Thread Number: 122
THE DVD IS HERE!!! YAY!!! Plus Washing in the Sun Part II
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Post# 45468   9/20/2004 at 17:55 (7,249 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Well the wonderful DVD I had long anticipated arrived today! As soon as I got home I popped it in the DVD player, looked through the friendly menu, and pushed "play". First of all, love the lighted dial and "clunking" switches. And yes, the angled fill is quite loud compared to the Philco! The agitation is wonderful and the spin is fast (would hate to catch my hand on the clothes guard...)!! I remember our 1986 White-Westinghouse agitating at the same speed as this, but with a smoother, much less spastic and jerky stroke. The tub didn't index as violently as the Wizard's, but was still interesting to watch. I would love to find a Wizard machine after watching this!!

The Franklin tranny has sure come a long way considering the modern, boring Frigidaires (YUK)! I wonder what the speed is on the GE Spacemaker Portable machines with this angel-wing agitator? I guess I'll find out soon enough...thank you very much Robert!!!!

I also did a couple of loads in the Maytag Dependable Care last night with the Power-Fin agitator, although I forgot to get shots of the machine agitating with no clothes or detergent, as well as throwing the water. Boy does the Power-Fin enhance the performance of this machine! With the fast stroke on the low water level, it's splashy enough to send an occasional drop of water in the direction of your face! On the highest level the currents resemble waves and really have no constant pattern. The agitator-mounted lint filter works really well (the last picture I took was of the agitator column with filter pulled out), and it makes a good detergent dispenser. The clothes turnover is wonderful, much faster than the DD Surgilator, even with a large load consisting mainly of jeans (which can pretty much stall any washer without a Dual-Action agitator, IMHO), seen in the pictures. With a medium-sized load of whites, "furious" is the only word that describes the roll-action. I also noticed the Power-Fin has a really good undertow with the faster stroke, which explains the fast rollover. Two more loads and I will put the Maytag in the "full-time laundry." It seems to be much more entertaining, with a barely noticeable but present "Woo-woo-woo-woo" sound during agitation, a spin-drain with a full tub, and the familiar "glugglugglug-glug" found on old machines instead of the Kenmore's "whoosh" when the water is drained out. The only problem I've noticed is that it's VERY heavy (spinning-tranny this the "bulletproof" version everybody's talking about?) and will shake the floor when spinning! I'll go ahead and let the pictures take over now...LOL

Wow it has been a very exciting week so far! Also, my dad discovered another used-appliance store on Spring/Cypress near Jones Rd. in Houston, so I'll definitely have to check it out this weekend! Maybe I might even bring something home!


CLICK HERE TO GO TO westytoploader's LINK

Post# 45515 , Reply# 1   9/21/2004 at 08:34 (7,248 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
You better believe it

My mom has an older dependable care machine that has that turqouise agitator. It agitates with a quick "wu-wu-wu-wu-wu-". I'd almost consider this machine classic because they don't make them like that anymore. It can turn clothes over nicely. Maytags are fun once you get past the lid switch.

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