Thread Number: 96973  /  Tag: Ranges, Stoves, Ovens
Coppertone Brown GE (Americana) kitchen.
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Post# 1217665   10/30/2024 at 17:07 by Countryford (Austin, MN)        

countryford's profile picture
I recently painted my kitchen this yellow then installed my GE Americana refrigerator. I also had the 2 GE Mobile Maid dishwashers. On my recent trip, I picked up the Americana range. My GE kitchen is complete.

I will be doing a turquoise tile for the backsplash. I want to get one that's a close match to the Motorola radio on top of the refrigerator. That radio originally belonged to my great grandmother. It was given to me by my grandmother, so it will remain in the kitchen.

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Post# 1217666 , Reply# 1   10/30/2024 at 17:31 by pulltostart (A Red State)        

I love it!  I do like GE's Coppertone.  Two questions for you - 1) what is the floor, and 2) what did you have to do to get the Mobile Maid under your counter?



Post# 1217669 , Reply# 2   10/30/2024 at 17:59 by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        
Very nice!

When I was a kid our kitchen was painted dark blue, but my parents had it painted nearly that same shade of yellow when I was 11, and it stayed that color until I pulled down the walls to make that area the living room.

Daltile has a color called "Ocean Blue" that may be a close match to your radio. It comes as a glazed product - Color Wheel Mosaic (Mexico) and unglazed porcelain - Keystones (USA). They come in various shapes and sizes.

Post# 1217671 , Reply# 3   10/30/2024 at 19:24 by Countryford (Austin, MN)        

countryford's profile picture
The flooring is just a rolled vinyl / linoleum. It was in the house, when i purchased it. Eventually I'll replace it.
As far as the dishwasher. I originally had a newer built in, when i purchased the house. I removed it and the mobile Maid slid right in.

Post# 1217676 , Reply# 4   10/30/2024 at 19:50 by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture

Always loved yellow kitchens, grew up with them.

Post# 1217782 , Reply# 5   11/1/2024 at 09:15 by kevin313 (Detroit, Michigan)        

kevin313's profile picture
I love yellow kitchens and it provides a wonderful contrast for your sweet coppertone appliances! Enjoy that kitchen!

Post# 1217834 , Reply# 6   11/2/2024 at 18:41 by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        
Truly Beatiful!

bellalaundry's profile picture
I find it's not common around here to find Coppertone appliances anymore! Great shade of yellow!


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