Thread Number: 111
Beautiful sight at Best Buy
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Post# 45332   9/18/2004 at 20:14 (7,251 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

I was at Best Buy today and I just had to take this pic. Yes, it's a phone picture but I captured the moment well.

Ya think LG is trying to flood the market or what?

Post# 45346 , Reply# 1   9/18/2004 at 23:59 (7,251 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Looks awesome Jason.

Post# 45351 , Reply# 2   9/19/2004 at 02:52 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

I hope whirlpool kicks their a$$ off the map. (even though they are nice LOOKING machines)Just my opinion.

Post# 45352 , Reply# 3   9/19/2004 at 03:10 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

Since seeing jason's picture it actually made me a little worried.LG isn't playing games. Guys it is only my personal preference,but i hope WP burys them deep.GO WHIRLPOOL!!!

Post# 45360 , Reply# 4   9/19/2004 at 07:54 (7,250 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
What's wrong with LG?

Todd has an LG set and they're wonderful.

What is it with LG that you don't like? Just curious.

Are they less reliable than Whirlpool?

In my opinion, I think they look better than the WPs.

Post# 45370 , Reply# 5   9/19/2004 at 12:03 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

No Jason,they do look like nice machines,I have no idea about how reliable they are.It really isn't nothing personal. Seeing how there are more and more front loaders being offered i feel the toploaders days are definitely numbered.That is something i would hate to see.

Post# 45373 , Reply# 6   9/19/2004 at 12:35 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        
What's wrong with LG?

Actualluy Jason i do like LG,and I agree,they are better looking than the WP fl's.
I just have a bad feeling that the toploader is going to become a thing of the past sooner than imagined.DOE restrictions concerning water and energy is a joke.They should get out of our laundry rooms.
I seriously doubt my tl washer is helping to deplete our sources of water.
As i said,i just hate to think the tl washer may one day soon be phased out.
I imagine the choices for a tl will become very narrowed in the future.Just one of those things we will be forced to get used to i suppose.


Post# 45374 , Reply# 7   9/19/2004 at 12:38 (7,250 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
I was hoping to see the LG set in black but with the rear control panel and if they were to do so, it would look too much like a Kenmore which I do like!

I just hope that Whirlpool/Sears would upgrade their He5t in black with rear control panel to give LG a run for their money!!!

Post# 45375 , Reply# 8   9/19/2004 at 12:38 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

Sorry about the repost.My first response to Jason didn't come up.

Post# 45377 , Reply# 9   9/19/2004 at 12:55 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

I like KM fl machines from a styling point of view beeter than the WP ones.Competition is good.It has brought about some interesting designs from our domestic manufacturers in the last several years.It is scary to think that one day fl washers may be all we have to choose from.

Post# 45388 , Reply# 10   9/19/2004 at 18:53 (7,250 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I doubt TL washer will go completely away. Who knows, may have a consumption tax on them some day. Personally, I prefer the Kenmore FL Hetties because of the additional flexiblity and options they have over the Duet HTs.

Post# 45389 , Reply# 11   9/19/2004 at 19:24 (7,250 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Agree with LG

mrb627's profile picture
I agree. The LG's are much nicer looking than the Duetties. Not nearly as plastic. Still, the Duetties appear to have more cycle flexibility than the LG's.


Post# 45398 , Reply# 12   9/19/2004 at 20:13 (7,250 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
There are still top load washers out there and probably always will be. The GE Harmony meets the standards, but as you saw in the videos, can be programmed for a full-fill. The Eco F&P meets the standards with a shower rinse and sensor fill (correct?) but it can still be preset for a deep rinse as well. We don't have shortages of water here, rarely do we even have restrictions on water use (just friendly, gentle suggestions now and then ;-) and water typically costs less than $20 per month for most families. I have the WP Duet washer and have been quite satisfied with the performance of washing and rinsing overall. Not that I would give up my top-loader...

Post# 45400 , Reply# 13   9/19/2004 at 20:22 (7,250 days old) by westytoploader ()        

"Not that I would give up my top-loader..."

Besides the machines in your collection, do you have a modern TL that gets heavier use?

