Thread Number: 96621  /  Tag: Detergents and Additives
European Detergents Stateside
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Post# 1213906   9/5/2024 at 14:36 by mwill1116 (Knoxville, TN)        

Hey everyone,
Relatively new here (although I’ve been a wallflower over on Vacuumland for years). I purchased a box of Ariel washing powder after hearing a few users on here talking about how much better European detergents seem to be. After a couple loads I was hooked and it’s been hard for me to go back to Tide or Arm&Hammer. I was wondering if anybody on here has any recommendations on where to find European laundry detergents/powders here in the states. Whether it be specialty stores or online retailers that ship. I’ve been nursing this box of German Ariel and I’m hoping to find its replacement before I run out.

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Post# 1213910 , Reply# 1   9/5/2024 at 16:21 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
Persil advanced clean

I use the new Persil advanced clean ultra pacs which is presumably their top of the line detergent. It works and smells better than Tide, especially after the odor+oxi from Tide I used didn't smell too good. P&G couldn't just leave well enough alone.

Post# 1213914 , Reply# 2   9/5/2024 at 16:49 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Persil sold in USA by Henkel/Dial is totally different beast than what Henkel flogs in Europe. Only thing "European" about American Persil is largely the name. Everything else was developed for American laundry market.

Post# 1213918 , Reply# 3   9/5/2024 at 17:16 by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        
British Essentials

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AW member Frigilux uses a company called British Essentials to buy UK powders, see the story in the link


Post# 1213919 , Reply# 4   9/5/2024 at 17:23 by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        

vacbear58's profile picture
They do not have a wide variety of Ariel

Persil (Unilever not Henkel as sold in US) which is my personal choice

Note that Non Bio powders and liquids are widley marketed here as supposedly better for sensative skin, I find it makes no difference and stick to bio versions myself.

If you wanted a P&G non bio then Fairy is the P&G option, it is a major brand for P&G in the UK and is also the leading brand for hand washing dishes. Hope this helps

Post# 1213931 , Reply# 5   9/5/2024 at 18:38 by mwill1116 (Knoxville, TN)        

Thank you everyone. I will certainly be looking at British Essentials. I was looking and I can’t help but wonder if anyone has experience with Prices on the product is quite a bit cheaper, though you make up for it in shipping. I used EuroFoodMart (ships from northern Ohio) to order my Ariel. Sad thing is their stock is dwindling down and I don’t know how often they restock. Plus it’s mainly just German Persil and Ariel.

Post# 1213935 , Reply# 6   9/5/2024 at 19:08 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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You can try eBay (expand search to worldwide). Some sellers in Europe will ship to USA, others won't. Sadly many sellers in Germany won't ship anything much less laundry detergent period.

Most mainland USA sellers of European home care products including laundry stuff work via an importer or some such. So yes, stock can run low and it could be awhile before things are restocked. has Persil and other Henkel products.

Taste of

There are also local shops that carry decent range of European laundry products. Some ship, others don't.

All and all you're probably going to find more Persil (Henkel) being sold in USA than Ariel. For ages Miele USA had an agreement with Henkel where they were the official and sole importer of Persil detergent and other laundry products from Henkel. This began when Miele first started selling laundry appliances in USA and lasted until rather recently. No matter where one purchased Persil in USA it came from Miele USA. Most shops indeed were places that sold Miele appliances anyway so there was that.

Miele and Henkel parted ways largely because former was about to launch their own laundry care line (Miele's private label detergents, fabric softener, etc..) thus didn't need Henkel.

Free from restricting sales to only Miele USA/North America and already having built in product awareness and natural market, Henkel began selling Persil via shops and other places in USA, Canada and Mexico.

Post# 1213937 , Reply# 7   9/5/2024 at 19:11 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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One thing Britsuperstores and similar places have over perhaps others selling European laundry products is you're almost sure to receive fresh product.

Many sellers on eBay and elsewhere are flogging shelf pulls, discontinued and other stock surplus to requirements.

Powdered products have longer shelf life than liquids, but overall if paying sort of money these places are asking you want fresh stock. Especially if you yourself are laying in a supply that is meant to last awhile.

Post# 1213946 , Reply# 8   9/5/2024 at 20:11 by mwill1116 (Knoxville, TN)        

Thank you for the additional information. I've already began looking and Old-Stock is one thing that has kept me from purchasing from places like Ebay. That being said I will certainly keep looking. I do like the idea of purchasing from places like BritSuperstore, but the main drawback would appear to be how much it would cost to have it shipped. but almost any retailer is going to have some sort of price to pay. Whether it be figured into the cost of the product if it's already here, or if it's in shipping. You did mention Miele detergent, how does that compare to something like Ariel or Persil? And is there anything I should be wary of when purchasing detergents? I noticed specifically most brands make a color safe formula.

