Thread Number: 10
Continuation of the Sandbox thread about the Bosch washers and dryers
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Post# 44484   9/5/2004 at 04:43 (7,264 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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This is from the mail I sent to the Sandbox:

Actually it isn't selling in Europe. It hasn't been brought on the market here. Mainly because it's manufactured in the US and also I guess because there is only a niche market for such machines, they are way to big for most European laundry setups.

BTW, there is a whole new discussion forum about modern washers at the website. Here's the link:

Let's continue the discussion there.

Chris wrote:

Have you heard any buzz about how it's selling in Europe, Louis? It
has to have come out there well before making its debut here.

Post# 44567 , Reply# 1   9/6/2004 at 15:04 (7,263 days old) by Rchris ()        

Just checked out the Nexxt at a local Lowe's yesterday. You are right: anything that tall and wide would never fit under the counter in a European kitchen.

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