Thread Number: 96683  /  Tag: Detergents and Additives
Vintage Amway
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Post# 1214608   9/13/2024 at 10:37 by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        

bellalaundry's profile picture
I picked this up the other day at a local thrift shop. What seems different is that it is not only a fabric softener, but also says it's a fabric brightener.

The product is still smooth and fluid and quite concentrated.

Anybody heard of this product, or something similar that was made?

Just curious!


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Post# 1214609 , Reply# 1   9/13/2024 at 10:55 by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Vintage Amway fabric softener

combo52's profile picture
Try it out and let us know, many fabric softeners used to claim to whiten and brighten clothing because they had a tendency to actually make fabrics and colors look more dull.

In general, Amway products are among the lowest rated for effectiveness back when consumer report used to test their products. They never came out very good and they were always the most expensive in the test so it’s not something I would ever buy unless it would take 20 years off my life or something lol

And I won’t even get into the politics of Amway. This is not the right forum.


Post# 1214615 , Reply# 2   9/13/2024 at 11:39 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
" but also says it's a fabric brightener."

For ages now virtually all fabric softeners both for domestic and commercial/professional use have contained bluing agents/OBAs. You have to read ingredient list carefully if trying to avoid such things.

It is these bluing agents that can cause staining if undiluted product comes into contact with textiles. This is reason

Post# 1214617 , Reply# 3   9/13/2024 at 12:35 by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 1214620 , Reply# 4   9/13/2024 at 13:26 by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Most modern fabric softeners, beginning with NuSoft, had lots of bluing to counteract the tendency to cause yellowing of white fabrics. Final Touch had lots of bluing. It also had a great fragrance. I still remember how good Sta Puf smelled and all of its pinkness. Texize Laundry Fluff was less expensive, but the perfume was not as great.

Post# 1214657 , Reply# 5   9/13/2024 at 18:52 by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        

bellalaundry's profile picture
Have to put on my glasses and see if it lists it's ingredients! I never thought of bluing, but I bet that's all it is!

My parents sold Amway in the 70's for a few years as a "side hustle". I'm not sure that's how they referenced it though...


Post# 1214675 , Reply# 6   9/13/2024 at 21:27 by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Do you remember if your parents had to attend weekly meetings? That got old for my colleague and her partner and was a big factor in their dropping out of the cult.

Post# 1214694 , Reply# 7   9/14/2024 at 08:48 by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        
Oh yes...

bellalaundry's profile picture
they went to meetings that were meant to encourage more sales, signing up more sellers, and sales tactics cassette tapes for them to listen to at home (for a cost, of course)

I think that the return wasn't worth the amount of time that Amway demanded, so they stopped.

Post# 1214697 , Reply# 8   9/14/2024 at 11:02 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I once went to one of these recruit "meetings" for Amway. Sounds good to be true but I know we live in a different world nowadays. I don't know how exactly good their laundry products are but I've always had interest in trying them out if only they weren't so expensive. I do however have three Amway vacuums that I really do love and find they're one of the best vacuums ever made, they're technically Dysons but built by Bissell. You can still buy those vacuums new today from WMJ Refurbishing.

Post# 1214703 , Reply# 9   9/14/2024 at 11:36 by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
Amway had a good stain remover back in the 90's but I quit using it around the early 2000's. Not sure if their current stain remover performs as well.

Post# 1214710 , Reply# 10   9/14/2024 at 12:57 by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

petek's profile picture
Those vacs look more like Fantoms to me, which were designed by Dyson when he worked at Fantom, before he started Dyson. ?

A friend of mine had an Amway wireless intercom in their house back in the 80s. The main console was wood and not bad looking.

Post# 1214808 , Reply# 11   9/15/2024 at 08:42 by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Amway S-A-8 laundry detergent was pretty good in it's time. Back then powdered detergent had alot of fillers.

Post# 1214840 , Reply# 12   9/15/2024 at 16:29 by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        
Reply #10

maytag85's profile picture
From what I understand, is James Dyson pitched his vacuum to Amway, Amway then had Bissell make a beefed up machine that used Mr. Dyson’s patents. Amway then essentially said “We are not interested”, they ended the contract. The story takes a turn, Amway decides to make the machine anyway when Mr. Dyson heads back to England. As soon as Mr. Dyson catches wind of this, files a patent infringement lawsuit, Amway ended up having to pay him the royalties for everyone they sold. Sometime in the 1990’s, Amway sold the rights off to Bissell, then Bissell sells the rights off to a company in Michigan by the name of WMJ Refurbish which sold them (still being sold to this day), reason why they could sell and make them is they were sold “refurbished”. Since the patent expired on cyclonic vacuums around 2010/2011, most bagless vacuums began to use cyclonic separation.

Post# 1214930 , Reply# 13   9/16/2024 at 16:15 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
There's a little more to this story. Amway countersued Dyson and they both settled by becoming joint licenses, I don't have evidence to support this but from what I heard it did happen. Amway yet again sued Dyson for defamation in 1997 and prevented Dyson from anymore talk, supports this. I think that was one of the reasons why they exited the vacuum market. Even though WMJ Refurbishing took over the ClearTrak from Bissell, WMJ Refurbishing is still an authorized Bissell warranty center and carries Bissell products.

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