Thread Number: 106
Kenmore Belt Drive? Set
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Post# 45312   9/18/2004 at 13:53 (7,383 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

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Post# 45313 , Reply# 1   9/18/2004 at 14:07 (7,383 days old) by agiflow-action ()        
DD Kenmore

These are DD washers.Just looking at the tub opening gives it away.I think it is a 24" model. It also looks like there is a clothes guard or tub wring in the basket.First generation DD looks to be.


Post# 45329 , Reply# 2   9/18/2004 at 19:00 (7,383 days old) by westytoploader ()        

I saw this set but didn't post it for obvious reasons. ;) Can you believe someone is actually bidding on these?? The familiar round clothes guard is a dead giveaway...YUK! Look for the D-shaped tub ring next time there's an open lid, please.

Can you believe that the Kenmore DD design is pushing 20 years? In a few years it will be...scary. While the 1-piece agitator is fun to watch, IMHO, I don't consider any DD machine to be a classic.

Post# 45330 , Reply# 3   9/18/2004 at 19:21 (7,383 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

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One thing that is interesting about these first generation DD machines is the fact that they spin-drain. The DD's only did that for a couple years before Whirlpool went back to a neutral drain. At the time, I thought a Kenmore spin-draining and going faster than 525 RPMs was pretty cool. A spin-draining Whirlpool/Kenmore could be a rare machine someday. In fact, it is amazing that this one is still working.

Post# 45333 , Reply# 4   9/18/2004 at 20:37 (7,383 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
How to tell.......

I was over at a friends house last night. I went in her laundry room and she has a 70 series kenmore washer. Is this a belt driven machine. How can a person tell ?

Post# 45353 , Reply# 5   9/19/2004 at 03:37 (7,382 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

I have to say this forum is very convenient without having to go to the sandbox.Robert thank you so much.
Austin,I know you have your opinions about the dd design,as do many of us,but consider this,....WP has been at the top of the reliabilility list for over a decade now.I think with the reintroduction of the three speed motor and the fact that WP are the last manufacturer to offer porcelain wash baskets,we should be thankful that one of the last original U.S. manufacturers of washers is still going stong and offering a reliable toploader.
After all they have 93 years in the business.

Post# 45354 , Reply# 6   9/19/2004 at 03:49 (7,382 days old) by agiflow-action ()        
DD washers

Having experienced a DD for 15 years without a major mechanical problem ever,I feel the DD deserves it's place as a future classic.Let's face it,future washer nuts will see DD as classic machines YAY!

Post# 45357 , Reply# 7   9/19/2004 at 04:48 (7,382 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

I don't think it should really be amazing.These DD have proven themselves to be real workhorses.With our old WP, the timer dial failed and the bottom of the cabinet rusted out.The mechanism was still rock solid.

Post# 45403 , Reply# 8   9/19/2004 at 20:46 (7,382 days old) by kreftgr ()        
DD Pushing 23 Years

The DD has been around since late 1981, so it's pushing 23 years. Glen.

Post# 45416 , Reply# 9   9/19/2004 at 22:04 (7,382 days old) by westytoploader ()        

23 years in existence? WOW...

Who pioneered DD first, Whirlpool or Kenmore? Also, when did the first DD Dual-Action agitator come out?

Post# 45417 , Reply# 10   9/19/2004 at 22:04 (7,382 days old) by westytoploader ()        

23 years in existence? WOW...

Who pioneered DD first, Whirlpool or Kenmore? Also, when did the first DD Dual-Action agitator come out?

Post# 45418 , Reply# 11   9/19/2004 at 22:05 (7,382 days old) by westytoploader ()        

23 years in existence? WOW...

Who pioneered DD first, Whirlpool or Kenmore? Also, when did the first DD Dual-Action agitator come out?

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