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Maytag washer question
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Post# 1190515   9/23/2023 at 18:18 (379 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

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Hi all.
I had no idea where to post this question, since I have no idea how old the washer is.
I'm just wondering what you can tell me about it, based on the model and serial numbers.
It's for sale fairly close to me, and I don't know if it would be worth considering. The price, while not exactly a give-away, isn't too bad if it's a decent machine. The cosmetic condition looks very good.
Just going by the control panel, it looks fairly low featured. So, if I had to guess, I'd say it's a fairly low end model.
It's a model LAT8005AAE
Serial number: 13730895MM
Thank you for anything you can tell me!


Post# 1190516 , Reply# 1   9/23/2023 at 18:28 (379 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

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MM = June, 1995


Lower end washer but will do the job just fine. Better than a Speed Queen TC series with no control over the timer dial and water level. 50/50 warm and 100% hot water unlike the dumb down BS water temps of today. Slam a Load Sensor agitator it in it and start washing.

Post# 1190520 , Reply# 2   9/23/2023 at 19:46 (379 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Thank you, Dan.
And, thank you for posting the link. From those better pictures, I noticed two things.
I don't see an extra rinse option. But, I imagine, on the rare occasion one wants to do that, it can probably just be selected on the timer.
Also, I don't see a "delicate" or "gentle" cycle. Does it only have one speed?

Post# 1190521 , Reply# 3   9/23/2023 at 19:56 (379 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

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No extra rinse, one speed, and no Fabric-Matic option, either. Just a large capacity one speed machine.

Post# 1190525 , Reply# 4   9/23/2023 at 20:24 (379 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Hi Barry , what washing machine do you have now?


It may not be worth getting a 28 year old used washing machine, unless the machine has been extremely lightly used there are potential repair problems on the Horizon with this machine or even immediately.


I’m not picking on Maytag either, but I would be reluctant to buy any used 28 year old washing machine unless you’re in great need of a machine and able to either have a good repair person that you’re willing to spend money getting it repaired or willing to do it yourself. I would not recommend buying a Whirlpool Kenmore, or even Speed Queen at 28 years of age unless you are desperate for a washer and are willing to take the risk.



I should say however, if this is going to be an extra machine and not your only washer it may be very much worth getting.




This post was last edited 09/23/2023 at 21:06
Post# 1190528 , Reply# 5   9/23/2023 at 20:42 (379 days old) by stuftrock1 (Kentucky)        

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Honestly, I say go for it. If you don't care about the missing features, this will make a fantastic daily driver. I have a 1994 LAT4914 that's only slightly higher end than this model, and it has worked flawlessly since it was bought new. Yes, its 28 years old, but Maytag of this era was well known for longevity and reliability, they can easily last much longer than 28 years if you take care of them.


If something does break, they are extremely easy to fix. I would even argue that they are easier to work on than a Whirlpool-built DD. Maytags have a very simple and intuitive design and you don't have to be very mechanically inclined to figure them out.


A Load Sensor agitator would definitely do better, but it's no big deal if you don't have one/can't find one. That 12 vane agitator that's in there now will do just fine, as long as you set the water level liberally and don't pack clothes in there. It really struggles in even the slightest overload, but it does a good job when not.


It will make a fantastic daily driver and will last you longer than anything new on the market today, besides maybe a new Speed Queen. As far as used washers go, this is about as best as they come. 

Post# 1190530 , Reply# 6   9/23/2023 at 21:16 (379 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Thank you. I appreciate any and all feedback.
My current washer is an early 2000s Amana. It looks nearly identical to a similar vintage Speed Queen. But, apparently, was built by Maytag.
I've mentioned it here before, as it has developed the seal/bearing issue that was apparently the weak spot for these machines.
I'm still using it for our weekly laundry. Since there's just the two of us, and neither of us works outside the home, we don't generate a lot of laundry. So, it's hanging in there, but I don't know for how long.
I've been told two different things about it. Either, the parts it needs are no longer available. Or, the parts are available. But, it would be such a big job, I'd likely never find someone who's willing to do it. And, if I did find someone, it would cost me a small fortune.
Honestly, if and when I do replace the Amana, I think I'd only be interested in getting something from around the same era or a little bit older. I would just want it to be something for which most parts are still available, and the machines are easier to work on. I do have access to a technician who's third or fourth generation Whirlpool expert. So, for that reason, Whirlpool/Kenmore is on my short list.
But, even though I have zero personal experience with them, Maytags have always appealed to me.

