Thread Number: 96261  /  Tag: Recipes, Cooking Accessories
Shrimp Alfredo Casserole... anybody tried it?
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Post# 1209394   7/15/2024 at 01:08 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Hey guys, I have made shrimp Alfredo casserole last night and it tasted really good. It had fettuccine noodles with the shrimp and Alfredo sauce, along with red bell pepper and onion along with mushrooms and minced garlic, and mozarela cheese. What I did was boil the noodles line normal, then cooked the shrimp and browned the pepper and onion and minced garlic, and then added the Alfredo sauce. Then, I did several layers of fettuccine noodles, sauce mixture, then cheese and repeated and put it in the oven for 20 minutes. I pushed bake and start as the shrimp mixture was cooking. Very tasty along with garlic bread! I wish I had a picture of it. It tastes so good.
I better stop before I make people on this site hungry.

Post# 1211153 , Reply# 1   8/3/2024 at 13:29 by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

I'm hungry! Sounds so tasty and comforting. I have the Stouffer's version of chicken Fettuccine Alfredo. All I have to do is heat it up in my Sharp R-21LCFS and I have evenly heated comfort food. A few days ago I cooked some Bell and Evans gluten free chicken tenders, cut them up and put them on top of home boiled penne noddles with Classico Alfredo sauce. It was great!



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Post# 1211155 , Reply# 2   8/3/2024 at 13:51 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
to chetlaham

I have a friend of mine who loves shrimp alfredo. I wish I had him over for the casserole version of the same dish. I'm planning on having leftover shrimp alfredo casserole with garlic bread, along with cabbage and bacon. Yes, it is very comforting to enjoy.

Post# 1211159 , Reply# 3   8/3/2024 at 14:36 by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

Sounds so nice! Post pics when you can, I know I will enjoy them.

Post# 1211188 , Reply# 4   8/3/2024 at 22:57 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I'll try to post some pix if I can.

Post# 1213957 , Reply# 5   9/5/2024 at 22:31 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I wish I had pictures, but my phone says iPhone storage full. Otherwise, I'd take photos.

Post# 1213966 , Reply# 6   9/6/2024 at 03:44 by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

Jerome, what company made your microwave? I'd look into getting a Sharp for reheating that shrimp casserole to perfection.

Post# 1213972 , Reply# 7   9/6/2024 at 08:06 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I have a Mainstays microwave from Walmart which was what I could afford at the time.

Post# 1213978 , Reply# 8   9/6/2024 at 09:38 by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

Not bad, Mainstay is a simple compact no frills model. I hear you and I understand. I've been in that position many times. 


When the economy improves, I recommend you get a Sharp. Most of the reviews state this is the best model people have ever used in decades. Many, many glowing 5 star reviews. You will get your soul and your taste buds back. I know I have. Be careful, you will become psychologically addicted to microwavable food. 


Also very easy to use- the numbers light up and the knob has perceptible bumps for each 10 second, 15 second and 30 second increment. The electronic controls sometimes confuse me and are to complex to understand. The single knob of the Sharp Microwave I can understand and use without error. 






Post# 1214776 , Reply# 9   9/14/2024 at 20:23 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I bet that sharp microwave will heat my big plate of shrimp Alfredo casserole with ease.

Post# 1214777 , Reply# 10   9/14/2024 at 20:24 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

The more I think about it, the more I realize that it was given to me. It does work decently. I will give it credit where it's due.

Post# 1216452 , Reply# 11   10/10/2024 at 15:00 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
cabbage with backon

I actually tried shrimp Alfredo with cabbage and bacon. Yes, it was the casserole version. Shrimp Alfredo casserole with cabbage and chopped bacon added. It has a neat flavor and texture added to it. I'm thinking of trying it in different ways.

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