Thread Number: 96906  /  Tag: Refrigerators
Unusual request....
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Post# 1216934   10/18/2024 at 16:21 by kalanikaau1 (Honolulu, Hawaii)        

kalanikaau1's profile picture
But I'll throw it out here anyway.
I am considering purchasing a Frigidaire 6.5 cubic upright freezer, model # EFRF698 from Walmart, unfortunately this model is not stocked in any of my local Walmart stores and is a special order item only.
I need to know the internal dimensions of this unit, in particular the width, depth and height of the interior nacelles separated by it's fixed 5 shelves.
Curtis Industries, who handles the manufacture and sales of this Frigidaire has no clue as to what these dimensions are, I find this very odd.
If anyone here should own the same model freezer, I'd greatly appreciate it you could supply me with these dimensions.

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This post was last edited 10/18/2024 at 19:41

Post# 1216937 , Reply# 1   10/18/2024 at 16:57 by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
The inside dimensions are not here and you may have seen this already but I’ll post anyway.


Post# 1216945 , Reply# 2   10/18/2024 at 19:46 by kalanikaau1 (Honolulu, Hawaii)        
Reply #1

kalanikaau1's profile picture
Thanks, but I already have the page you thoughtfully supplied, at this point I think the only way to get the measurements is to ask friends on the mainland somewhere to go to their local Walmart and to physically measure it, provided that store has it on display.

Post# 1216951 , Reply# 3   10/18/2024 at 21:16 by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Why can't you email Frigidaire customer service with the model # and ask them?

Post# 1217077 , Reply# 4   10/20/2024 at 13:06 by kalanikaau1 (Honolulu, Hawaii)        
Reply# 3

kalanikaau1's profile picture
I did just that last Wednesday (10/16) with no response yet.
Subsequently I called Frigidaire customer support on 10/17 and was directed to inquire with Curtis Industries of whom I called that same day, they were clueless as to what I am looking for.
I did find an equivalent, different branded freezer @ BestBuy and have one on order, at least their website lists the dimensions I was looking for.
Scratch Frigidaire...

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