Thread Number: 104
Whirlpool Digital set late 80's ealry 90's?
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Post# 45310   9/18/2004 at 13:46 (7,251 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture
This looks cool, what agitator does the washer have?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Pulsator's LINK on eBay

Post# 45316 , Reply# 1   9/18/2004 at 14:57 (7,251 days old) by brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        
The tub opening looks BD

The tub opening looks like a beltdrive, arent these machines from the late 70's and doesnt Kenmore1978?? (I think) Have a set of these machines in LA?

Based on that I would assume that its a Surgilator or a Super Surgliator, but I could be wrong


Post# 45320 , Reply# 2   9/18/2004 at 16:09 (7,251 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

It should have the "Double Duty Super Surgilator" with the wings at the base.

Post# 45323 , Reply# 3   9/18/2004 at 16:46 (7,251 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

come to think of it,Whirlpool didn't offer an electronic model when they switched to dd. I could be wrong but I think they came out with the electronic catalyst after sears did.Anyone know for sure?

Post# 45335 , Reply# 4   9/18/2004 at 21:16 (7,251 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
early-mid 80's

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These are from the early to mid 80's - right before the DD changeover. I had an electronic WP washer from 1980 that had the square button pad, then came the buttons all in a row a year or two later (they offered both keypad styles for a while) but this machine has the later style panel design that carried over into the full-size machines.

Here's a link to the 80 WP I had:


Post# 45348 , Reply# 5   9/19/2004 at 00:46 (7,250 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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As I recall, Whirlpool did not have an electronic-control direct-drive washer during the initial changeover to that design, nor did they have one in the lineup for a number of years after. Kenmore did, and the initial offering of KitchenAid washers did include a TOL electronic model. If I am not mistaken, the Catalyst was Whirlpool's first electronic direct-drive machine.

Post# 45502 , Reply# 6   9/21/2004 at 03:23 (7,248 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Electronic KM

Those are Whirlpools, my set is first year KM from 1978

Post# 45510 , Reply# 7   9/21/2004 at 06:02 (7,248 days old) by jaxsunst ()        
Electronic Kenmore

Could you post some pics of your 1978 electronic Kenmore. Is it the one with the start/stop switch on the side of the electronic panel?

Post# 45719 , Reply# 8   9/24/2004 at 23:31 (7,245 days old) by super32 (Blackstone Massachusetts)        

super32's profile picture
Whirlpool did make a DD touch control. It looked alot like the one in the pix, especially the earlier versions.

Post# 45750 , Reply# 9   9/25/2004 at 20:35 (7,244 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Ebay Special

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Here is a set in California.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO mrb627's LINK on eBay

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