Thread Number: 114
DD washers and a bad rap
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Post# 45356   9/19/2004 at 04:28 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

Just sharing a thought about doing laundry.I normally wash on saturday mornings.Even though my KM 90 model is not a belt drive, i like to watch it go through it's paces. With the ultra rinse it reminds me of the old bd machines.
The slower speed on one of these washers rolls over fine(depends on what your washing)for me.If the agitation stroke was a little longer fine,but i believe WP had to make cost cutting moves without letting their reputation suffer. WP apparantlty was the most successful at redesigning a machine from the ground up. Good for them

Post# 45363 , Reply# 1   9/19/2004 at 09:24 (7,250 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Being in the appliance repair business, W/P DD have been my favorites for about 15 yrs. For the $$$ there is not a better washer out there. But, then again, I have ALWAYS felt that way about W/P washers & dryers. Even when everybody praised Maytag in their heyday, I always felt W/P was as good of a washer at any price. I agree that the agitation stroke could be a little longer and slower and beef up the cabinet a bit, but they are almost a pleasure to fix. No major disassembly to remove a tranny, or any other fixable part. Dual action agitator does a good job in the larger tub. I do think they could implement some kind of better lint system but it's the closest thing to an evolved top loader today.

Post# 45372 , Reply# 2   9/19/2004 at 12:08 (7,250 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

I had posted about maybe one day getting a front loader.Who knows,with the DOE imposing restrictions about water use,fl's may be the only option one day.I wish they would get out of our laundry rooms


Post# 45432 , Reply# 3   9/20/2004 at 04:25 (7,249 days old) by brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

Hi Coldspot,

I agree wholeheartedly with you, the DD Whirlpools are very well engineered and pretty much unbreakable.

I too agree that the lint filter could work better, but the current system hasnt caused any noticeable linting in 5 years.

My biggest complaint about the machines, is how the dogs in the top of the Auger continue to wear and fail, so on small loads, it sounds like a truck going over gravel when the ratchet doesnt ratchet properly :)

Mums is on its second set of dogs, and its just about due for its third in 5 years. Why something that moves so quickly and under such conditions isnt metal, I'm not sure.

We now have the new model Whirlpool TL on the AU site, and I've seen them around, our TOL looks only MOL when compared to the US website.

So I guess that means its now all Maytagesque, no longer any wash or spin with the lid up. I've only seen them briefly in person, but I think they've hidden the lid switch too now, but I could be wrong in that respect.



Post# 45456 , Reply# 4   9/20/2004 at 15:06 (7,249 days old) by jaxsunst ()        

I have had good luck with my Kenmore 80 Series DD. It is 12 years old and has not had a single repair other than a broken timer knob and a broken bleach dispenser cup, both replaced.

However, in the past few weeks it has started doing some odd things. It has popped the breaker switching from fill to agitate once, it has started giving the agitator a spin when it switches from agitate to drain, and sometimes, the motor will start and in a second it will clank and start agitating just like my old BD. It is also noisier than it used to be. I think it is getting ready to die, then I'll get a Harmony, but I am going to use it till then.

Any ideas on what could be going on with it. If it is something easy to fix, I'll get it done and keep it a while.

Post# 45461 , Reply# 5   9/20/2004 at 16:23 (7,249 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Sounds like the start of transmission problems. If it neutral drains and then goes into agitation, that could be the tranny. Does the agitator spin a full revolution when it starts to drain?
Let me know.

Post# 45475 , Reply# 6   9/20/2004 at 19:39 (7,249 days old) by jaxsunst ()        

It looks like it, hard to tell with the DA agitator. If it is a small load it goes enough to make the top part spin a couple of rounds. At the end of the neutral drain just before the motor stops, it clicks pretty loud and the tub turns about a quarter turn. Sometiimes, it clicks real loud, especially on "Heavy Duty" during agitation.

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