Thread Number: 94146  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
the thor model 32 is working again!!!
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Post# 1188379   8/24/2023 at 09:08 (416 days old) by thedrycleaner (walton)        

hello fine fellows,its me the dry cleaner. I recentyly had some trouble with my thor model 32. the tranny had been getting water in it and I had put a fernico adapter over the drive shaft inside of machine. it seemed to work ok for awhile until it started slamming when it changed gears from forward to reverse. so my friend and I"Kyle the wrench" Beardslee took it all apart and surmised that the forward gear had broken teeth. and so we removed the broken gear and reassmebled the machine. and bing its working again!!! of course it only goes one way but shes back in service. thanks, ps could someone take a look at my thread with the 1959 cartoon of the westy. please

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