Thread Number: 96839  /  Tag: Other Home Products or Autos
Here we go again, experts chiming in on we're washing 6 categories of things too often
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Post# 1216248   10/7/2024 at 11:35 by appnut (TX)        

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Post# 1216250 , Reply# 1   10/7/2024 at 11:52 by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

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Post# 1216284 , Reply# 2   10/7/2024 at 16:33 by Mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

There is a lot they don’t take into consideration. Sickness, elderly, physically compromised, climate. Smokers. Type of washer, detergents, line-drying.
There are some articles that must be washed more frequently, kitchen towels, underwear, etc.
I read the article and basically rolled my eyes. Manufacturing of clothing and sheets isn’t what it used to be. I still have sheets bought from Montgomery Wards that has held up beautifully, better than anything bought in the last few years.


Post# 1216285 , Reply# 3   10/7/2024 at 17:04 by qsd-dan (West)        

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It really comes down to lifestyle. Non smoker but have pets.

I get a full 7 days out of a towel but it's washed in 160F temps and soaked for 3 hours in oxygen bleach. It's also immediately hung up and fully spread out after use. It's 90% as fresh as a new towel even after 7 days.

I have no problem getting 2 weeks out of sheets, even with pets. Might be a problem if one has oily/greasy skin/hair though.

I also get 3-4 weeks from blankets. Sheets are touching my skin the majority of the time. They aren't getting dirty.

Throw rugs are used for 2 weeks then flipped. I get 4 weeks out of throw rugs before washing.

I hand wash my pillows 3 times a year in the bathtub at 160F with laundry detergent and oxygen bleach, letting them periodically soak a few hours total time (a bit difficult washing them until they cool down to about 140F, still doable with the right hand protection). Pillow covers are changed weekly.

No way in hell I'd let pants of any kind go 5 days or more without washing. Used once, maybe twice if I'm getting dirty at home the following day.

Post# 1216291 , Reply# 4   10/7/2024 at 20:45 by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

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it's cold & flu season--wash cloths which i change daily, and towels get two to three days, then swapped for cleaner & germ-free...




-- dave

Post# 1216294 , Reply# 5   10/7/2024 at 21:28 by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I use my bath-related towels 2 days at most and hung to completely dry inbetween and not until I put them in hamper to collect a full load of towels.

Post# 1216314 , Reply# 6   10/8/2024 at 09:51 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

I have no words! These "experts" are just so stupid!

Post# 1216346 , Reply# 7   10/8/2024 at 20:03 by RyneR1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
I'm with Bob on bath towels, we change them after two uses. same with washcloths, so it takes about a week to accumulate a load of towels since I change kitchen towels/rags every two days as well.

Sheets get changed once a week, but we have thin smooth-textured sheets. Since we are both hot sleepers, we don't care for thicker flannel type bedding or anything like that. Consequently, three sets of full-size bedding and pillowcases can be washed together easily with a bit of room to spare. Therefore, I do a load of sheets every three weeks.

We only do blankets about once per season, so approx. four times a year. We use a top sheet, so blankets don't get very dirty and we both usually end up throwing them off in the middle of the night anyway.

I tend to follow the same rule for pillows as blankets. I wash our pillows about once per season on the bulky cycle. I feel like a good wash and a hot spin in the dryer kind of re-fluffs them. We've had the same pillows for ages and they still are thick and puffy like new.

Don't have throw-rugs or anything like that. We have carpet in the bedroom and laminate flooring in the main area of the apartment, and rugs tend to bunch up under Stacye's wheelchair, causing her to get stuck, so we avoid rugs.

Jeans/pants get worn twice, sometimes three times if I only had them on for some of the day, like if I changed into lounge pants upon returning home from an outing which I don't often do. Stacye won't wear pants more than once because she alleges sitting in a sweaty wheelchair all day makes her feel self-consciously smelly in the pants region. I've tried telling her this isn't so at all, and that wearing pants more than once won't hurt a thing, but it's a hard line, so I let it go long ago. Some battles just aren't worth fighting. LOL


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