Post# 1190531 , Reply# 7   9/23/2023 at 21:31 (379 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Buying a used top load washer

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Hi Barry, thanks for the additional information that makes it much easier to give good advice.

I would not fix your Amana, I would check with the repair person you mentioned, and see what they would prefer to work on if they’re enthusiastic about the Maytag it could be a good choice bear in mind that may tags are extremely expensive and difficult to do major repairs on most repair companies don’t do them anymore.

A Direct Dr., Kenmore Whirlpool is a safer choice but again make sure your repair people are enthusiastic about it. Maybe they can even find a good one for you or rebuild one for you.

If you need to buy a used top load machine on your own, your best bet is probably a five or 10 year old Speed Queen if you want a conventional top load washer.


Post# 1190552 , Reply# 8   9/24/2023 at 13:06 (378 days old) by Good-Shepherd (New Jersey)        
price, while not exactly a give-away,

Pretty skimpy on the details. How much is the seller asking and exactly what is the condition inside and out?

$100-150 and in very good condition, go for it. ( i.e. no rust, damage or signs of heavy use).

$200+ and anything less than very good to excellent condition I'd pass or make a lower offer.

With some preventive maintenance you could get another 10 years out of it especially if a low mileage machine.

I set up some friends with 1998 MT I picked up at an estate sale for $100 about 5 years ago. All I did was a through cleaning and lubed the damper pads, been running trouble free since.

Post# 1190554 , Reply# 9   9/24/2023 at 13:22 (378 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

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I haven't spoken to the seller, because I don't want to waste his time if I'm not seriously interested.
The couple of pictures make it look very clean, and he said it's been his back-up washer for some time.
He's asking $125.

Now, a little farther away from me, and a little more expensive, (see what I did there?) someone just listed a Whirlpool that would be a perfect panel match for our dryer, which is circa 1996.
Like the Maytag though, it's a pretty low feature model. Three water levels, and "Hot Warm Cold" temperature. That's it. The Whirlpool does have a delicate cycle on the timer though.

I'm attempting to post a link to the Maytag listing.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO JustJunque's LINK on Westernmass Craigslist

Post# 1190556 , Reply# 10   9/24/2023 at 13:32 (378 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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You need to check the details closely on the WP of reference in Reply 9.  A low-end model may be 1-speed, in which case the "Delicate" or "Gentle" cycle has intermittent agitation at high speed like a Maytag Fabric-Matic.  Some may say "Two Speed Combinations" or some such terminology on the panel.

Post# 1190557 , Reply# 11   9/24/2023 at 13:43 (378 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Here's a link to the Whirlpool; misidentified by the seller as a Maytag.
It does say "Two speed" on the panel.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO JustJunque's LINK on Westernmass Craigslist

Post# 1190559 , Reply# 12   9/24/2023 at 14:16 (378 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Yes, says "Two Speed Motor" specifically, and separate cycles for Delicates and Hand Washables (which should be intermittent at low speed).

Post# 1190562 , Reply# 13   9/24/2023 at 14:31 (378 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Another thing I don't know; our current washer has a 3.3 cubic foot tub.
How would either of these machines compare, capacity wise?

Post# 1190566 , Reply# 14   9/24/2023 at 15:37 (378 days old) by Good-Shepherd (New Jersey)        

Looks decent, tub still has a nice gloss so it probably wasn't used with hard water.

I'd offer $100, you'd be getting a good deal, provided you pop off the front panel and it looks okay inside as well, (no evidence of leaks or rust).

Clean it up, lube the damper pads and put it into service.


Post# 1190567 , Reply# 15   9/24/2023 at 15:40 (378 days old) by Good-Shepherd (New Jersey)        
Here's a link to the Whirlpool;

That WP looks rough, no shots of the tub and pricey considering the condition.

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