Post# 1213947 , Reply# 9   9/5/2024 at 20:17 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I also use snuggle for softness and freshness.

Post# 1213954 , Reply# 10   9/5/2024 at 21:03 by volvoman (West Windsor, NJ)        

Scott - you might also want to try running a Google search to see if you have any European (Polish, German, British, et al) markets near you.

Here in NJ, we've got Biedronka and a few small stores. In addition to great food, some (especially Biedronka) have a great selection of European detergents and fabric softeners. This is where the Mrs. and I get Persil powder, Lenor softener, and other gems. They also have Ariel in both powder and liquid form.

It's worth a shot. Let us know how you make out.

Post# 1213994 , Reply# 11   9/6/2024 at 14:51 by mwill1116 (Knoxville, TN)        

Hey all, coming back to this as I’m looking at British Essentials and Brit Superstore. What is the big difference between bio and non bio? And I’m seeing Colorcare/safe detergents. Are standard detergents not safe for on colored clothing? Some guidance/education on this would be greatly appreciated

Post# 1213997 , Reply# 12   9/6/2024 at 15:33 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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"What is the big difference between bio and non bio?"

One contains enzymes (bio), other does not (non-bio).

Am not going to stir old pools as we've had this discussion numerous times in past on, thus you can search archives for details.

Very long story short many years ago now makers of UK Persil were going to get shot of plain version of that detergent in aid of having only new enzyme containing Persil on offer. Housewives and mothers of UK along with some others went on warpath. One one have thought Lever Bros had announced it was going to sell their children into white slavery or something.

There was and still is an opinion by some in UK that enzyme containing laundry products cause issues with skin irritation and so forth. In end they managed to beat Lever Bros. down and ever since UK laundry market has two versions of Persil and most other detergents: bio and non-bio.

Elsewhere in world including rest of Europe all top shelf detergents meant for general laundry contain enzymes. It's usually middle or bottom shelf products that don't, not so in UK where top selling Persil can be had as both with and without.


Post# 1213998 , Reply# 13   9/6/2024 at 15:41 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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"And I’m seeing Colorcare/safe detergents. Are standard detergents not safe for on colored clothing?"

In general for UK and most of Europe "colour safe" detergents mean they lack OBA/bluing agents and oxygen bleaching systems.

For liquid format and powder versions of "colour safe" detergents sold in Europe one has to read label carefully as some do contain optical brightening agents (OBA). Liquid format detergents don't have bleach (oxygen) largely because it would kill off enzymes.

Powder detergent for whites and colourfast laundry sold in Europe often have powerful advanced activated oxygen bleaching systems. Thus even using cold or warm water they can cause colours and darks to fade. This is true especially with repeated washings. Thus powder detergents for colours usually lack oxygen bleach agents. However again one has to check label since some do contain OBAs.

P&G (makers of Ariel sold in UK) for some reason like to include OBAs in all their laundry detergents including those for colours. Don't know if this is still true, but it's worth checking label. Similar to USA where virtually all versions of Tide, Gain and Cheer contain OBAs with some exceptions.

Post# 1214000 , Reply# 14   9/6/2024 at 16:02 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Old stock laundry detergents.

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There's "old and there's *OLD*.

P&G, Unilever and nearly all other laundry product makers give their detergents, fabric softeners and rest sell by dates. We as consumers often cannot tell but if one reaches out to customer service for say P&G and provides code on packet they can tell when that particular package was made and if it's past sell by date far as they're concerned.

This is where things get tricky. P&G along with others collect "old" stock which is sent back to warehouses for disposal. What they consider "old' may only be a few days past sell by date, which means for consumer purposes thing may be perfectly fine for use.

Years ago much of those shelf pulls of "old stock" was sold off and ended up in dollar stores and other discounters. This is largely still true today except thanks to modern technology online retailers are able to get in on game.

Shelf pulls can also be laundry or other cleaning products that just didn't move quickly enough to suit and a store wants it off their shelves to have space for something else. It is also true for things that are discontinued and a shop cannot or does not sell off stock.

Purchasing old stock of laundry products can be tricky. Oneself and others have been using detergents decades old without issues. OTOH it does come down to many variables.

One finds scent is first thing to go with modern laundry detergents and other products. Either things don't have same whiff when new and or scent doesn't last after things are laundered and dried. Cleaning wise most products are fine, even those decades old.

It isn't wise to purchase old stock of fabric softener (it often currdles or otherwise goes bad), chlorine bleach (deteriorates sitting about into basically salt water), laundry sanitizers (most are quat based which again will deteriorate sitting about for long periods).

Overall one has less to worry about with powder laundry detergents versus liquid formats in terms of expiring.

Long as powdered detergent isn't clumping and or a hardened into a brick, it should be still good.

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