Thread Number: 123
The HOTPOINT Positive Brake Transmission
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Post# 45490   9/20/2004 at 21:33 (7,424 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

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Todd and Jason, here are a few diagrams I created using scans from a Hotpoint service manual. I believe what could be wrong with Todd's Hotpoint is the Brake Pads (colored in BLUE) might have fallen off the Brake Plate. I’ve seen this happen twice before with clutch plates, brake plates are very similar so I can easily see how this could happen.

The parts come apart in the order you see in the first picture, but in order to do this you are going to have to gently turn the machine on its side and remove the cross brace. All servicing of the brake parts must be done from underneath the machine, not from the rear panel.

I know this might look a bit complicated, but if you have this in front of you while you are looking at the machine it might make more sense. Let me know how I can help. I wouldn't use that machine anymore until this problem is corrected.

If the brake pads have fallen off you can JB Weld them back in their proper place.

Post# 45514 , Reply# 1   9/21/2004 at 08:29 (7,423 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

So the cross brace, clutch/pulley and the brake housing comes off, and the pads are the rectangular pieces?

Sounds like a plan to me. I'll JB Weld those suckers and make that Hotpoint run like it's 1970 again.

Thanks, Robert for your help.

Post# 45550 , Reply# 2   9/21/2004 at 20:26 (7,423 days old) by tcox6912 ()        

Robert, I must say that you and Greg Nunn amaze me! You both are a wealth of knowledge! Jason and I will strap on our tool belts and go at it! Thanks for the diagrams. Todd

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