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Last Radio Shack visit...
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Post# 1214121   9/8/2024 at 09:27 by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

my local Radio shack just closed up-went in there looking for scanners and discovered they only were going to be open a couple hours before final closure:they were pretty cleaned out of most items by this time,bought up a bag full of small bulbs,switches and connectors.First radio shack visit was about 1977 and it was a paradise back in that time and up through about 1985 :)

Post# 1214129 , Reply# 1   9/8/2024 at 11:29 by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
My local Radio Shack closed up about 8-9 years ago, surprised there were any left. They've been peddling junk the last 20-25 years but were good a source for simple items before the internet was in full force.

Post# 1214133 , Reply# 2   9/8/2024 at 12:19 by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

I am in a "hick"area,so my local one had a good selection of CB radios and antennas as well as basic electronics tools.there was a cellphone store and cellphone/PC repair center desc as well.Up through about 1985 the parts were generally good, then Taiwan,Korea,China stuff started flowing in more.I have some little Radio Shack mini speakers made about 1982 in Japan and they are superlative-big,clean sound from little 4" woofer and 1" dome tweeter :) I will check what model the bookshelf speakers are.

Post# 1214140 , Reply# 3   9/8/2024 at 13:18 by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The Radio Shack here was part of a Frigidaire/Maytag dealer, VHS rentals back in the day.  It shut down in 2002 and the Radio Shack part (and some of the employees) relocated into the local computer store.  I wasn't in a position of collecting machinery at the time.  I asked Marsha (related to one of the original owner/partners) some years later if they had any Frigidaire parts stashed, she (of course) said it's all long-gone.

The Radio Shack is still in existance at the computer store.  Last time I was in there was to get some fuses a few years ago.

Post# 1214144 , Reply# 4   9/8/2024 at 14:11 by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

petek's profile picture
Ours closed maybe 10 or so years ago. It had become not much more than a remote controlled toy, gizmo junk store with cellphones and only a few swinging racks of electronic parts. Everything ended up at Liquidation World and I picked up a couple of dozen of their Zip Zaps miniature remote control cars and parts, accessories for about $1.15 each where once they had been around $30 each.

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