Thread Number: 58837  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Issues with my Neptune
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Post# 814221   3/16/2015 at 13:10 (3,334 days old) by norgechef (Saint George New Brunswick )        

I recently replaced the rear struts on my Neptune (MAH6500), which helped considerably with the out of balance problem it was having, although it is still quite noisy on the spin cycle at times. I have several other issues with this washer as well. No matter what cycle I set it on it never seems to clean the clothes. Stains that would be removed had I washed them in a top loader do not come out at all, even with stain remover.

I am open to this being user error since it is my first front loader and don't really know how to load it or what detergent is best. I usually steer clear of expensive detergents like Tide because the washer seems to get a moldy smell when I use that or Purex, so I stick to the cheaper brands like Xtra and Surf and usually try to buy powder instead of liquid when I can to avoid a mold problem.

When I load the washer I usually spread the clothes out flat on the bottom of the machine and kind of stack them on top of each other instead of just throwing them in, is this the right way to go or should I just throw them in? As I said they always seem to come out dirty and usually tangled up quite a bit when I wash jeans.

I really want to like this washer because I've heard so many negative things about newer front loaders but this one doesn't seem to be much better. It just confuses me since a lot of people on this forum love their Neptune's... Is it safe to assume all front loaders don't clean as well as top loaders or am I doing something wrong?

Post# 814235 , Reply# 1   3/16/2015 at 14:27 (3,334 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I just picked up a 6500 for Mark, so in testing I am finding a few clues to this one that my 5500 doesn't do.....for one the heater, granted I don't think it comes on as my water temp is 160, but just the same, it washes great......the extended spin and higher speed are bonuses

there is nothing special about loading or washing.....Hot or Warm wash, always, can be a warm rinse in the winter time......I just throw them in....mixed loads seem to do better, than one of all jeans

Cold water washes will give you the mold/mildew slimy issues every time, no matter what detergent you are using.....

nothing special in detergents......Tide, Gain, Era, Wisk, or Sears Ultra Plus...even some bargain ones, but cleaning will suffer, this is usually left for the dogs blankets.....regular or color safe bleach if needed.....

and I basically just hit 'start', as it repeats/runs the same cycle over and over......Cotton/Sturdy....Warm/Cold....Normal Soil....Max Spin

only if something is greasy or really grungy, then you go for the pre-wash/soak or stain cycle options...and throw in an extra rinse for good measure...

I would check your water level....but not just at the first fill, this is probably the minimum as it lathers the detergent for a concentrated will constantly add water as it goes along......usually adding in the middle of the wash, and again for the bleach addition......rinses are rinse you will find the most water and a ramped up agitation to clean everything out before the final drain and spin....

also, I don't leave my doors or dispenser door open after use....then again, I wash every other day, as opposed to some who may only wash once a week....but have never had a mold type issue on any machine....

other noise could be tub bearings, but don't rule out motor bearings as well....the pumps are usually very quiet, but can get quite loud when they start to wear....vibrate is more like it

Post# 814241 , Reply# 2   3/16/2015 at 14:44 (3,334 days old) by marky_mark (From Liverpool. Now living in Palm Springs and Dublin)        

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Well I am British and therefore I am used to using many different European front loaders, which all have powerful internal heaters and can do a long boil wash if required, which will nuke pretty much any stains and get whites blindingly white.

But I have also lived in Arizona and used several traditional top loaders and......
I used to have a Magtag Neptune! Mine did NOT have an internal heater.

Personally I thought it worked great. I used to wash most clothes on 'warm', 'heavy soil' with extra rinse (giving a total of 4 rinses). Total cycle time about 74 minutes. They always came clean, but yes some stains would sometimes remain, but that would happen with a toploader or even a Euro FL at low temp on a short cycle. I used Tide liquid detergent.

For whites, I used to run the hot water in the sink till it got hot, then wash them on hot and select "soak" giving a cycle time of 99 minutes (the maximum possible on this machine). I used powdered Tide with bleach and a Tide booster pack. Again, very good results. Very occasionally I would add some chlorine bleach with whites.

So even though it didn't have a heater (and even those that do still cannot get nearly as hot as a Euro machine), it did give good results. With a FL, you can just dump the clothes in. Normally with a FL you can fill the drum to the top, but I guess if you're having issues you should fill it less full.

Interesting that you find the clothes are tangled and dirty. Do you run the hot water first? Are you sure the machine tumbles in both directions and generally works correctly? I also used to let it fill a little before adding detergent. Euro machines are much more advanced than my Neptune was, and I had a feeling that some of the detergent may wind up going straight into the sump on this machine. I also had a water softener, so I guess it helps to wash in soft water and also with the detergents I was using -- the highest rated by Consumer Reports, plus I didn't normally use the "normal" cycle which I felt was way too brief a wash. For my laundry, I personally was able to get results that were just as good as I do here in Spain with my brand new Miele washer and dryer. But for bad stains, the Neptune can't even nearly compete with the Miele, obviously.


Post# 814272 , Reply# 3   3/16/2015 at 18:16 (3,333 days old) by norgechef (Saint George New Brunswick )        
Yeah, I'm not impressed.

Martin, I use it exactly as you say, whites are always bleached, and I never use cold water but easy to remove stains still wont come out. I will try using Tide again since tide usually does the trick for stains that wont come out, but if nothing improves i'll probably use it until it dies and then get a new machine.

When I bought it I had originally set out to keep it until bearing parts, etc were no longer available but seeing how it doesn't have ''Outstanding cleaning through stain removal'' like the brochure for the Neptune says it doesn't really seem like a very good product.

I remember seeing ads for these washers on the Maytag website claiming they were the best washers on the market for removing stains but it doesn't seem so. If I had paid $1,200 for one of these new I would be returning it.

The norgetag I had before this only cost a fraction of a new Neptune and cleaned much better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed its just my taste in detergent, because its starting to get very frustrating. I may just have to start using Heavy soil for every load but I doubt that's very good for the rest of the machine.

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