Post# 45401 , Reply# 14   9/19/2004 at 20:33 (7,250 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I saw the black pair right at the entrance to the store in my area-clever placement by the store staff.You see and walk past the machines as you go in the store.I was shopping for DVD movies that day.I think TL will always be around.For people in my area-the FL isn't much of a saving.The energy and water costs are still pretty low here.Yet the stores are really pushing the FL machines.They look nice though.I saw in one of rthe other posts -get the politicians out of our laundry rooms-please let the CONSUMER decide what machine he wants.

Post# 45411 , Reply# 15   9/19/2004 at 21:45 (7,250 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

Just wondering how awful it will be in the future, when we have closets like the jetsons and NO water is used for cleaning our clothes.

Post# 45425 , Reply# 16   9/19/2004 at 23:31 (7,250 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

At that point--we just might have "paper" clothes that you wear-then throw them away after use??They could be made of a water resistent paper or non woven cloth material(Tyvek)In fact there is a plant under construction that is being built by Raleigh-NC that will make "Tyvek" clothes.Tyvek is a nonwoven polyelifin material that can be made smooth and Stiff(like regular paper-for signs,banners)or soft like cloth for clothes.

Post# 45429 , Reply# 17   9/20/2004 at 02:42 (7,249 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        
Paper clothes

Eww, paper clothes sound disgusting, I should imagine they wouldnt "breathe" very well and we would be quite uncomfortable. With Fashion the thing that it is and the industry it is, I very much ever doubt that is going to happen.

Imagine a society where we were all given standard issue paper suits.

Still some of us I am sure could carry it off with style.

Post# 45430 , Reply# 18   9/20/2004 at 02:45 (7,249 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        
Competition from LG

I dont think LGs comptetion is a bad thing, I think that comptetition and government regulations have led to some creative products like the Maytag Neptune TL.

US top loaders have been all the same for years, esp with the Dual Action agitator. You lift the lid and they all look the same inside.

Post# 45431 , Reply# 19   9/20/2004 at 02:46 (7,249 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        
Competition from LG

I dont think LGs comptetion is a bad thing, I think that comptetition and government regulations have led to some creative products like the Maytag Neptune TL.

US top loaders have been all the same for years, esp with the Dual Action agitator. You lift the lid and they all look the same inside.

Post# 45444 , Reply# 20   9/20/2004 at 10:22 (7,249 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Even though we see FL machines in stores, they're still a very small segment of the market---about 10%, I believe. While traditional agitator-based TL machines have just about reached their maximum water/energy efficiency (unless the shower rinse replaces the deep rinse), the new HE Maytag, GE, and KM/Whirlpool top-loaders will ensure that format doesn't go the way of the dinosaur.

Having said all that, I went FL in 1986 and have never looked back. No interest in a TL of any kind. I love the FL format, especially now that machines can be set on pedestals, which raise the opening to waist height for easier loading.

Post# 45477 , Reply# 21   9/20/2004 at 19:55 (7,249 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        
paper clothes and washer bases

I hope we don't have paper clothes either-SAVE the TREES!
On the FL washers-couldn't the machines be built with taller cabinets to elevate the drum opening higher up off the ground so you don't need to buy the almost $200 base for the dryer and washer?Would be a savings of $400.That may even make the machines more appealing to budget minded buyers.also for the TL formats-what about the sudsaver?I would consider it if that was still available. Used SS machines are as rare as hens teeth here.I would be willing to put in the Sudsaver tub for it.I would like to see one work as well.

Post# 45478 , Reply# 22   9/20/2004 at 20:00 (7,249 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
You can find MIB/NIB "bases" for Duet's and HE's on Fleabay quite often, and they go for way less than $200/each. In fact last time I checked there were about 4 or 5 up.


Post# 45483 , Reply# 23   9/20/2004 at 20:42 (7,249 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
LG Front Loaders

laundromat's profile picture
Not only do I like the design the best but the way it works and the mechanism is totaly unique!The higher end models have a recirculating jet spray from the top of the inner seal that sprays down onto the revolving load of clothes during the wash and rinse programs.The motor is direct drive and has no belts,no pullies,and no gears.Because it is a d.c.motor,it is extremly quiet and I am not sure of the decibles but they must be among the lowest in any washing machine.It has a protective sump that catches anything that is left in pockets ie,change,buttons,pins...,etc.None of the other horizontal axis washers have that.The arms are perferated and have rollers jets on them to help keep clothes from tangeling.The price is more reasonable and the warranty is more reasonable than most others.I have seen maybe 3 or 4 of these in returns as oposed to dozens of the Frigemores,Maytags,Whirlpools and Kenmore HE3/HE4Ts.

