Thread Number: 96742  /  Tag: Recipes, Cooking Accessories
Lactaid Recall "Trace" Amounts of Almonds
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Post# 1215305   9/21/2024 at 07:06 by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture

I buy this milk frequently for the reasons indicated. Two weeks ago I drank one bottle which straight up tasted and had the consistency of vanilla almond milk. I thought to myself someone screwed up filling/labeling lol. 



Today I find Lactaid is on recall for "trace" amounts of almond not listed. I say trace in quotes because what I drank was straight up almond milk. 



I'm guessing at minimum the same machines that produce Almond milk also process Lactaid milk. Someone forgot to empty out a vat of Almond milk and Lactose free milk got mixed in.



Part that kind of ticks me off is when the say "trace" amounts when the content I drank was at least 50% almond milk if not 90%. That is unless Almond milk has few almonds in it to begin with.


Anyone have any ideas about it all or what might have gone wrong?




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