built May '91. Its front panel differs from yours only in the style of text under the logo and mine having one less temperature-select button (warm/warm).

To your question about capacity, the A8740 users guide doesn't state a 'capacity', but it does say (for adding bleach) that the amount of water in an extra-large load is 19 gallons / 72 liters.

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Post# 1186442 , Reply# 3   7/31/2023 at 19:38 (537 days old) by NickL (Mid-Atlantic)        

Repairguy nailed it. 19 gallons works out to 2.54 cubic feet.

Post# 1186449 , Reply# 4   7/31/2023 at 20:08 (537 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Someone several years ago shared this spec sheet in a post about "oddball" Maytag models ... special or limited-edition models sold through specific retailers.  I don't recall that Maytag stated cu. ft. capacity in sales literature.  Perhaps someone knows from service literature?

The 2nd photo is the backside of a sheet for model A884 which is the same "Extra Capacity" size as A883, and references the water usage per regular cycle for each of A884's fill levels.  40 gals for a full-fill wash/rinse presumably includes 1 gal for a spray rinse?

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Post# 1186457 , Reply# 5   7/31/2023 at 22:55 (537 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Older Maytag washer capacity

combo52's profile picture
Hi Nicole, my best advice as a repair person and dealing with consumer issues involving homes would be to try to get your money back on the home warranty, if you think they’re giving you a hassle now. Wait until something goes wrong.

Homeowner warranties are absolutely the biggest waste of money you can imagine and they use the absolutely worse contractors when they actually send somebody to your home and you’re usually paying a hefty co-pay. Every time they show up for every single problem and very little ever gets fixed properly, in addition, most of their people are unlicensed and untrained for the items they are working on.


Post# 1186477 , Reply# 6   8/1/2023 at 05:10 (536 days old) by technicole1 (San Diego)        
Maytag A883 Washer Capacity

Thank you all who have commented on my question. The more I research I have found that manufacturers did not start using cubic feet to measure washer capacities until recently, which is why it is so tough to locate that information in these "vintage" machines. I also found a service manual for 1990 machines today that may work (see link in URL), but again it doesn't have specific info on capacity (page 78 of 96).

@DADoES - yes, I did see the screenshots of those "oddball" Maytags but do not know how to request/purchase a copy of the manual for the A883. Any chance you know how I can get my hands on a digital copy?

@NickL - yes, our machines do look almost identical - I also noticed a small variation in the knob on each of our machines. Please let me know if you are willing to share your manual digitally as I can see if this would be accepted as "close enough" by the home warranty company due to the similarity in the models. Perhaps I can show them the 19 gallon figure (equalling a 2.5 cubic foot capacity) you have on the A8740 instead of the 40 gallon figure indicated on an entire wash cycle. The manual I referenced above states a 42 gallon figure for a full wash cycle so I am not sure which number is more accurate on the A883.

@combo52 - the home warranty came w/ the purchase of my condo and it has now expired so I won't be renewing it. I agree in your assessment of them but I did take advantage of it since it was no cost to me. I am asking for manuals/capacity questions because there IS a problem w/ my washer and I am duking it out w/ the warranty company to get the most out of them that I can since the machine needs to be "replaced" by their assessment. The service call fee was worth it in this regard as I will keep this machine as long as possible but the money I receive will go towards a new machine when this once ultimately fails. I don't plan on replacing the washer now as I can fix the inlet valve myself and have mitigated the second issue w/ the tub movement by cutting down on the size of the laundry loads which seems to have eliminated the issue altogether so far. I placed a level on top of the machine and noticed it can stand to have the feet adjusted so I will do that as well as replacing the inlet valves once I can muscle that very heavy machine out of its very snug closet in my hallway. That may help stabilize the tub a bit more as well.

What I have in brains and grit in fixing things, I lack in physical strength - such a bummer to be limited by that.

