Thread Number: 94017  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele WXD160 WCS washer questions
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Post# 1186922   8/5/2023 at 18:01 (488 days old) by miatadan (Sudbury)        

I am considering purchasing Miele WXD160 WCS washer to replace top loading GE GNW128PSMWW portable washing machine ( HE ). It does not have agitator but wash plate. Towels and bed sheets do not get clean as they end up floating to the top of drum.

In the manual of the Miele it mentions that you can select to 01 = Cold water using programmable function. The washing machine will be operated with cold water only. Will the internal heat water heater still heat the water for Hot+, Sanitize etc?



Post# 1187111 , Reply# 1   8/8/2023 at 03:59 (485 days old) by Labboy (SD, CA)        

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I have not changed that function on mine but I have run a 75C cycle from a cold fill (hot water heater at machine was off before I started the cycle) and had no issues. I think that setting only eliminates the machine from filling from the hot inlet.


Post# 1187115 , Reply# 2   8/8/2023 at 07:48 (485 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Miele washing machines sold in USA for domestic use have and need both hot and cold water inlets. This is because some times machine will fill with hot or needs to blend that temp with cold to get "warm". This and if machine senses hot water temp is too high it will blend cold water to temper.

Previously one could just use a "Y" connector and simply control water temp from faucet. Long as washer was getting water from both valves it was satisfied. Modern Miele washers with motherboards still need both hot and cold water connections, but one can program washer to be "cold water only"

Unless things have changed reprogramming washer to "cold water only" will not alter energy settings. That is for cycles that call for hot water fill if machine is programmed to "cold water" it will fill with whatever temp water comes from tap but will *NOT* engage heater. Thus if a "Cottons/Normal" cycle called for filling with hot water and no use of heater that is what it still will do even if reprogrammed to "cold water only". Again could be wrong so please check with Miele USA for confirmation.

Post# 1187116 , Reply# 3   8/8/2023 at 08:00 (485 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Post# 1187153 , Reply# 4   8/8/2023 at 17:32 (485 days old) by Brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

In the 240v world, that setting just changes whether the machine is H+C or C only fill.

We have solar hot water, so in summer I have it set to H+C and in winter I change it to cold only. The difference being the starting temp of the water, the final temp is as set

Post# 1187161 , Reply# 5   8/8/2023 at 21:11 (485 days old) by miatadan (Sudbury)        

I live in Canada, not sure whether hot water heater will work or not. I am hooking up to bathroom faucet because I am in an apartment, no access to separate hot and cold faucets.


Post# 1187221 , Reply# 6   8/9/2023 at 18:52 (484 days old) by Labboy (SD, CA)        
Tried it…it works

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I went into settings on my WXD160 and changed it to cold fill only (P25 Water Intake … set to 01 ). I shut off the hot tap and left the cold on. I ran a cycle with a 40C setting and it heated up just the same as when it was set to Hot Water.


Post# 1187224 , Reply# 7   8/9/2023 at 20:09 (484 days old) by miatadan (Sudbury)        

Thanks Bill

I feel comfortable to order the Miele now.


Post# 1187225 , Reply# 8   8/9/2023 at 20:52 (484 days old) by Labboy (SD, CA)        

labboy's profile picture
You will love it! Do read the full manuals. They have lots of good information. Also, control via the App gives you more washing options.


Post# 1187228 , Reply# 9   8/9/2023 at 21:16 (484 days old) by miatadan (Sudbury)        


Where are you located ? Canada or USA? I have the manuals, but it did not have answer about hot water heater when only using cold water inlet. This for the help


Post# 1187255 , Reply# 10   8/10/2023 at 08:52 (483 days old) by Labboy (SD, CA)        

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I’m in the US.


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