Thread Number: 96781  /  Tag: Recipes, Cooking Accessories
A half-pound of pasta (and why you should weigh it instead of eyeballing it)
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Post# 1215669   9/26/2024 at 09:41 by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

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Post# 1215670 , Reply# 1   9/26/2024 at 10:12 by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
Well is it for calories or weight control?

Or just for portions of servings?

— Dave

Post# 1215687 , Reply# 2   9/26/2024 at 16:09 by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

joeekaitis's profile picture

I was trying to illustrate how different shapes take up different volume and can throw you off, making one meal a feast and the next a famine if you try to guess at a half-pound, but the picture didn't cooperate.  8 ounces of elbow mac, rigatoni and spaghetti.  Compare the elbows to the rigatoni.


Alton Brown said the same thing about weighing flour instead of using measuring cups, and since pasta is flour and water (except egg pastas), weighing is more reliable than eyeballing or using measuring vessels.

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