Thread Number: 1017
Kenmore Elite/Bosch dishwasher...Questions...
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Post# 53818   1/18/2005 at 16:25 (7,129 days old) by wireman (Lansing, MI)        

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Howdy Folks,

We just replaced our diswasher(think it was a GE built Kenmore-8 yrs.old)with a Bosch designed Kenmore Elite. Anyone had any experience with them? The manual claims that only powdered detergent should be used- of course, we had purchased 2 large jugs o' liquid shortly before the old one died. Can liquid be used?

So far, it is VERY quiet and seems to use little water, seems to wash well( had a party this weekend- ran several loads). The normal cycle does seem a bit long at over 1 &1/2 hrs. The dishwasher does not seem as deep as the old one-that is partly offset by the lack of a central spray tower rising up through the bottom rack and the very adjustable racks.

Have these proven dependable? Sears was trying to sell us an extended warranty- seldom see the need for them. After spending $800 for the DW and installation(after coupons and rebates)couldn't see anteing up another $180. Anyone have any experience?


Post# 53826 , Reply# 1   1/18/2005 at 19:01 (7,129 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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wireman--- I don't have a Kenmore Elite, but friends of mine do. They love it! It is the quietest dishwasher I've ever heard. My new, very quiet TOL Frigidaire is certainly not as quiet as the Elite. They also commented on the nearly 2-hour normal cycle. However, they say it cleans much better than their old Whirlpool.

One of the things that drew me to the new Frigidaire was the Speed Clean cycle. It's only 50 minutes long (10 of which are for drying) and it cleans the very full, dirty loads I put in it. It compensates for the shorter cycle by increasing the water power by 30%. I've stopped using the normal cycle (which is about 105 minutes on my machine). I've gotten spoiled by having the machine freed up every 50 minutes for the inevitable 2nd and 3rd loads after dinner parties.

Best of luck with your new machine! Although Bosch machines have a little higher rate of repair (according to Consumer Reports), they seem to be a high-quality machine.

Post# 53836 , Reply# 2   1/18/2005 at 19:25 (7,129 days old) by wireman (Lansing, MI)        

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Thanks! The Elite has a short cycle also...30+ min.; tried it with lightly soiled load...worked fine. Haven't yet tried it with a heavier soiled load; the water temp is lower, so I'm afraid it won't clean effectively...

Take Care,

Post# 53837 , Reply# 3   1/18/2005 at 19:28 (7,129 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Duane, the reason why your new dishwasher seems shallower in depth is because it is. It's a European design and over there, their cabinets & countertops aren't as deep as what we have in American kitchens, hence the shallower machine. Thus it isn't because of the center rising tower.

One feature your Kenmore Elite lacks that the comparable Bosch SHU66 has is the OptiMiser option--reduces cycle time by 30% and doesn't cause degredation in cleaning. There may also be one or two other little features the Kenmore is lacking to get the price down.

Also, Bosch's manual,and several otehr European manufacturers say to specificallty NOT use liquid detergents. There's a clay like substance that they form that will cause problems with the machine.

Also, do you run the hot water at your kitchen sink until it comes out hot before you start your dishwasher. If not, START DOING SO. That should reduce some of the cycle length. If you're not flushing out the cold water b4 yoyu start the machine, because these machines use so little water per fill, it's not gonna have much hot water being fed to it by the time it gets to the main wash cycle.

Post# 53846 , Reply# 4   1/18/2005 at 19:57 (7,129 days old) by wireman (Lansing, MI)        

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Thanks! I didn't think that the center tower had anything to do with the depth; just commenting that since the Bosch lacked one, there was almost as much rack space despite it being shallower.
We are running hot water before turning it on. Good to know about the clay caused by liquids...YUCK!!! So far, seems like a great machine...just hope it proves durable!

Post# 53864 , Reply# 5   1/19/2005 at 00:34 (7,128 days old) by Ironrite ()        

I've got a Bosch machine here. I did use up what was left of liquid detergent in it, from my old machine, with no lingering problems. Usually I'll use powdered Cascade. Mine does have the Optimizer cycles. The cycle times can change though depending on the prior load and and how dirty the current load is.

One nice thing is no exposed heating element, so plastic items can go anywhere in the machine. I load mine up, making sure that the spray can hit everything, stuff is tilted a bit as that helps drying, and off it goes.

I had it a year, and it gets moderate use, just a two person household and so far no troubles at all. It does a great job.

Post# 53866 , Reply# 6   1/19/2005 at 02:27 (7,128 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
liquid detergent

It seems that they don't realize that the newer gel liquid detergents aren't the same as the original clay-based liquids. I don't see where the newer gel types would do any harm.

Post# 54015 , Reply# 7   1/20/2005 at 08:47 (7,127 days old) by retromom ()        
To Bosch or not to Bosch....

Our Bosch should be coming in next week. I have always used powdered dishwasher detergents. They are cheaper and last longer. We have really hard water here, so I also like to use Jet-Dry.

I will let you know if Bosch is "da bomb" or a dud.

Post# 54200 , Reply# 8   1/22/2005 at 08:47 (7,125 days old) by wireman (Lansing, MI)        

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So far, so good with ours...seems like we can load it a bit more tightly than our old GE/Kenmore and it still gets the dishes sparkling. Seems to dry them pretty well too- if we leave the door closed for awhile after the cycle is complete. REALLY appreciating how quiet it is.

Post# 54982 , Reply# 9   1/27/2005 at 15:56 (7,120 days old) by Joe_in_Philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

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Someone posted a link to this article in the Laundry Room Forum on That Home Site. It is from Chemical and Engineering News, and is about soaps and detergents. I found it interesting.



Post# 1187807 , Reply# 10   8/16/2023 at 22:22 (345 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
Kenmore dishwasher

I have a Kenmore by Bosch dishwasher. It is quiet and does a great job cleaning. It works with power, liquid/gel, and pods.

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