Thread Number: 118
Norge POD
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Post# 45435   9/20/2004 at 08:36 (7,249 days old) by jaxsunst ()        

That is an interesting machine. Is that a clock? Does it do a delay option like some of the modern machines? Also, does the dispenser flush out with water like the "Triple Dispenser" on Kenmores? I am just full of questions today :)

Post# 45441 , Reply# 1   9/20/2004 at 09:24 (7,249 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
What I'm curious about is if the little budget-priced washer at the bottom of the ad is the sunny yellow washer and matching dryer that Robert brought home from the Oklahoma trip...


Post# 45446 , Reply# 2   9/20/2004 at 11:56 (7,249 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
the clock

I've never seen a washer with a clock. Does anyone know if this was connected to the timer for like "delayed start" or was that, just a clock? Wow all those dispensers. I'll bet they simply tipped and dumped the magic potions into the tub.

Post# 45447 , Reply# 3   9/20/2004 at 11:58 (7,249 days old) by pulsator-power (connecticut)        

Gee- I can tell it's an automatic washer....
It's only mentioned 5 times on the control panel, but what is a ball point edged agitator?

Post# 45451 , Reply# 4   9/20/2004 at 13:11 (7,249 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Remember, if you washer doesn't say it's an automati

unimatic1140's profile picture
I'm pretty sure this model allowed for a delayed start. ABC-O-Matic's 1958 TOL model was the first as far as I know to offer a clock with a delayed start.

I have no idea if these dispensers flushed with water, but I certainly hope they did to help keep them clean. Sort of the beginnings of the design of the dispenser draws we have today.

Yes Peter, you are correct, that little BOL machine on the bottom is the same Norge model that I got in Tulsa a few months ago.

Post# 45491 , Reply# 5   9/20/2004 at 21:48 (7,248 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
1950's ad featuring The Norge Dispensomat.

I wasnt sure how many people were aware that there was a link to a tv commercial from the home page under "video downloads" then under "vintage automatic tv washer commercials" then "Norge 1959" I put a link here, not sure if i did this correctly. I dont know if it is the same washer, but has the dispensomat. Fun commercial. Right Click and "save target as" I do believe this will work.


Post# 45492 , Reply# 6   9/20/2004 at 21:51 (7,248 days old) by JerseyMike ()        
The February 1959 Issue of Consumer's Reports ...

which is included in our library ( thanks again Robert! :-) ), had very good things to say about this machine and it's "Dispensomat". (Their report even includes a pretty cool pic of the Dispensomat.) According to text of CR's article, the Dispensomat had four compartments and "Wash and rinse fill water flows into the machine through these compartments at the appropriate time ..." Although they noted that it tended to clog with powdered soap and that the manufacturer warned against mixing additives in the same compartment, they raved that Dispensomat's surpassed all other dispensers in terms of "convenience and completeness". According to the machine's rating, the clock could be used to start the machine automatically at a preselected time.

It's just another amazing example of the technology that existed back then!

The link below takes you to our "Consumer Article" library home page. Click on the link for the Feb. 1959 Consumer's Reports to read more about this really cool machine.


Post# 45560 , Reply# 7   9/22/2004 at 00:03 (7,247 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Even our TOL 1964 Norge had DispensoMat on the control panel, even tho it was just bleach and softner.

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