Thanks again for all of your help! If anyone else can help out w/ manuals or literature stating capacity that would be great. I've enjoyed reading these forums while researching this issue. I had no idea there was such a cult following for vintage washing machines!! : )

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Post# 1186494 , Reply# 7   8/1/2023 at 11:06 (536 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

lowefficiency's profile picture

>> @NickL - yes, our machines do look almost identical - I also noticed a small variation in the knob on each of
>> our machines. Please let me know if you are willing to share your manual digitally as I can see if this would be
>> accepted as "close enough" by the home warranty company due to the similarity in the models. Perhaps I can
>> show them the 19 gallon figure (equalling a 2.5 cubic foot capacity) you have on the A8740 instead of the 40
>> gallon figure indicated on an entire wash cycle. The manual I referenced above states a 42 gallon figure for a
>> full wash cycle so I am not sure which number is more accurate on the A883.

40 or 42 gallons is not the capacity - that's the water used through a whole cycle, including the wash, spray rinse, and deep rinse. The 19 gallon figure is going to be the closest measurement of a "single full tub" capacity like you are looking for.

I don't know that anyone has a manual for the A883 - I've certainly never seen one. The simplest way to bridge the information void is to show that your machine and another (for which information *is* available) both use the same outer tub - part number 2-5484 (205484). Here are the relevant pages for the A883 and the A8740.

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Post# 1186664 , Reply# 8   8/3/2023 at 01:22 (534 days old) by technicole1 (San Diego)        

Yes, I understand that the 19 gallon figure is going to be the closest measurement of a "single full tub" capacity I can find and that the 40 or 42 gallon figure is for a full cycle. The problem is I do not have a manual or any kind of literature that shows 19 gallons as the capacity on any adjacent model - that is what I asked for in my last post. I only have the figures for the FULL cycle wash, either 40 or 42 gallons which won't help much.

@LowEfficiency - thank you for you 3 documents to prove the A883 uses the same parts as the A8740. Those will be helpful, but what I would like to have is a document that shows the capacity of the tub, and at this point the 19 gallons figure is the best we can do.

Does anyone have a service guide or a manual that states the capacity of 19 gallons in one of the similar models to the A883? Once I have that I can make my case. I requested that of NickL in an earlier post but no word yet.

Post# 1186719 , Reply# 9   8/3/2023 at 13:49 (534 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
This may contain the information you are searching for.

Post# 1186771 , Reply# 10   8/3/2023 at 21:23 (534 days old) by NickL (Mid-Atlantic)        

I sent you a PM Nicole. Nick

Post# 1186775 , Reply# 11   8/3/2023 at 21:57 (534 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering what the issue is that deems this washer UN-repairable.

Post# 1186807 , Reply# 12   8/4/2023 at 10:16 (533 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Repairing a 1980s Maytag washer

combo52's profile picture
Hi Matt, I’m sure this machine is very repairable. If you get the right person, however, with a warranty company, you’re lucky if they fix anything if it’s even less than 10 years old, they’re not in the business of fixing things they only want to get your money.

The people they send out to your home or generally the lowest Level of repair technicians you could imagine. No decent technician would ever work for these companies. Only technicians that are desperate for work and can’t make it on their own get signed up for these companies.

A friend of ours signed up for one of these plans and she said half the people they’ve sent to her home she won’t even let in the house she gets such a bad sense from them as soon as they come to the door.


Post# 1187857 , Reply# 13   8/17/2023 at 14:41 (520 days old) by technicole1 (San Diego)        
Manual for A883

@nickL - Thank you so much for sending the manual! I have been away and your email went to my spam filter. I really appreciate you!

@MattL - One of my earlier posts states that I will repair the machine myself but need this info to get the payout from my home warranty company. I am not getting rid of the machine as it seems to be a simple inlet valve problem and in need of a rebalancing. I have figured out a way to work around the issues for now. It is in my post from 8.1.

Thank you to those that pitched in and helped!

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