Post# 45493 , Reply# 24   9/20/2004 at 22:18 (7,249 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Hi Austin - At the present time, the newest top-loading washer I have in use is the late 60's Westinghouse which I do use quite a bit. I do have a late 80's Kitchen Aid electronic control washer that I've "tricked out" with a newer, slower stroke tranny and larger base agitator but I don't have it hooked up right now.

I picked up the stuff I need to stack the Duets to make room for the Maytag combo's triumphant entrance into the laundry room soon, with a little bit of luck. I'd thought about selling the Duets to make more room, but this stacking option is a much better idea - I would really miss them a lot, it's one of the best cleaning washers I've ever used.

Post# 45494 , Reply# 25   9/20/2004 at 22:21 (7,249 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
paper clothes??

gansky1's profile picture
Oh no - that sounds awful! I would think something along the lines of Gladware or Ziploc...or perhaps Hefty for those "full figures" - with the new Diamond Stretch technology!

Post# 45500 , Reply# 26   9/21/2004 at 03:05 (7,248 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
WP vs LG

I like WP, too, but the only way they are going to beat LG is to come out with FL models that are cheaper than Duets. The price HAS come down, but still not enough to really compete with the LG's. Seems like when you go to shop for FL machines, there's a big gap between cheapies like Frigemores and the Duet/Hettie type machines. The LG's seem to fit right between the two.

Post# 45513 , Reply# 27   9/21/2004 at 08:22 (7,248 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
WP vs LG

laundromat's profile picture
Because of their plasticity as oposed to metalic making of body parts,I see a lot of the "KitchMorePools" HE3/HE4 machines in the shop with trim parts falling off.The trim arond the control panels,the door trim.Also, the boot has a tendancy to catch small pieces like socks and undees.If too much or the wrong type of detergent is used,it makes a mess by billowing out the back and leaving a trail of suds on the floor.The Lgs have "fuzzy Logic"and can sense when there are too much suds and will drain the water then refill to acommadate the load.I have also seen the pumps fail from coins,pins and other pieces left in pockets.Not the LG's,They have a safety sump trap below that catches materials like that as well as lint.I really think not only for the price but the design and engineering of these machines,they are ,so far,the best front loaders out.I also believe that not to far into the future,we will see them(LG)re-introduce the combos in 220V as well as gas models.Just look at all the models they have to choose!They're even making a smaller capacity (3.2cu.ft)set to compete with the FriGEMores!

Post# 45517 , Reply# 28   9/21/2004 at 09:02 (7,248 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
It's very sad going to Best Buy and seeing these sparkling, sturdy LG's, and then going down the next isle and seeing the plastic, flimsy Neptunes and Duets. WP and Maytag have their work cut out for them if they want to compete...


Post# 45539 , Reply# 29   9/21/2004 at 19:16 (7,248 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        
LG FL at Best Buy doorway

Went to BB today to get my copy of the Star Wars movies -and that black LG pair was still by the front door. They look very elegant.People just walk by them-I did stop breifly to look.Yes-I agree they are certainly trying to get into the US market.They do look like better quality than the Neptunes.If I were to get into the FL market(The LG's are the nicest loooking!)they would get my consideration.Just need LOTS of space....Do the LG machines need 220V(for the washer) I was assuming the dryer would run off 220V.I was wondering if the LG washer needed a 220V 15A outlet.

Post# 45566 , Reply# 30   9/22/2004 at 02:06 (7,247 days old) by brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        
Cointraps and fuzzy logic

I'm surprised that more US FL dont have cointraps. I cant think of a FL in Australia that doesnt have a coin trap at the front should something slip through that shouldnt. I'm pretty sure all the European machines are the same.

The Whirlpool FL in AU and most european FL have some logic that can detect an oversuds situation and correct it. Again I'm surprised that this isnt a feature on US FL.

I've put regular soap in my Aunts 7yo Kleenmaid FL just to see what would happen. It filled with copious bubbles, and then ran tumbling slowly and draining and filling at the same time. Within 3 or 4 minutes the bubbles were down to a reasonable level.

Maybe its just that the US FL are much newer than the ones the rest of the world has and thus not evolved, but surely more than the LG must have some sort of Cointrap and Fuzzy Logic system.

