Thread Number: 94100  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Do the newest Speed Queen DR7's still burn clothes?
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Post# 1187983   8/19/2023 at 19:10 (475 days old) by deepimpactkitty (TX)        

Can anyone tell me what was changed on the most recent revision of Speed Queen dryers? Specifically, I'm looking to understand what changed between the DR7003WE (ADEE9RYS177TW01) and the DR7004WE (ADEE9RYS178TW01).

Digging through Speed Queens parts manual, it looks as though the following parts have been updated from the DR7003WE to the DR7004WE...

Limit Thermostat
D510701 > D515873

Heater Assembly
D510324P > D510329P

Output Control Assembly
D518191 > D518862

Electric Harness
D518170 > D518852

This, to me, looks like they are trying to fix the issues with the dryer not heating and with the dryer getting too hot, burning clothes and melting the ventilation grate (which SQ has previously blamed on poor ventilation). I know we have some techs on here that have better access to Speed Queen than I do and I was hoping someone could pass along any information that they may have come across.

Post# 1187992 , Reply# 1   8/19/2023 at 20:29 (475 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
D510701 = 225-40F
D515873 = 205-40F

D510324P = 5.0KW (5000 watts)
D510329P = 5.35KW (5350 watts)

I find the above specs via searching sources for the items.

The revised high-limit thermostat is 20°F lower trigger temp.

The revised element is 350 watts more heating capacity.

ETA:  The high-limit thermostat monitors the element* and shouldn't trigger unless airflow is restricted/obstructed.

*Or gas burner, although gas models may take a different P/N with a different trigger temp.

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