Thread Number: 96985  /  Tag: Detergents and Additives
Great detergent site Phosphates with Enzmes
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Post# 1217856   11/3/2024 at 09:39 by volsboy1 (East Tenn Smoky mountains )        

volsboy1's profile picture
I love this detergent there low suds with enzymes and phosphates. They have tons of different detergents about half have phosphates in them. The Low suds is my fav so far I have not had the chance to try any more 50 pounds last forever.
There dishwasher detergent works great also.


Post# 1217865 , Reply# 1   11/3/2024 at 13:37 by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
More expensive than Tide Ultra Oxi by volume that I purchase from Costco. I would hope it performs better at that price.

Their dishwasher detergent is probably the closest you can get to the old chlorinated stuff loaded with phosphates.

Post# 1217922 , Reply# 2   11/4/2024 at 18:29 by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
And then there's . . .

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. . . any brand of "advanced" dishwasher pacs, store brand or national brand, and a heaping teaspoon of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP).  5-pound bag lasts at least a year.  MUCH cheaper then Bubble Bandit who jacked up the price when they were nearly alone in the consumer phosphate dishwasher detergent market.  The cleaning power of enzymes boosted by the softened water.


Price hasn't gone up since I ordered my first bag in 2022.


Post# 1218062 , Reply# 3   11/6/2024 at 19:05 by Vtgbabydress (Atlanta)        

I have been ordering STPP from Amazon too. It works great and lasts a while. I buy the 1 gallon bucket of Earthborn Elements.
I actually thought of buying the detergent from worldwide janitor also, but I was afraid to try it because I have very sensitive skin and I have to use certain detergents or I look like a lobster.

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