Thread Number: 96751  /  Tag: Ranges, Stoves, Ovens
Jenn-Air oven s/m. How to obtain?
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Post# 1215391   9/22/2024 at 10:21 by Paulg (My sweet home... Chicago)        

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I could really use the FULL service manual for our Jenn-AIr JJW9830DDB wall-oven. 2005 vintage. I wish to evaluate the oven temperatures and perhaps spec them back again. We suspect the temps may have drifted over time and would like to know how to adjust, if possible.
The on-line manuals are merely parts lists. I am looking for the full s/m including adjustments.
Anyone know how to obtain the full s/m?

Post# 1215392 , Reply# 1   9/22/2024 at 10:36 by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Tech Sheet (not a full service manual) is available at WP via guest search.

It states that the temperature thermistor should read 1,080 ohms at 70°F room temp.

A procedure is provided to adjust the temp on a range of -35°F to +35°F in 5°F increments.


Post# 1215395 , Reply# 2   9/22/2024 at 11:03 by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Just searching for the model number provides the use and care manual.

The "Setup" section mentions a setting for temp offsets, so all you really need is an oven thermometer.

Interestingly enough, that also mentions a setting for 240V vs 208V for "improved results when using bake".
Makes me think this either extends an automatic preheat setting OR it actually affects the temperature control for the slower response/recovery times on 208V. Would make sense if that already uses a PID temp control - which isn't far fetched if it uses an NTC for temp control.

Post# 1215397 , Reply# 3   9/22/2024 at 11:22 by Paulg (My sweet home... Chicago)        
Wow! Thank you for the lightning-fast responses!

paulg's profile picture
Much obliged to you both for the kind and very rapid assistance!
Tune-up time for our beloved double-oven.
Again, thx.

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