Thread Number: 141
5 dollar finds
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Post# 45704   9/24/2004 at 15:26 (7,377 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
i thought this was a good deal for 5 bucks. and it runs great.

i know these baby dryers arent all that much but i couldnt pass it up at that price.

Post# 45712 , Reply# 1   9/24/2004 at 20:51 (7,377 days old) by drmitch ()        

Man I would like to follow you around! Great buy! Are these dryers 110v it looks like they would have to be to be portable?

Post# 45713 , Reply# 2   9/24/2004 at 21:06 (7,377 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
they are 110.

Post# 45944 , Reply# 3   9/28/2004 at 08:31 (7,373 days old) by Ultramatic1 ()        
reply to christfr from ultramatic

The Westinghouse dishwasher you have showed me is unfortunately not like my model. My Westinghouse loads from the top and has the controls in the back of the unit. I Thank You very much for your reply.

Post# 45969 , Reply# 4   9/28/2004 at 19:33 (7,373 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
christfr $5 bucks

Hi Chris I no longer have mine but had that same litte maytag dryer in an apt. and i miss it they do not get real hot and do a great job on polo type shirts, no blasts of heat. and tumble a small load of 5 work shirts very nicely. especially things you might put on the hanger still damp. You have a very nice dryer.

Post# 45980 , Reply# 5   9/29/2004 at 02:45 (7,373 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
portable dryer

Believe me, we may laugh at those little 110 volt portable dryers, but when you're stuck in a dorm or apartment and don't want to deal with the annoyance of busy, expensive laundry rooms, they and their companion baby washers are a Godsend. I would definatly have a set if I were stuck in those circumstances, despite their shortcomings.

Post# 45992 , Reply# 6   9/29/2004 at 10:32 (7,372 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        
LK Portable

veg-o-matic's profile picture
When I had my apartment, I had a LK portable dryer that got daily use for 27 years. Had to replace the drive belt at 25, but that was it.
My dryer had a significantly larger capacity than the Hoover--we looked at both when my family was shopping. I'd say it was maybe 2/3 the size of a full size dryer? It worked out okay for us; I generally hung wash on the lines in my basement for a day before putting the mostly dry clothes in the dryer for a quick fluff 'n tumble.
Best part of the dryer was the Permanent Press cycle. The buzzer would sound when the cycle was done, but it kept tumbling without heat (buzzing occasionally) until you actually turned it off. Sure wish my new Frigidaire had that!

Post# 46000 , Reply# 7   9/29/2004 at 13:45 (7,372 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
im so spoiled

christfr's profile picture
i found that little dryer and last year i found a hoover washer at the good will store for 20$. its so cute and it really does wash well although it just a tad bit loud when it spins out. i cant imagine having to do all my laundry in those things. in so spoiled having the big sets. it makes the little ones seem like toys. and i always have room for fun toys.

Post# 46004 , Reply# 8   9/29/2004 at 16:56 (7,372 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
look at the cute one I just adopted

I am the proud parent of a new mini kenmore. And I have finally got my camera connected so I can share with everyone.

Post# 46005 , Reply# 9   9/29/2004 at 16:59 (7,372 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
and the inside

mini agitator seems to work good. But the machine goes right into spin. So I will have to replace ? It's worth it.

Post# 46006 , Reply# 10   9/29/2004 at 17:10 (7,372 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
I had one of these Maytag dryers when I lived in Phoenix, I had only a small space for a washer/dryer stack unit. For a while I had a small Hoover twin tub with the 'Tag dryer, then moved up to a full-size Whirlpool washer. We built a stand for the dryer to sit over the washer - the whole arrangement worked very well. Here's a pic of the laundry closet - the dryer stand went in shortly after this was taken. When I moved from Phoenix to Omaha, I put the little dryer outside, next to the dumpster. Within a few short minutes, someone had snatched it up and carried it away. Another appliance regret, I wish I hadn't sold the little Hoover Deluxe washer, I've never seen one in as nice of condition since...


Post# 46034 , Reply# 11   9/30/2004 at 04:30 (7,371 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Portable KM

Funny how this is a case of where something actually got LESS cheap over the years. My portable LK from '72 has a cheap plastic lid whereas this one has a regular metal lid. One would think that the newer machine would have the cheapie plastic lid

Post# 46035 , Reply# 12   9/30/2004 at 04:39 (7,371 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
LK portable dryer

That was a feature borrowed from the full-size machines called "Wrinkle Guard". On those, tumbling would stop and buzzer would sound. If door wasn't opened, dryer would start up again every 5 minutes, tumble for a while, then stop and buzz again. This would go on for hours, length of time depending on whether the machine had Wrinkle Guard I, II, or III. I use it when drying dress shirts and pants I wear to interviews.

"Best part of the dryer was the Permanent Press cycle. The buzzer would sound when the cycle was done, but it kept tumbling without heat (buzzing occasionally) until you actually turned it off. Sure wish my new Frigidaire had that!"

Post# 46045 , Reply# 13   9/30/2004 at 08:13 (7,371 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
cute baby Kenmore

Welcome to the Baby Kenmore Club. Mine is a 1977 model with the metal lid. Is yours a belt drive or direct drive? If it's belt drive then you have a problem with the spin solenoid stuck. If it's a dd then it's the trans :-( .

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