Thread Number: 55648
Maytag MAF8801 - "Water Outlet Fault"
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Post# 780376   8/31/2014 at 06:10 (3,531 days old) by richardc1983 (Leeds, UK)        

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Hello all, so recently changed over the PCB on the above machine from a machine that had a good PCB because it wasn't filling with enough water so it kept aborting the wash cycle and advancing to the rinse stages due to the heating element not being covered with enough water.

All been running fine since change but last night I decided to do a load of towels on a 60C wash using the high water level option which I use on all my washing cycles. I put in the machine, 1 bath sheet, 1 bath towel, 4 hand towels and bathmat and pedestal mat (Ikea Microfibre). I dosed with 50ml of ariel powder which is a lot less than I need to put in as it recommends 102ml for normal soiling and water level. This was a full load.

The main wash cycle completed ok with hardly any visible foam in the wash, it then switches to drain, it drains the water fine and then spins up... we then hit sudslock straight away (normal at this first attempt at spinning), the machine spins down and tumbles again whilst attempting to drain bubbles from the machine, it then attempts to spin up 2/3 times more but because the bubbles are not disappearing it throws up this error code "Water outlet fault" aborting the cycle completely.

I get the impression that the machine is thinking it has not drained water out so this is why it is not continuing with the cycle? I checked the filter and the hoses all clean and clear and not kinked. I tried again putting it on a cold quick wash cycle to try clear the soap, and each time we get to the spin stages it aborts due to the suds lock, that is with no detergent in, and as stated I use very little Ariel powder in and no fabric softener in the final stage rinse for towels (not that we got this far into the cycle).

I have this problem every time I wash towels with this machine. I had two of these machines and gradually I have swapped parts out of the machine that had a failed drum bearing such as main PCB, motor, pressure sensor and fill level sensor etc. The previous main PCB as soon as the machine hit suds lock it would abort even trying to spin and then just go straight to the rinse which means by the final rinse the machine had never spun and the towels were still full of soapy water. The machine also didn't fill with enough water so didn't have any chance of rinsing properly or heating the water sometimes with absorbent loads as it would not refill once the level had dropped meaning the heater would trip so I had to swap out parts.

I am not sure why getting this fault coming up because of suds, it hits suds lock but the machine has hardly any foam during the main wash part of the cycle itself. Any idea of what I could do to rectify this issue?

Needless to say I've not had a great experience with these maytag/asko machines!

Post# 781065 , Reply# 1   9/3/2014 at 05:17 (3,528 days old) by richardc1983 (Leeds, UK)        

richardc1983's profile picture

Post# 781070 , Reply# 2   9/3/2014 at 06:15 (3,528 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture
Superficially, since I own a much simpler 1998 domesticated EU machine, I have to say that computer machines like to think they're smart whilst we have to remember they're slightly less smart than the programmer and what computer programmer ever had realworld exposure to laundry other than dropping quarters/shillings in a slot?

Yes mine still struggles swallowing towel suds on the first spin. But it doesn't gag/bomb. Must consider that since yours thinks it's so much smarter, it DOES gag/bomb even though the real-life conditions are the same.

Then there can also be the issue of what exactly a UK Maytag is. A Whirlpoint? Haierlux? Sampool? You know what I mean. And what version of firmware? This/these may be why there is no immediate straightforward answer.

Towels aren't "that" dirty. Not much filth to keep detergents busy so they merry themselves by foaming. A machine with low clearance between inner and outer tubs churns the foam which resists drum acceleration. It tries a couple times then shrugs up an error. That's all hypothetical since I don't own that model, don't use your detergent or your water, or your towels.

But you may see in the variables normally associated with laundry how some dumbshit circuit board could misinterpret what's happening and shrug. We don't know what the machine is using as a definition of 'sudslock'. So this is mostly contemplative blather while we wait for someone who actually owns one and has encountered and solved this.

Post# 781119 , Reply# 3   9/3/2014 at 12:45 (3,528 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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Have you tried adding fabric softener (mixed with water) as the machine spins up? This usually kills suds immediately.



Post# 781326 , Reply# 4   9/4/2014 at 10:05 (3,527 days old) by richardc1983 (Leeds, UK)        

richardc1983's profile picture
I think the motor board must sense that it is drawing more power than it should so assumes water still in the drum/suds lock.

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