Thread Number: 126
'76 GE Filter-flo found MINT !!!
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Post# 45536   9/21/2004 at 16:40 (7,447 days old) by gregm ()        

I will try to go and take better pics, I don't know why these came out so poor, sorry everyone. I just bought this dig cam and must have had something set wrong. Anyways, I am almost positive this is a '76. It is MINT !! and works great. Pics 33-37.


Post# 45541 , Reply# 1   9/21/2004 at 19:19 (7,447 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
Very nice -

gansky1's profile picture
Nice washer, Greg. Do you like the straight vane Activator?

Post# 45542 , Reply# 2   9/21/2004 at 19:36 (7,447 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Here's the link to the other pictures of GregM's machine.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO westytoploader's LINK

Post# 45544 , Reply# 3   9/21/2004 at 19:48 (7,447 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
I'll have to look,but I think I gave a similar set in a storage building I've got.


Post# 45548 , Reply# 4   9/21/2004 at 20:16 (7,447 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        
YaY Greg! Gotta love that Water Hog!

Looks like it it in very good shape!
And you got the complete mini basket with it!
I bet you will have fun with this one!
Just make sure everyone has taken a shower before you do a hot water wash.
Where did you find this one? Looks well taken cared of.

Post# 45553 , Reply# 5   9/21/2004 at 22:35 (7,447 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Greg, oh that's a nice find and they are getting rarer and rarer! By the way, is it really a '76, I think that machine could be earlier, like early 70's???

Post# 45558 , Reply# 6   9/21/2004 at 23:14 (7,447 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
That was the prevous version of my 1978 model. I really like the blue rather than the whie activator and stuff I had. And even the fabric softener dispenser.

Post# 45564 , Reply# 7   9/22/2004 at 00:33 (7,447 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
BOLD measuring cup

BOLD didn't come out until about 1965, not late 50's

Post# 45571 , Reply# 8   9/22/2004 at 06:13 (7,446 days old) by gregm ()        
straight vane vs ramp - dates ??

the straight vane actually does turn them over, I was surprised and it does a great job. Of course I have used the "ramp" style which has even better turnover. I was wondering when they started with the "ramp" ?? then to the "straight-vane", then back to the "ramp" ?

Post# 45826 , Reply# 9   9/26/2004 at 19:02 (7,442 days old) by petebldg9 ()        
GE Agitation Speeds

I liked the recent post of the 1976 GE. I'm curious about the agitation speed of the GE machines with this straight 4-vane agitator. The straight 3-vane machine that my neighbors had in the '70s (probably made in the mid-60s) had an agitator stroke similar to the early BD Kenmores. My 1993 GE filter flow with the 3-vane ramp Activator had a familiar belt-drive stroke, but was slightly quicker, with a tighter arc, than the old belt drives - though nowhere near the agitation mechanism of the new direct drives. Does anyone have any info on the 1976 model, or a live tape clip?


Post# 45833 , Reply# 10   9/26/2004 at 20:07 (7,442 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Hi! I remember the first time I saw one with the turquoise straight vane agitator was back in about 1966. A neighbor got a TOL model with one. -Steve

Post# 45899 , Reply# 11   9/27/2004 at 16:16 (7,441 days old) by spiralactivator ()        

Lovely! My mom has '70s GE in the basement as a "spare." My cousin's wife has a circa '64 V16 with a black straight-vane Activator and super fast agitation. Nothing gets the cat hair off your clothes like a FilterFlo!

Post# 45900 , Reply# 12   9/27/2004 at 16:34 (7,441 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
The agitation stoke in these GE's is about 130-140 degrees at about 100 SPM. Shorter and faster than most machines of the era.

When GE first went to a perforated wash basket, the ramp agitator was introduced. Later they switched to the straight vane "low-boy" agitator, then the straight vane "hi-boy" agitator as shown here. I believe this was done because the short vane didn't turn over well. Note that the vanes also don't reach the end of the skirt, probably to reduce roughness. After a while, they went back to the ramp.

The standard capacity straight vane had 3 vanes up the barrel and 6 short vanes on the skirt. The large capacity short vane had 4 on the barrel and 8 on the skirt. I don't think they had a high vane version for the standard capacity models.


Post# 45927 , Reply# 13   9/27/2004 at 21:40 (7,441 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
Hi Peter:
So do you think my 1956 has 100 SPM? I was trying to figure it out last nite since I don't have any Doctrine on her to consult for the speeds. I was going to ask Jeff if I could borrow his strobe gun to check that and the really rapid Dry cycle spin speed.


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