Post# 45569 , Reply# 31   9/22/2004 at 05:31 (7,247 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
cointraps and fuzzy logig

laundromat's profile picture
Unfortunately,most Americans have no clue as to what "fuzzy logic" means nor do they even care.In my experiences selling most people (more like converting them)onto the front loaders,I notice almost everytime they have no clue what brand washer or dryer they currently own.All they know is they drive a Lexus,their motorhome is a Winnebago,Their watches are Rolex,and their fabric softner dispenser has this gross gummy stuff all,over it and their clothes somehow keep getting these black spots all over them.Gee,I wonder what causes that????Manufacturers here see this and take advantage of the ignorance of the average consumers and use that as a means of production cost reduction.A perfect example is to look at a 1970's electric or gas range about middle of the line and see the,automatic and manual outlets to plug other appliances into,a full width flurescent light,and an automatic oven that can shut itself off at the set time and compare it to a current middle of the line range that has no extra features like that not even a panel light or an automatic oven.Believe me,the foreign manufacturers are way ahead of us in appliances but it is our own fault not theirs.

Post# 45579 , Reply# 32   9/22/2004 at 10:33 (7,247 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Today's (9/22) Wall Street Journal has an article about LG (Lucky Goldstar) entering the upscale major appliance market.They are trying to shed the image of cheap import microwaves etc; though they still mfg them. Like every other company, they are trying to fatten the profit margin with premium prices on appliances. Gee, I wonder where they get the cheap labor?

Post# 45583 , Reply# 33   9/22/2004 at 12:47 (7,247 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
SUD Cycle

mrb627's profile picture
The Duet has a suds detection cycle. It happens at the start of the spin. If there is enough resistance to the tub spinning, it may trigger a sud release program that adds cool water and just lets the load rest for a few minutes. Then it pumps out and tries to spin again.


Post# 45598 , Reply# 34   9/22/2004 at 15:56 (7,247 days old) by brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        
Premium Prices on LG

I would find it horrifying to pay a premium price, for something that in the past has never lasted long term.

They seem to be a little bit like the Korean Cars, they either do or should come with long warranties, because after 5 years, (And expiration of the Warranty) if you're lucky it'll still start, but it could be blowing some smoke and have a little trouble pulling up.

The technology might be good, and it might look great, but usually the build quality just isnt quite up to it. But in the world of disposable appliances perhaps that doesnt matter any more.

Post# 45613 , Reply# 35   9/22/2004 at 19:25 (7,247 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        
Premium price

I didn't look at the price on the LG pair at the BB near me.It seems most of the FL machine are premium priced.And folks pay the price for the premium price throwaway machines.It seems with products such as those made in the Asian countries-you can get premium quality or low quality.Just depends how well the maker is supervised by the quality control dept.Sounds like the LG units are pretty-but the Bosch may be better.The Bosch are built just down the street from me.Too-would be nice if the merchants could demonstrate the machines for you.Next time I am at BB will compare the prices of the Bosch and the LG.

Post# 45979 , Reply# 36   9/29/2004 at 02:22 (7,240 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
LG price

When I went looking at new machines, it seemed that LG machines between the expensive Duets/HET's and Neptunes the cheaper Frigemores andothers of that ilk.

Post# 46010 , Reply# 37   9/29/2004 at 19:14 (7,240 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

This time checked the prices on the LG pair.Washer was $1200,dryer was $899. Bases were $169Ea.If you bought the set with bases-about $2400. Too much for me-for that I'll use what I have or even take my clothes to a cleaner.Not worth it for its pretty face.I wonder what the "service Life" of these machines are.

Post# 46094 , Reply# 38   12/31/2069 at 18:00 (19,931 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
LG cost

I think you looked at the TOL LG. The one I saw at best Buy was only $750

Post# 46096 , Reply# 39   12/31/2069 at 18:00 (19,931 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        
BB LG washer.

The price I saw was for the black colored one positioned by the front door.-Sounds like a TOL model.The lower priced ones are in the back of the store in my area.The machines were "loaded" with features. The washer would run off 120V and had a reheater built in it.It would be interesting to run the washer from 220V as well-the heat cycle could be shorter-they could use a higher wattage heating element. It could then run from a 220V 15A circuit.You would need the services of your electrician.

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